D.: Bhagavan has said that without the grace of the Guru one cannot attain the Self.
What precisely does he mean by
What is this Guru?
B.: From the standpoint of the path of knowledge, it is the supreme state of the Self.
It is different from the ego which you
call yourself.
D.: Then, if it is the supreme state of my own self, in what sense does Bhagavan mean that I cannot reach it without the
grace of the Guru?
B.: The ego is the individuality and is not the same as the Lord of all.
When it approaches the Lord with sincere devotion,
He graciously assumes name and form and takes it to Himself.
Therefore they say that the Guru is none other than the Lord.
He is the human embodiment of Divine Grace.
D.: But there are some who seem to have had no human Guru at all?
B.: True. In the case of certain great souls, God reveals
Himself as the Light of the Light from within.
D.: What is the Grace of the Guru?
B.: The Guru is the Self.
At some time a man grows dissatisfied with his life and, not content with what he has, seeks the satisfaction of his desires through prayer to God.
His mind is gradually purified until he longs to know God, more to obtain His Grace than to satisfy worldly desires.
Then God’s grace begins to manifest. God
takes the form of a Guru and appears to the devotee, teaches him the Truth and, moreover, purifies his mind by association with him.
The devotee’s mind thus gains strength and is then able to turn inward.
By meditation it is further purified until it remains calm without the least ripple. That calm Expanse is the Self.
The Guru is both outer and inner. From outside he gives a push to the mind to turn inward while from inside he pulls the mind towards the Self and helps in quieting it.
That is the Grace of the Guru.
There is no difference between God, Guru
and Self.
~ The Teachings of Bhagavan
Sri Ramana Maharshi in His Own Words
CHAPTER IV,THE GURU Via Dear Sir Manoj Sethi 
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