
Sunday, May 12, 2019

De Plan Moves into Place ~ Calendar of Expected Events: RV/GCR

Many Events are Connecting the Dots as the 'fake news' is being Faked Out & De Plan Moves into Place,
Open to the Un-K-now-able HearTouch of Ishvara's Golden Graced Love of Our Ascension

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Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 13, 2019

Restored Republic via a GCR: Update as of May 13 2019

Compiled 13 May 12:01 am by Judy Byington, MSW, LCSW, ret. CEO, Child Abuse Recovery, Author, “Twenty Two Faces: the biography of Jenny Hill.” Under direction of a CIA Operative and as a six year-old, Jenny was tortured by a Satanic coven, forced to witness a child sacrifice and save for divine intervention, was almost killed herself: Articles on a CIA/Vatican Ninth Circle Child Sacrifice Cult:

Below is a summary of information from the Internet. It would be up to the individual reader to do their own research and decide whether or not it is valid. A Special Thank You to Martha for her untiring research, to Dale who keeps me in line and Ken who uncovers almost unlimited intel on pedophilia to help us Save the Children.

Patience is a Virtue. Having Virtue is a sign of a good moral being. Good moral beings have the power to overcome evil and change the world. In all your giving, please don’t forget exploited children.

Judy Note:

Last week the GCR was said to have began and could not be stopped.

Release of the 800 number could come at any time and most likely within a few days.

Also within the next couple of days economic and geopolitical chaos was expected to erupt as the RV/GCR came to fruition.

President Trump also faced major problems with Iran, Venezuela and North Korea while he was confronting China with a possible trade war.

There was expected to be an unavoidable Stock Market crash during an Inspector General Report release on former FBI Director James Comey that implicated many well known political elites and agencies such as the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security.

There would soon be arrests and prosecution on over 70,000 sealed indictments filed in federal courts across the nation.

In early June the IG Horowitz Report would be made public, implicating among other political elites, Obama and Clinton in treasonous acts.

Any or all of the above could bring in the need for Martial Law.

A. Calendar of Expected Events:

Last week the GCR was said to have began and could not be stopped. Release of the 800 number could come at any time and most likely within a few days.

This week an economic crisis could likely occur with an expected Stock Market crash and elimination of Central Banking. Japan, Deutsche, Greece, European, Italy, Turkey and Lebanon Central Banks were already failing. World currencies were resetting to a gold-standard, the Zimbabwe Dollar would become the world reserve currency and world governments including the US, were reforming under GESARA compliance.

Soon a geopolitical crisis via local military and law enforcement would begin with removal of Cabal Deep State elements in 209 nations of the Global Currency Reset.

To push it along the Inspector General Report on former FBI Director James Comey was expected to be released, implicating many political elites and agencies such as the FBI, CIA and Homeland Security.

Early June: the IG Horowitz Report would be made public, implicating among other political elites, Obama and Clinton in treasonous acts.

Aug 1: New Income Tax Code announcement – no personal income tax and in it’s place, a value-added tax (VAT), or 23% tax on new items only (no tax on used items, food or medicine), with special exceptions for the poor. The flat tax code would be effective on Jan. 1 2020.

Oct. 1: General Milley would assume the position of chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff and Martial Law would be declared if the Deep State and their Democratic Party did not conform to Constitutional Law by Oct. 1.

B. May 12 2019 Robert David Steele SHOCKING on what TRUMP Is About To Do: Dinar Recaps,

1. Minute 2:00: The Federal Reserve is not Federal and it is not a reserve, it’s a criminal organization and is bankrupt. We have an economic crises and President Trump is doing all he can to bring back a gold-backed dollar and the 43 trillion stolen from the US taxpayers by the Central Banks.

2. Minute 8:00: The president planning any bottom-up stimulus that directly helps the American people. The 2008 bailout was contrived by the banks. The great depression was contrived as well by central bankers and President Franklin D. Roosevelt. It had 3 objectives. And it succeeded:
To destroy the middle class which was rising in power
To buy up America at depression level prices
To capture the US government (Deep State)

3. What I think will happen is President Trump will release $1 to $3 trillion dollars in a bottom up fashion.

4. I have been speaking to people who have been in training with the US Treasury. This actually started before Trump became president by good people who were working on it without Obama knowing about it.

5. What’s going to happen is a trillion or more dollars will come into our economy from the bottom up. This will be the greatest transfer of wealth in modern history.

6. There will be 2 rules: Hire people with good jobs and good benefits and don’t rent anything. Buy new. I think it will change the balance of power in the US.

