
Wednesday, February 26, 2025

The Divine Schematic Blueprint


Update on our shopping cart:  We continue to learn and develop a working shopping cart. We cannot predict when we will be up and running. However, you can be sure we will let you know immediately. We appreciate all your concern and loving comments. It does our hearts good to learn you miss our webinars. We are blessed with our PAO community. Love, Colleen 

Anchor and Stabilize this Potent Cosmic Moment

SOURCE:  Peggy Black and the 'Team'

We are here holding you and your planet in the space of this true transformation. At this time, humanity is being bathed in the powerful cosmic light of rebirth. This energy is being gifted by the celestials and galactic beings to activate your full potential and magnificence.

We want to convey the importance of these coming days. The vibrations that are being offered trigger a flowering of consciousness in the collective. This is what you have been asking for, intending and praying for as well as anchoring. It is here, welcome this potent and powerful download of energy, codes and information. It is you who has called forth this awesome event. It is you who have invited this infinite shift in the collective awareness.

These celestial events are empowering the birth of a new consciousness. They are triggering a synchronicity and a quantum leap in enlightenment within each and every human. These vibrations bring about huge changes, there are those (like yourselves) who welcome this surge of light, and others who will find it shocking., disturbing and confusing.

It is important for you watch your own personal fears, because this cosmic light will trigger all that is to be released. Watch your reactions, and notice any numbness, confusion or chaos arising in the days and weeks to come. Allow yourself to relax into this process. Allow this [cosmic light] to move though all levels of your being. Willingly release any negative or misqualified energies you experience.

This is what you might call a galactic upgrade. For some who have done their work, it will be much easier. However, for those who have been resisting change, this process might be a bit more challenging.

  • Remember to breathe and relax, and allow what is transpiring to unfold with ease and grace.
  • Remember to call forth divine beings to support and assist this transformation.
  • Remember to acknowledge with gratitude the divine beings who have supported your visions and intentions for this change.

You are a warrior of light, here to anchor this new truth. You are here to call forth the new world order. (Editor’s note: obviously not the New World Order.) You are to witness this awesome stargate that is available for humanity to move to the higher dimension. You have been waiting for this moment. You have been inviting and envisioning this very event.

This shift of consciousness will continue to flower in all areas of this planet. There will be a surge of creative expression and awareness that will welcome the transformation of all that has been out of balance for humanity. The seeds of this potent cosmic moment will continue to flourish in the days and years to come.

This is the beginning.

However, realize that you and humanity have crossed a threshold into a new, expanded, unified field of conscious clarity. Welcome this reality, use your prayers and clear intention as seeds of light planted in the fertile energy that is being offered. This cosmic moment offers the opportunity to activate all the very best that humanity can be.

  • Allow yourself to tap into your full awesome potential.
  • Allow yourself to recognize and honor the full awesome potential of others.
  • Anchor and stabilize a sense of oneness, peace and harmony throughout your world.
  • Welcome these infinite shifts activating this new world view.

Remember that any change takes time to manifest in this dense dimension. Realize that this is only the beginning. There still might be chaotic energies appearing, there still might be confusion and upheaval. However, be of good courage; these are only the remaining misqualified negative energies that are on their way out of this dimension.

You can invite the power of the Violet Light to transform and uplift any of these heavy, negative energies, thoughts and actions, within yourself or the collective.

The very planet itself is aware of this acceleration of resonance. The most important aspect is for humans to hold a high vibrations of love, harmony, and oneness ~ which will anchor this new resonance. The higher the love and coherent vibrations offered by you and other beings of the light, the more fully this shift of consciousness will be anchored.

This quantum evolution is being sponsored by the Great Central Sun. There are downloads of codes of light being given to humanity. These codes of light will begin to flourish and expand within each human on Earth. These codes are an activation, a cosmic moment you and others have been waiting for. These code will be the trigger to activate your personal rebirth into your true powerful potential.

Every cell in your body will be healed. The past is over. Your inner being is filled with love and light. Allow your rebirth. Express self love, self awareness and acceptance. Accept this healing.

  • Release all that is no longer yours.
  • Envision humanity releasing what is no longer loving and kind.
  • Know that this transformation will unfold in time, be patient with others as they are triggered to transform their limitation.
  • Be patient with yourself as you also release your limited beliefs, thoughts and emotions.
  • Stabilize any wobble in your personal energy field, and use this divine energy gift to its full potential.

We celebrate with you. We honor and acknowledge you for your incredible power and willingness to call forth this shift of consciousness. It is you who have held the course, stated the intention and prayed for the healing of your planet. Your intentions and prayers have been heard and fulfilled.

We bow before you for your constant dedication to this goal. We are always here to support and assist you in anchoring this new world order. (Editor’s note: obviously not the New World Order)

~ the ‘team’

©2025 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available


Soon we will be able to receive your love donations. Thank you.  Currently we are not able to receive your donations or webinar registrations. We are creating a new shopping cart. More updates to follow. 

