
Sunday, May 12, 2019

Arrests Coming, they are Toast! Here’s Why

SpaceShot76 -- Arrests Coming, they are Toast! Here’s Why

Image courtesy of SpaceShot76.

Arrests Coming- They are TOAST!!! Here’s why

By SpaceShot76
Published on May 11, 2019

Wow after all the informational coming out in the last week, it really does prove that the deep state had colluded to set up President Trump from the very beginning, there is no way to weasel their way out of this, as we now have proof that they knew Christopher Steels dossier was BS BEFORE they applied for their first FISA warrant to spy on American citizens, a great Find By M3thods on Twitter, DECLAS soon? Looks as if it will be, Obama getting Millions funneled into his 2012 campaign by a Rap “artist” more info daily and they are TOAST!!!

[OpDis Editor Note: SpaceShot76 is another good reviewer of Q drops and Q-related news. In this video, we hear about all the information that's been coming out for the past week. It proves that the Deep State was the one who colluded and not Trump. There's no way out of this. Declassification of FISA court abuse and misconduct is imminent.]

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