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Connect · Everything is Energy, Everything is One, Everything is Possible Everything is Energy


Connect · Everything is Energy, Everything is One, Everything is Possible

Everything is Energy, Everything is One, Everything is Possible

April 21, 2016 by Hans Andeweg


Everything is energy, and everything is connected to everything else. The water in the ocean and the clouds in the sky. The trees and the animals. You, me, and the world around us. Everything comes from the same source and returns to it. Everything is one. Thoughts and feelings are energy as well, so everything we think and feel has an influence on everything and everyone on this planet. In this way, we create our own reality, because mind rules over matter.

Everything Is Energy

Is everything energy? Is everything united? If I look around right now, I see a laptop and the table on which I’m writing this book, a window, and behind that window a garden with fllkowers, shrubs, and trees. These are all individual forms and things. Yes, everything is one, because everything consists of the same matter, but in this “solid” truth I see an incoherent number of phenomena rather than a unified whole. At school I learned that matter is made up of molecules. Molecules consist of atoms. Atoms consist of a nucleus with electrons circling around it. All are parts, fractions, and particles, but at first sight there is no whole, no unity. Nevertheless, appearances are deceiving. Solid reality turns out to be less solid than it appears. Science has proved that matter is 99.999999999999 percent empty space. That’s twelve nines after the decimal point! If you enlarge the nucleus of an atom to the size of a pinhead, the first electron would be at a distance of 160 feet. In between, there is only empty space. That means that the book you are reading now, the chair you sit on, the house you live in, the earth you live on, that so-called solid reality consists for the most part of empty space. If there is so much empty space, what is left in terms of solid matter? A quick calculation shows us that the solid part of an atom is only 0.000000000001 percent of the whole atom’s mass. It is inconceivable that solid objects should consist of so little solid matter. And in fact even this “solid” matter is not solid.

The End of Solid Parts

For a long time after the discovery of molecules and atoms in the seventeenth century, scientists assumed that molecules and atoms consisted of solid particles. But according to quantum physics, developed in the early twentieth century, there are no “particles” per se: Energy is the basis of material reality. Every type of particle is conceived of as a quantum vibration in a field: Electrons are vibrations in electron fields, protons vibrate in a proton field, and so on. Everything is energy, and everything is connected to everything else through fi elds. At its most elementary level, matter does not show up as isolated little particles; all matter is essentially one and indivisible, a connected, dynamic tissue of vibrating fi elds of energy. For more on this subject, see Lynne McTaggart’s The Field and Marja de Vries’s The Whole Elephant Revealed. Not only do the atom and solid matter consist mainly of empty space, it is the same in outer space. There are as many stars in the Universe as there are grains of sand on the beaches of the earth combined. These are almost infinitely large numbers, but in between them 99.999999999999 percent of the space is empty. A bit of a waste, all that unused space. Did God lack imagination when he created the Universe, or is there something else going on? The quantum theory researchers discovered the answer: Not only do particles consist of energy, but so does the space between. This is the so-called zero-point energy. Therefore it is true: Everything consists of energy.

Zero-Point Energy

The latest scientific discoveries point more and more to a fundamental primary energy that works throughout the entire Universe and connects everything to everything else. This sea of energy that penetrates everything was fi rst measured by Dr. Harold Puthoff . The experiment was conducted at 0 degrees Kelvin, which is called absolute zero and is the same as −273 degrees Celsius. If you heat something by adding energy, the molecules move faster and faster. For instance, when heated, water starts bubbling and evaporates. The reverse happens when you cool water down: The molecules move more and more slowly, and the water freezes and solidifies. According to the old scientific model, no molecule, atom, or more elementary particle moves at absolute zero, thus at that temperature it should not be possible to measure any energy whatsoever. Instead of no energy, as expected, Puthoff found what he called “a boiling ‘witch’s cauldron’” of energy.

The German physicist Max Planck was the first to prove, in 1911, that the empty space between the planets and the atoms is indeed overflowing with energy, which he called zero-point energy. Physicist John Wheeler of Texas University later calculated that the zero-point energy of one cubic centimeter of empty space equals 10¹⁰⁸ joules. That is more than the energy in all the matter of the Universe. Other researcher’s calculations suggest a lower figure. According to the famous American physicist Richard Feynman, the energy density of the vacuum is “only” 10⁹⁵ joules per cubic centimeter. This still means that a glass full of empty space contains enough energy to set the Atlantic Ocean boiling. In her book The Field, Lynne McTaggart gives a survey of scientific discoveries that prove that an energy field that contains everything, connecting everything to everything else, does indeed exist. Consciousness and matter, man and the reality around him—according to her they are all based on the same primary energy. Everything is energy, and according to her, the zero-point energy field is the alpha and the omega, the beginning and the end of our existence.

