
Sunday, March 2, 2025

There are silent operations that take place in hidden areas with no visibility. But they are essential for the demolition of the Deep State.


There are silent operations that take place in hidden areas with no visibility. But they are essential for the demolition of the Deep State. People, technological weapons, gold and precious metals, technology, stories of our past, and much more are involved. This is about changing everything. We’ve lived through nothing and now we’re reclaiming our history, our lives and healthy and beneficial habits that we abandoned as a result of deception and fraud. 600,000 tons of stolen gold, now under Trump control, ready for redistribution. Ancient manuscripts revealing fabricated history designed to enslave humanity. Genetic manipulation test: Human DNA altered for control. Cloning laboratories and cybernetic experiments, that create transhumanist slaves, dismantled. Dossiers on blackmailed global leaders, revealing the Vatican’s dark web. Key members of the clergy are fleeing, but escape routes are sealed. Justice awaits. SWISS BANKING CARTEL COLLAPSE: Switzerland, once a financial fortress of the cabala, has disappeared: the QFS has taken control. Deep state transactions: over. Trillions of hidden assets recovered. Élite: cut off from stolen wealth. The Rothschild banking empire : collapsed. THE ELITE'S LAST ROCKFORT: ANTARCTICA TAKEN: Hidden under ice: alien tech, weather weapons, underground transport networks, now in Trump's hands. Cloning and hybridization labs destroyed. Teletransport and energy devices from zero point , soon to be declassified. EBS ALERT - BLACKOUT is near: Confirmed: 48-hour blackout followed by 10 days of truth. Wait for it: court military broadcast worldwide. Executions, confessions, explosive evidence: revealed. Financial manipulation, planned crises: exposed. REDEMPTION CENTERS UNDER ATTACK – BUT RESISTING: Deep State sabotage is failing. Drone attacks, cyber warfare, chemical attacks: neutralized. The transfer of wealth continues. DEEP STATE COLLAPSE - MASS EXECUTIONS UNDER 6,000 high-profile arrests in 30 days. The execution has begun. Public trials will follow EBS activation. PREPARE FOR THE FINAL PHASE – FREEDOM IS HERE Storm Knight

Massimiliano Grasso

Massimiliano Q Grasso

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