
Thursday, February 27, 2025

RARE 7 Planet ALIGNMENT of February 28th!


Update on our shopping cart:  We continue to learn and develop a working shopping cart. We cannot predict when we will be up and running. However, you can be sure we will let you know immediately. We appreciate all your concern and loving comments. It does our hearts good to learn you miss our webinars. We are blessed with our PAO community. Love, Colleen 

Energy Update: It’s a Roller Coaster!

SOURCE:  Kerry K

The current energy is so intense, and if you haven’t felt it yet, I strongly suggest you buckle your cosmic seat belt, because it’s about to hit us big time in March. The entire month ahead, starting now, is going to be an intense energetic speed up.

Here’s what it’s all about …

The current energy is a massive upgrade of cosmic energy, and it’s pouring into our realm relentlessly.

That’s a really good thing!

I promise you. Even though it makes everything feel very intense for us … it’s giving us the following

  • No more hiding places for density;
  • Rapid cleansing of all suppressed baggage;
  • Purging of the subconscious;
  • Healing of old wounds, starting with belief systems;
  • Far less ability to hold on to the illusions;
  • Less capacity for the ego to be unnoticed.

This is all good, but it’s harrowing and challenging because of two things:

  1. The intensity of what we’re feeling
  2. The pace at which it’s coming in

But not everyone is feeling it … why?

Here are two reasons

  1. Heck, there have been multiple energy shifts that I never felt, at least not in a chaotic way. Even though I was very aware of them happening, it was a walk in the park for me – that’s because sometimes we are already in that higher alignment, and in those instances, the incoming energy is not noticeably different from your current state of being.
  2. Another reason why a person may not feel anything is because they’re quite simply unplugged from truth, they’re still very busy living in the illusion and cannot engage with what is happening for them in the now – it’s not where they live. Those people are not having an easier time, they’re going to be getting a harder wakeup call – later.

This is what’s happening

We’re being sped up … or if I put that more accurately, the consciousness that we live in is becoming exponentially lighter, and that allows us to experience life with less density and more light. More light equates to more speed, but that doesn’t mean life will remain “rollercoaster-ish” forever. It just means that the change will come in swiftly, it will come in at the personal level, because this is about your personal environment allowing more light to permeate, more density to spin off, and therefore more truth to be realized.

Once you go through that process, everything slows down, and then it feels like you’re in a sublime stillness of peace, ease and calm. First though, we have to navigate the spinning off of that density and the rate at which it’s being released.

Your Awakening

Your spiritual awakening: regardless of whether you were born awakened, have gradually awakened or experienced a rapid-fire-jolt of an awakening, it’s the means through which more light permeates into your physical body.

Look at the symbiotic interaction that this energy upgrade requires:

  • Increased light from the cosmic field has made its way into our direct energetic field here on Earth;
  • Increased light from within your body-consciousness meets and allows that light in.

That is why embodiment of the work is so imperative. If you’ve been spiritual in the head, then you’re going to miss one part of the equation. Get yourself more and more embodied, and start rocking your ascension journey.

From my heart to yours,

Kerry K


Soon we will be able to receive your love donations. Thank you.  Currently we are not able to receive your donations or webinar registrations. We are creating a new shopping cart. More updates to follow. 

Excellent video on this alignment...

The TRUE Spiritual Meaning of the RARE 7 Planet ALIGNMENT of February 28th! Once in a Lifetime!

Source:  Eye of Wisdom

Communication and Horses

Source:  Judith Kusel

“Communication can take many forms and you do not need your vocal cords to be able to communicate telepathically, energetically as every thought you think, every word you speak or do not speak, and every action you take and do not take, already is communicating with the energy fields and the third eye and heart center of all living beings.

Animals, especially horses are very sensitive to energy and are very psychic and if a horse then starts to do what happened here, it means that something in your own energy fields trigger the horse’s reaction.

The horse itself was much abused by its previous owner and therefore does not trust human beings, and something in the energy you were projecting out that day, triggered this reaction. Whips and such like should be banned when handling horses. If there is rapport between the trainer and horse, then the horse will “read” the trainers mind, and energy and react accordingly.

Yet, who ever asks a horse whether it wishes to be trained or ridden that day, and ask for permission to be on its back. Many of the saddles and harnesses and goodness knows what, like spurs, hurt the horses, and horses have aches and pains, just like humans do.

So many horse souls need to be freed now, as so many suffered dreadful trauma and pain during those terrible wars in Europe and Britain and elsewhere where horses were used in battles, and often slaughtered, as well as the general mistreatment of the species as if they had no soul and no right to live in joy and peace!

In the beginning the horses roamed free, and you only ever climbed on their backs, bareback, if invited to do so. Because when you are in total harmony, soul, spirit, heart and mind with the horse, you become ONE with it. This is how it is meant to be.

It is humans who enslaved horses by making them work for them, and then broke them in so that they could use them for transport and sport, and more than this, to pull carriages and carts etc. Animals have endured their abused and misuse by humankind immensely, and it is to their credit that they never closed their hearts but indeed continued to serve.

However, as more and more animals, and particularly horses are ascending into the New Earth, that balance and harmony and total trust will be restored. For horses have huge healing powers, and they can “read” human beings and other species, in ways humans have not yet understood.

There are “horse Whisperers” yes, but they are in the minority. Yet, anyone can communicate with horses telepathically, and effortlessly and through the open heart, if they so choose. And it is to the heart center that all animals respond to, for they pick up the ENERGY of the heart, and the INTENT behind it.

Once you have lost the trust of an animal: – you have lost their faith in you that you will not hurt or harm them or abuse them in any form or way.

An animal will only attack, if it feels threatened in any form and way, or get spooked when it senses or sees spirit forms, or even things you cannot see, for all animals are psychic. They can communicate over long distances, and they “read” the earth’s vibration, and know what goes on for miles down the road, feeling through their feet! Once you have won their loyalty, friendship and love, there is no greater faithful friend and companion than an animal, for they love unconditionally.

In Andromeda, Lyra and other such galaxies and star systems where horses are found, they live peacefully alongside the people, and no one gets on a horses back, except they by were asked to, of have asked for permission to do so, and then with love and loving intent.

These horses serve in powerful ways in healing and other ways, which humans have long forgotten about, and they are indeed very noble souls and spirits. Again, love, faith and trust is the key. As it is with all of life!

So here perhaps it is best to get help for the horse, so that that horse can be healed, like having a “horse whisperer” asking the horse why it is scared. Once the horse is healed it will be a different horse. So instead of blaming it, love it into wholeness and then you will become whole again.”

Copyright Applies: excerpt from a Soul Reading done by me
Judith Kusel

Planetary Activation Org.

104 Matisse Lane, Folsom
United States of America

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