
Wednesday, February 19, 2025

The High Council of Sirius: This is Not Science Fiction

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . . 

Earlier today I viewed a short video on our Senses. I found it interesting. Of course we all know about our 5 senses and even our 6th sense. One of the senses introduced in the article is what is called chronoception. This is in regards to time. Sheldan I never needed a watch. We both always knew within 5 minutes what time it was. I never thought of it as an undeclared sense. Modern Neuro Science recognizes we have many more than five senses. Some estimates ranging from 9 to 33 senses. Here are three of the coolest senses that you didn’t know you had. She outlined these three cool, unknown senses. Enjoy.

Did you know that we have more than 5 senses? 

First, electro-reception or sense of electric fields. This sense is highly developed in some animals like sharks. However, there is evidence to support that humans can do it too. For example, some people feel the air change before a thunderstorm. This has to do atmospheric electricity. Some researchers also suggest that when you feel someone staring at you, this is why.

The second cool sense you may not know about is chronoception or your sense of time. Your brain has specialized structures for tracking time like the super chiasmatic nucleus, the basil ganglia and the cerebellum. An example of this is when you know how much time has passed but you didn’t look at a clock.

And the third cool sense is magneto-reception or the sense of magnetic fields. Some studies suggest many people have the sense to detect Earth’s magnetic fields. There is actually a magnet mineral that is found in your human brain. This is why the direction you sleep at night can affect your brain waves and quality of sleep.

Hope you found this helpful.
With Love,

Note:  We are still working on setting up a new shopping cart. fingers crossed for a smooth transition. I have to admit. The other day I went into a full blown anxiety attack. Realizing I lost all my contact information on all PAO's family members. I can't look up your phone number or your address. I found it interesting that all of sudden I panicked. It didn't last long but still had a strong reaction to this realization. I felt lost. Interesting times we are living in for sure. So happy that NESARA is on the horizon.


You may wonder how we received the Gori transcript for Gori’s Journal.

Recently, I was looking for some old hard drives in one of the many unlabeled boxes in our garage when I saw some files labeled: Gori’s Book/10 Chapters. Hmmm, what is this, I wondered. I retrieved it and started to read. It was transcribed by Sheldan in 1988 on an IBM Selectric typewriter. Yes, before the Internet, which means there were lots of spelling and grammar errors to be edited.

I found the manuscript interesting and unique. It read like a spaceship journal. I scanned and forwarded the manuscript to Miles. He was intrigued. Knowing that Sheldan's health issues keep him from writing further books, we felt that now is the time for PAO to honor Sheldan by publishing this unique journal of Gori's.

We decided to convert Gori’s journal into an e-book and are delighted to be able to share it with our PAO community.

How many of us ever have the chance to read a book about space that is not science fiction?

We invite you to enjoy this unique journal. It is a treasure that cannot be hidden any longer!

To order your copy: Click here

The High Council of Sirius: This is Not Science Fiction

SOURCE: Chellea Wilder

Greetings, we are the High Council of Sirius.

We enjoy connecting with you. Thank you for holding the Light.

As humanity stands at the precipice of this significant transformation, the idea of becoming part of a galactic community becomes increasingly real for many of you.

Imagine a world where you not only explore your universe but also connect with beings from beyond your planet. This journey calls for a profound awakening of your consciousness and a clearer understanding of your role in the vast cosmic order.

While extraterrestrial or extradimensional Contact has always been portrayed as your science fiction. That has now changed, it is very quickly transforming into what will be your Science Fact.

The Knowledge that advanced civilizations have contributed to the human existence over many Earth ages, will also be exposed. There have been accounts in your history, revealing numerous instances where individuals claim to have connected with otherworldly or celestial beings, receiving messages of peace, Love, and unity.

The understanding that many other civilizations from the cosmos have shaped your reality, whether it be for positive or negative reasons, is an essential part of your Human Awakening.

You have never been alone in the cosmos.

As you open yourselves to the possibility of otherworldly contact, it is vital to prepare for the transformations that are about to unfold. This transformation will greatly benefit your existence and promote positive spiritual evolution.

Very soon, you will be acquiring advanced technologies helping to tackle your urgent global and humanitarian issues.

Contact with other beings will also expand your collective understanding of consciousness. Which will assist in leading to greater empathy and responsibility towards one another and the Earth.

Fostering a mindset of openness and curiosity is essential as you prepare for Public first contact. Many have asked how do you know if a being is of positive or negative polarity.

We tell you once again to look within yourselves to know truth. We can tell what we feel of other beings, but you yourselves must learn to have your own personal discernment, given to you by the divine infinite Creator.

Connecting to your own truth amidst rapid changes is critical. Your intuition acts as your internal compass, guiding you toward the Light. Trust the insights you gather as you navigate this evolving reality–they will aid in your awakening journey and bring you truth.

