
Wednesday, December 11, 2024

INSTRUCTIONS WE RECEIVED BEFORE BIRTH... ❤ 1. 🌼 You will receive 7 different BODIES and a dormant consciousness.



1. 🌼 You will receive 7 different BODIES and a dormant consciousness. You will constantly need to awaken, develop and improve them. Calmly realize that you will be simultaneously in different dimensions and the Entire World is INSIDE you.

2. 🌼You will have to attend a SCHOOL called Life on Planet Earth. Each PERSON and every EVENT is your Universal MASTER.

3. 🌼 There are no mistakes, only LESSONS. Failure is an integral part of success There are no victims, only students and teachers.

4. 🌼 Lesson will be repeated in many ways until it is fully LEARNED. If you don't learn the lessons the easy way, they're going to be harder. When you've learned them, you'll move on to the next LESSON...

5. 🌼 External problems are an exact reflection of your INNER STATE. If you CHANGE your inner world, the outer world will change for you

6. 🌼 Pain is a MESSENGER indicating that something is not right in some of your bodies.

7. 🌼 The world is different. The REJECTION of yourself and others "as they are" is the basis of the negative emotions that destroy your body.

8. 🌼 There's no place like "here". You are at the RIGHT PLACE, where you needed to pass for a pending LEARNING.

9. 🌼Others are merely a REFLECTION of YOU. You cannot love or hate what's in others if it doesn't reflect in your own qualities.

10. 🌼 Life makes a frame, but everyone paints their picture. If you don't take RESPONSIBILITY for painting it, others will.

11. 🌼 All the answers are WITHIN YOU. All you need to do is look INSIDE and TRUST.

12. 🌼 You will probably forget these INSTRUCTIONS after birth. But pay attention to the signs because at the right time you will be called to WAKE UP!

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