The Energy with a Thousand Names

If the so-called solid particles of an atom take up 0.000000000001 percent of its volume, and the remaining space is fi lled with zero-point energy, we could say that matter is totally penetrated with energy. And we immediately see that this is old news. Science has recently “discovered” what ancient cultures have known all along—that energy penetrates matter. Everything comes from this energy and returns to it. It is the source of all life. Each culture has given its own name to it. Therefore it is called “The energy with a thousand names.” What are we talking about? Life energy! Life energy has been known all over the world since antiquity, and almost every culture has a name for this energy. Chinese call it ch’i, which is similar to the Greek pneuma, the Latin spiritus vitalis, the prana of yoga, the mana of the Kahunas in Hawaii, the Light of the Christians, the ka of the ancient Egyptians, and the ki in reiki. In our culture you will encounter life energy as the fluidum of mesmerists, the aether of anthroposophy, the od of Reichenbach, and the orgon of Wilhelm Reich. In all cases, they speak of a subtle energy that is universal, which includes all and penetrates everything. This energy is the carrier of the processes of life and connects everything to everything else. Matter is formed by it. Life energy is usually mentioned together with life force. It has healing, magnetic properties.

Zero-Point Energy and Life Energy

Are zero-point energy and life energy really the same? In his book Tachyonen, Orgonenergie, Skalarwellen (Tachyon, orgone energy, scalar ways), Marco Bischof gives a well-documented historical overview of the development of the various conceptions of life energy, starting with the Chinese ch’i of 3000 bc and ending with today’s quantum mechanics and zero-point energy. Bischof describes how every culture, depending on its time and place on earth, had a diff erent view on life energy. Because of this, certain aspects of the universal life energy were emphasized more or less so, and he therefore warns us not to group ch’i, ki, ka, prana, mana, and so on together because they are all based on diff erent concepts. According to Bischof there is, however, a common source from which all life energy comes. Bischof finds that life energy is indeed a different, more subtle energy than the forms of energy we know. We can measure, for instance, chemical energy in gasoline, wind energy, or electromagnetic radiation with devices. But he concludes that life energy is a subtle form of energy that can only be perceived intuitively; it cannot be measured with mechanical devices. Bischof describes many examples in which life energy is successfully used, thus improving the health of human beings and animals and the yield of crops. His advice to science is to take the existence of life energy seriously as the latest discoveries in Western science also point to a fundamental primal energy that works throughout the Universe, connecting everything to everything else. According to Bischof, the zero-point energy field is the prime source of the universal life energy that has been described, mentioned, and used by every culture in its own way.

Morphic Fields

So we live in a swirling sea of zero-point energy in which everything and everyone bobs up and down. The world is filled with all sorts of life, which appears in many different forms. There is huge diversity, and that makes life fun, rich, surprising, and interesting. But where do these types of life come from? What “forms” them? There is no easy answer to this question, and science still struggles with the puzzle of how, for instance, a tiny seed grows into a huge tree. How do leaves, branches, fl owers, and fruits get their characteristic shapes? Our body forms fifty billion new cells every day, or about five hundred thousand cells a second. How does a cell know that it is situated at the top of our body and that it should form a hair there? How does a cell know that it is part of a toenail? Who or what supervises this? These kinds of questions have to do with what biologists call morphogenesis, the origin of the form (Greek: morphe = form; genesis = origin). It is one of the great unsolved mysteries of the biological sciences. For many years scientists thought that this is genetically programmed, but now it appears this is far from the whole truth. Genes determine the sequence of amino acids, the building blocks of protein molecules. Other genes determine the moment in which special proteins are formed. In this way the right protein originates at the right moment during the development of the organism. But it is an ongoing mystery how the characteristic form of the body emerges from these building materials. Your arms and legs are chemically identical, but they have different shapes. While the genes supply the building blocks for the material of the body, the blueprint for the shape or design of the organism is missing. Where is the blueprint? Where is the design? Since the 1920s, some biologists have taken the position that this information is stored in a “morphogenetic” field, which is a self-organizing field that holds blueprints that organize matter, comparable to the way the field around a magnet organizes iron fi lings. The English biologist and scientist Rupert Sheldrake has extended this idea to areas outside of biology. Sheldrake thinks that not only organisms but all organizations and ecosystems have an organizing field. He calls all these fields “morphic fields.” He has described his theory in a great number of books and publications, supporting his ideas with the results of scientifi c research. Sheldrake says there are many diff erent sorts of morphic fields.