Starseeds are Boosters for Humanity

Excerpt from Webinar 41: Fulfilling Our Life's Contract

The Divine Schematic For Radiating a Divine Blueprint

Source:  Ronna Herman Vezane

For Our Sub-Universe, From Our Father/Mother God, Down Through The Multi-Dimensions

To Humanity, The Earth & The Devic/Elemental Kingdoms Our Father God receives the White Fire Seed Atoms (Adamantine Particles of Creator Light) directly from the Supreme Creator. He then infuses the Particles of Divine Light with his Divine Blueprint Seed Atoms for a new creation. This new creation could be anything from a star system, a Sub-universe, a galaxy, a solar system, a planet, or a new “enSouled Race of human Beings.” However, the particular new Blueprint we will focus on at this time has been created for our Earth and the transition process that we are now experiencing: balancing and harmonizing the final sub-levels of our Fourth-Dimensional world and preparing for the entry-level of our new Fifth-Dimensional environment. This process includes the integration of the Five Higher Rays of Galactic consciousness.

After our Father God has completed “Seeding” the great White Fire Seed Atoms with the new Divine plan for the Earth, they are then implanted within our Mother God’s cosmic womb. At which time she activates the Seed Atoms of the new creation with her Holy Spirit frequencies of Life/Love/Wisdom. She then radiates them into another SUN of Light where the Paradise Suns (the Son and Daughter reside) – they are the bearers of the primary duality/polarity Blueprint for our Sub-Universe. The Paradise Suns are already encoded with the Divine Blueprint for the entire cycle of humanity’s sojourn on planet Earth. However, the new components for the first phase of the Aquarian Age – the upgraded Divine Blueprint – must be modified and activated before they are sent forth to the Archangelic Kingdom for further distribution.

The enhanced Divine Blueprint is then radiated forth into the twelve Great Rays embodied by the twelve Archangels of our Sub-Universe. These wondrous Beings integrate and expand to accommodate the new frequencies of Creator Light. This Divine Blueprint is a specific one for our Earth, humanity, and the Devic and Elemental kingdoms. The Archangel’s radiate all of the attributes, qualities, and virtues of the twelve Rays, within the Divine Schematic, into three great Pyramid of Lights. The one on the left contains the new mandate for humanity’s final passage through the seven sub-levels of the Fourth Dimension. The center Pyramid is the largest and contains the data for the transition of Gaia/planet Earth into a higher Fourth and lower Fifth-Dimensional environment. The Pyramid on the right contains the higher vibrational frequencies of Light that the Devic / Elemental Kingdom will now radiate forth to the Elements, and to all of “non-enSouled” creation on the Earth Plane.

At this stage, the great Lords of Light / the Elohim / the Builders of Form take over the process. Within those three Pyramids of Light, the newly activated Blueprint is encoded, along with the great White Fire Memory Seed Atoms containing the Frequency Patterns for each of the expanded twelve Ray attributes, qualities, and virtues for the Aquarian Age. The Elohim then refine, step-down, and add all the details to the Blueprint for the new creative project. The Lords of Light, within each Light Pyramid, then call forth the great Dragon Brigade. (Archangel Michael is the Commander-in-Chief of the Dragon Brigade). The Dragon Kingdom comes in multiple sizes, colors, and configurations, depending on which Sub-Dimension they serve: the lower the electromagnetic energy patterns of the dimensional environment, the smaller the dragons. Also, their size depends on what is their particular creative specialty (of which there is an endless variety).

Each dragon has been assigned to a particular Archangel, and embodies the attributes, qualities, and virtues of the Ray which each Archangel “Ray-diates.” The colors of the Rays change periodically, depending on many things (which we won’t address at this time). Suffice it to say, a Dragon will assume the Ray colors of his “Guiding Archangel,” which applies to the dimensional/frequency levels, and the time frame within which they are performing their duty. (In the higher dimensions there are many more than twelve Archangels who perform their Lords of Light-directed duties).

The Dragon Brigade then goes forth to the level in which the programmed Divine Blueprint is to be made available for manifestation, within the material realms of existence. In this case, within the Fifth Dimension, for access by the StarSeed Souls on Earth within the higher Fourth-Dimensional planes. The number of Dragons required depends on the size and scope of the project to be Seeded, or how many mega-watts of God Seed Atom Light Power is needed. Another duty the Dragon Brigade performs is to supply the Love/Life energy from our Father/Mother God to the great Devic / Elemental Kingdom – all of creation that is not enSouled with an I AM consciousness. Their Life/Line to the God Source is supplied by the great Dragon Brigade. The Dragon Brigade, for each Sub-Dimension, radiate forth the vibrational patterns for that level. The Seed Atoms are then gathered into Pyramids of Light, which have been placed all around the world – where the Devic Angels go to replenish their supply of God Light. They then radiate the Seed Atoms into innumerable formulas, which are sent forth to the vast Elemental Kingdom. Those faithful servants of our Father/Mother God then supply the Life Force energy for all godly creations which are not enSouled.


As transmitter of this article I, Ronna Herman Vezane, claim the universal copyright in the name of Archangel Michael. Personal sharing with friends, or posting on websites and in publications is permitted as long as the information is not altered, excerpted or added to, and credit of authorship and my website address is included:

Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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