7. It will destroy the 2 party tyranny. I think we will see a new America the Beautiful when we get past all this ugliness we see now.

C. May 11 2019 Trump Shockingly Targets Obama with Americas Most Feared and Secretive Prosecutors, Sorcha Faal:

1. A mostly redacted highly classified "Of Special Importance" new Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MoFA) report circulating in the Kremlin today states that President Donald Trump has shockingly become the first American leader in history to target his predecessor for criminal prosecution.

2. Less than 24-hours ago those facts were revealed when the US Department of Justice (DOJ) filed an astonishing criminal indictment against a close personal friend of President Barack Obama named Prakazrel Samuel Michel—who's more popularly known as Pras Michel, and is one of the founding members of the influential hip hop group Fugees.

3. Charged crimes include his having illegally funneled into the 2012 Obama Presidential Campaign over $21 million from foreign sources—but whose most fearful to be noticed event in this criminal indictment is its stating that one of the lead trial attorneys against Pras Michel is Sean F. Mulryne—a general attorney for the little know Offices, Boards and Divisions (OBD) virtually no American even knows about—but cannot be said by foreigners who know this US government agency by its truest name Interpol Washington (DOJ - OBD)—otherwise known as the US National Central Bureau whose warning motto is "Domestic Focus...International Reach".

4. As America continues tearing itself apart over the Trump-Russia"collusion delusion", the main focus of Russian intelligence and legal experts has been on the activities of the highly secretive US National Central Bureau—most particularly to be noted about being their general attorney Sean F. Mulryne having met with US Attorney Nicole Lockhart of the Criminal Division's Public Integrity Section of the US Justice Department in early November-2018—that was followed shortly afterwards, on 19 November 2018, with US Attorney Lockhart, along with four other top US Attorneys, descending with full force upon a man name George Higginbotham.

5. Important to know about George Higginbotham, this report details, was his being a top official at the Obama Regime US Justice Department as a Senior Congressional Affairs Specialist from July-2016 to August-2018—but barely a fortnight after his capture, arrest and charging by US Attorney Lockhart, saw him quickly pleading guilty, on 30 November 2018, to felony charges that he was involved in a massive criminal conspiracy to illegally funnel millions-of-dollars into the 2012 Obama Presidential Campaign—the main details of which remain shrouded in secrecy as his case is now in the hands of US Department of Justice Inspector General Michael Horowitz—who is now reported to have concluded that three of the FISA Court spying warrants against the 2016 Trump Campaign were illegally obtained by the FBI.

6. Immediately after top Obama Regime US Department of Justice official George Higginbotham pled guilty for his part in this massive criminal conspiracy, this report continues, US National Central Bureau attorney Sean F. Mulryne and US Attorney Nicole Lockhart joined forces to file an astonishing civil lawsuit against both Higginbotham and Pras Michel demanding from both of them a staggering $73 million

7. Lockhart slammed Higginbotham and Pras with a staggering $73 million civil claim as well as felony criminal charges—but against Barzun will, without doubt, see the claim made against him soaring into the billions-of-dollars—that is, unless, he begins cooperating with Inspector General Horowitz like Higginbotham is doing—most particularly about his insider knowledge of the British aided coup plot launched against President Trump.

D. May 12 2019 9:45 pm EST GCR Began Last Week, TJ: "Re: The GCR Began Last Week" by TJ - 5.12.19

E. May 12 2019 9:52 am EST Sealed Indictments Being Unsealed, Reader: (Reader Post) Sealed Indictments Now Being Unsealed

1. Here is evidence of sealed Indictments now being unsealed. In the second link below you will see the following referenced phrase, in the fourth paragraph."The Justice Department announced Pras Michel was hit with a four-count indictment including conspiracy to defraud the US and making foreign campaign contributions was unsealed Friday in the District of Columbia."

2. This means that the rumors that the unsealing of over 90,000 sealed Indictments has begun, were likely true.

Clearly, the ones that target sources close to Obama and other high profile criminals, are being unsealed first, as part of a campaign of public discovery prior to the high profile indictments being unsealed. Thus, conditioning the public for acceptance of the truth, in due course.

F. May 11 2019 The Perfect Storm To Audit To FED, TRUMP's warning, the secret is revealed:

G. Forex Market: Who Trades Currency and Why

H. Understanding How The Foreign Exchange Market Works

I. International Child Trafficking:

May 12 2019 Human Trafficking Victims Mostly US Children, Fox News:

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