In plants and animals the fi elds that are responsible for the development of the body are called morphogenetic fi elds. Forms of conduct are organized by fields of conduct. A social field organizes and coordinates the conduct of individuals within the social group. An example of this is the way in which shoals of fish or flocks of birds suddenly change direction as a group. According to Sheldrake, morphic fields contain information: scenarios with step-by-step plans, comparable to the blueprint of a house, as well as instructions that say where to begin. Thus, start with the foundation first, then build the walls, and so on. A beautiful example is the way arched termite hills are constructed. Two groups of termites start building in different places. Eventually they meet at exactly the same place, high up in the air. There are no termites in charge, running from one hill to the other, directing and coordinating. Both groups build independently, and they follow the blueprint prescribed by the morphic field. Morphic fields not only contain old information but can also take in new information. A well-known example is “the hundredth monkey phenomenon.” The macaque monkey lives on the Japanese island of Koshima. In 1952 scientists fed these monkeys with sweet potatoes that were thrown into the sand. The macaques didn’t eat this delicacy because of the dirt. A young monkey found the solution and washed the potatoes in a nearby stream before giving them to its mother. After its mother had also learned the trick, more and more monkeys started to clean the potatoes in the stream. Between 1952 and 1958 a group of around one hundred monkeys started using the washing technique. One might try to explain this in terms of imitation of a behavior; however, after the hundredth monkey had learned to wash his potatoes, all of a sudden the whole tribe on the island started to do the same. It became even more surprising when colonies of macaques on the other islands and on the mainland suddenly started washing their sweet potatoes. For some unknown reason, the trick had passed on to other monkeys at distant locations. Although there was no exact count, this phenomenon became known as the “hundredth” monkey phenomenon. Every species of animal, every system, and every organization has a morphic field and therefore has what we might call a collective memory. You can compare this to a big book in which everything is written, including what a species of animal, a group of people, or a company experiences and comes across. In human beings this collective memory is closely related to what the psychologist C. G. Jung called the collective subconscious. In esotericism the term akashic records is used for the world memory that contains all events since the beginning of time. In a company, everything that has ever happened with the organization is stored in the morphic field of the company. This field is the seat of the company’s culture, a way of doing things that is greater than all the workers or employees and that influences them, usually without their knowledge.

The Difference Between Energy and Information

Morphic fields contain information and can be compared to a script that a system can use to organize itself. The field, as it were, informs matter: InFORMation goes into FORM and becomes matter. It is like incarnation, where spirit manifests itself in human form. Information does the same—it becomes form. However, to read a book, digest the information, and then act on it, you need energy. Sheldrake says nothing about this. In his formative field we only fi nd information, no energy. And interestingly, Lynne McTaggart, in her book The Field, only writes about zero-point energy and doesn’t mention information. Yet Sheldrake and McTaggart often use the same examples to support their theories.

Many authors treat energy and information as if they were one and the same thing, and that is the cause of much confusion. As we shall see later in this book, practical applications increase if we distinguish between these concepts. Energy and information are diff erent properties. A radio newscaster gives us information. If we can’t hear him or her because the volume is too low, we turn up the radio. At that moment we are adding energy, but that does not change the news, the information itself. You need energy to transfer the information from a speaker to an audience, but the information remains the same, independent of the amount of energy; it only sounds louder or softer. No one would think you were telling a different story if you simply spoke louder. Energy doesn’t just take care of the transfer of information, it also makes information take shape, makes something happen with it. You can buy an excellent book to help you out of a depression, but if you don’t have the time or energy to read it, you cannot take in the information. And after that you need time and energy to act on what you have read.

Formative Force

I want to return to the lines that I mentioned earlier:

Life energy plus information generates a formative force. A formative force plus matter generates a life form.

With the help of the knowledge of zero-point energy, which is the same as the life energy we have known about for ages, and the theory of morphic fields, a few pieces of the puzzle fall into place. We could say that everything is connected to everything else by an unending ocean of zero-point energy, covered by morphic fields of information, acting like a kind of matrix. From the connection between this life energy and information comes a formative force. If this formative force connects to matter, a life form originates. This sounds easy, but the existence of such a creative formative force totally contradicts current scientific knowledge. Thermodynamics, a branch of natural science, teaches us that every system tends toward entropy—toward the loss of order and structure. Every organism and every system tends to disintegrate sooner or later. Not a very nice thing to look forward to, but luckily you see the opposite if you look around. In nature every ecosystem develops toward greater complexity and a higher degree of biodiversity, increasing the number of plant and animal species. The same is true of societies and highly developed cultures.