As you confront the potential for significant shifts in human evolution, nurturing compassion and unity becomes essential. The notion of humanity participating as the galactic Society is not just storytelling, it is a call to collective action.

By prioritizing your own inner awareness and spiritual growth, you can contribute to the awakening of humanity as a whole. Seek your own truth, interact with the cosmic forces around you, and embrace your unique role as an integral part in this grand design.

In these transformative times, remember that your journey is both personal and shared. Every experience counts. It is time to unite as awakened souls, ready to embrace the remarkable possibilities that lie ahead.

Through this exploration, let it be a gentle reminder that by nurturing your inner self, adapting to change, and connecting with others, you hold the power to navigate the unknown future. Every star in your sky, is not just distant light, but the vast potential waiting within you and all around you, as you adventure into the New Galactic You.

We Love you, and Honor you.

We are the High Council of Sirius.

Bringing in the Solar flash

Source: The Real Ismael Perez

ZA ZU MA! Sirian for "Heartfelt Gratitude"

The Power of Mantras

Source: Diana Cooper

Many of us chant mantras and they bring not just peace and serenity but each one has a different purpose. Under Merlin’s guidance, I have been preparing Module 3 of Merlin’s magic course of the higher heart. This module is about clairvoyance. I was amazed to discover that one of the most popular mantras is very powerful for opening the third eye to clairvoyance. I share about it in the module.

Some of the sacred mantras help to clarify the third eye, eg Om Nama Shivaya and Aum (but not Om). See Lauren’s Angel Meditation for a beautiful meditation for chanting AUM.

When the mantras are chanted 108 times the energy is amplified.

According to Lord Kumeka, the mantra Om Namo Bhagavate Va Su Devaya is very powerful. It certainly proved to be the case on the night when my grandson, Finn, was born. He was very overdue and suddenly I became extremely aware that it was almost too late. I suggested to my daughter and her partner that we chant Om Namo Bhagavate Va Su Devaya for him to come. We sat with intention and started to chaunt it.. Within half an hour my daughter felt very strong contractions and was rushed to hospital. Finn was born in the lift. Apparently, the ambulance crew was very excited when they thought they would have to birth him!

When I asked Kumeka what happened on a spiritual level, I was told that Finn was indeed far away and when we started to chant, he heard the call and came immediately. I asked what would have happened if we hadn’t chanted. Would he have died? I was told that he would have lived, but he would not have got onto his right pathway. To me it illustrates the power of mantras.

Again to my surprise when I was talking to Lord Kumeka about mantras he told me that the mantra I AM the gold ray of Christ, that I wrote many years ago and was put to music by Rosemary Stephenson, is as powerful as the Gayatri! Wow!

I AM the gold ray of Christ

I AM unconditional love,

I AM the Cosmic Heart

I AM Lord Maitreya

I AM the Christ.

I was scrolling through Angel Inspiration and found this.

Light a candle and then sit comfortably with your back straight and supported if necessary.

  1. Relax for a few minutes as you watch the candle flame flickering.
  2. Softly chant AUM three times and feel the resonance of this ancient mantra flowing round your body.
  3. Close your eyes and see the flame in your mind’s eye. Carry it down to your heart and let the flame of the candle light the spiritual flame in your own heart.
  4. Feel your heart sing with joy.
  5. Very softly and gently call in your angels with an OOO sound. See them with you, adding their own laughter and strength to the flame in your heart. Let them add their sound to yours.
  6. Be aware of them smiling at you as they acknowledge and thank you for asking them to help. They are around you and ready to work with you.
  7. Call on Archangel Michael for protection, and Archangel Jophiel to give you wisdom and illuminate your heart and mind.
  8. Ask the angels to sing with you to open up your heart to unconditional love. As you tone an AAAAH sound, feel your heart expand and see the pink ray of love pouring into it from the angels, which surround you. Let this love lift you and release you.
  9. The light and love which are within you and surround you give you immense power to work with the light of the angels for healing. You can choose where to direct this light. In your mind’s eye, see the situation, pattern or person you would like to send light to. See Archangel Michael and Jophiel on either side of this person or situation, encasing it in a ball of brilliant golden light.
  10. Ask to be a channel for the angels to sing through and open up your throat centre with a gentle ‘Eye’ tone. Invoke the angels to sing through you and allow this sound to change as they do so. Let yourself be guided and know that whatever sound comes through you will be perfect. Visualise the situation changing as it receives and absorbs the healing sounds.
  11. When your work is complete, mentally disconnect from the situation, person or pattern that you have been healing. Focus again on your angels beside you. Thank them for their help and listen for any further guidance they may have for you.
  12. Make sure you are grounded. See the cords going from your feet, deep into Mother Earth, and feel her own energy coming up to meet yours, supporting and grounding you.
  13. Open your eyes and focus on the candle flame again. Feel the flame of joy in your heart. Finally blow out the candle and dedicate its light to the person, pattern or situation you have been working on.
Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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