The Meaning of Consciousness

This idea of a formative force fascinated me, so I decided to find out if more was known about it. At the same time, I realized that a book or a script, like the information in a morphic field, does nothing of its own accord; it is passive. The information only starts working if someone decides to read the book and act on it. Reading a book is done with your consciousness, otherwise you cannot take in the information. The degree of consciousness is also related to the complexity of the book. For example, you don’t ask a child to read about Einstein’s Theory of Relativity. On the other hand, every adult can understand the instructions—the script—for putting together an IKEA cupboard. Our consciousness also allows us to choose where to put the cupboard and what to put in it. Therefore, there are not two but rather three “elements” responsible for the development of life: life energy, information, and consciousness. Life energy has the ability to take shape. Information has the ability to inform and to create form. Both need each other, but neither forms a connection with the other on their own accord.

Consciousness brings the two together, and at the moment it does, the formative force originates. Let me explain further... Consciousness is primary. Energy and information are secondary. A formative force originates from life energy and information, but only when consciousness connects to them. Therefore it is better to speak of a “conscious” formative force. We can therefore say that when a conscious formative force connects to matter, a life form with consciousness is generated.

Having reached this understanding, I turned my thoughts to the other two lines:

Becoming conscious leads to a higher consciousness. The way is the goal.

Consciousness is the initiator of a formative force that connects to matter and manifests itself as a conscious life form. This consciousness gains experiences during its life in a material form. In human life, experiencing the outer world and interpreting this experience is a process of becoming conscious. If you do this well, you learn something from it. The process of experiencing or learning, in other words of becoming conscious, leads to a higher state of consciousness in the end.

If the way is the goal, it means that the goal in life is the development of ever higher levels of consciousness. This would mean that not only is everything made of energy and information, but also that everything has consciousness and that the development of this consciousness to a higher level is the aim of the Universe.

An Endless Number of Possibilities

The zero-point energy field is not the only discovery stemming from quantum mechanics. When at the beginning of the twentieth century the pioneers of quantum physics got to the essence of what matter is, they were flabbergasted by what they saw. They discovered that the most elementary building blocks of matter sometimes behaved as particles, sometimes as waves, and sometimes as both at the same time. They could appear in all sorts of conditions at the same time until we observed or measured them, and at that moment they changed into something concrete.

It appeared that the researcher influenced the outcome of what he was measuring. If he assumed that light consisted of particles, he perceived particles. If his starting point was light waves, he would find light waves. The wave/particle dualism is one of the most peculiar things in quantum mechanics. According to quantum mechanics, the existence of a wave or a particle depends on your point of view. Therefore, at the most elementary level, nothing is certain.

There is only an endless amount of possibilities. The observer’s intention “freezes” something into a particle or wave.

The researchers came to the bewildering conclusion that consciousness creates reality. Einstein then wondered if the moon still exists if we are not looking at it. Time and again, experiments have proven that our consciousness creates the world. Everything consists of a turbulent sea of zero-point energy and information. It is all movement and dynamics, but the moment we look, it “freezes,” and a form is laid down. It is as if a motion picture film suddenly stops, and you can only see the frozen image.

From quantum mechanics it appears that we are the ones who make the world static, stationary, and solid. The “solid” truth is what it is because of our fi rm conviction. It is our firm conviction that the chair we sit on consists of solid matter and that we can safely sit on it without falling through. In essence, reality is totally diff erent from what we see or, more precisely, what we see as real. We live in a sea of possibilities, but we affi rm our reality with our firm conviction.


Quantum mechanics is among the best researched scientific theories. New ex periments prove it correct every time, and so far there has been no experiment that proves otherwise. The implications of this are enormous. If creation is created by our conviction, expectation, and intention, this means that we not only have a huge responsibility for what we do, but we have even more of one for what we think.

Every thought has an influence on us and on our surroundings. A negative thought has a negative effect and a positive one has a positive eff ect. That means that we have to take care, because this is how we create our reality and future. That is what we call fate. What happens to you and what goes on in your life is coincidental, but it can be good luck or bad luck. If your intention has influence on reality, is it possible to create a positive future by thinking positive thoughts?

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