
Sunday, October 27, 2024

Here Is A List Of 'Some' Herbs Organized In Alphabetical Order... Learn About Their Medical Use *


Here Is A List Of 'Some' Herbs Organized In Alphabetical Order... Learn About Their Medical Use *Always do your own research before consuming or using any herbs. As certain herbs can interfere with medication.* ▪A ~ Allspice An excellent anti-inflammatory, it can also help aid in digestion. Allspice can improve circulation and help protects the heart. *Its attributes include healing properties as well as attracting money and prosperity. * ~ Angelica Root Used in the treatment of insomnia and headaches. Can also help to soothe stomach problems, digestion, and prevent acne. *Known to the herbalists and witches as dong quai, archangel root, and holy ghost root. Angelica can enhance feminine magical strength and power. It can protect against negative energy, protect children, used for purification and uncrossing spells. Use angelica in herbal baths to remove curses, hexes, or spells. Sprinkle the seeds around your home for protection. * ▪B ~ Basil Basil essential oil has antiviral, anti-infectious, and anti-bacterial properties. It helps heals acne, intestinal cramps, bladder problems, and heal wounds and insect bites. Best used with an oil diffuser or in small amounts in bath blends and food. *Helps to steady the mind, promotes happiness, love, and peace. It is a strong protection herb and aids with astral protection. * ~ Bay Laurel Promotes healing for chest colds and respiratory difficulties when used as a poultice. *Used for enhancing psychic awareness, healing, purification, and protection. Inhaling the scent of a freshly torn bay leaf promotes endurance, intuition, and prophetic dreams. * ~ Black Pepper Can aid in weight loss, treat sinus, and nasal congestion. It can also reduce the risk of cancer, heart, and liver ailments. *Used for protection and purification, and banishing negativity. * ▪C ~ Calendula Calendula flowers, medicinally, can be rubbed on a bee or wasp sting to reduce swelling and stop pain. The flowers can also be useful in treating chronic ulcers and varicose veins. *Calendula can promote prophetic dreams and aid in divinatory works. It is useful as a protection herb as it can repel evil and negative entities. * ~ Cedar Leaves Some types of cedar should not be taken internally as the plant can be poisonous. Cedar has been used to treat coughing, tuberculosis and fevers. The leaf is also useful as an anti-fungal for skin and nail fungus. *Used for purification, protection, and dispelling of negative energies. The needles, sap, and bark can be burnt for a smoke cleansing. * ~ Chamomile There are 2 types of chamomile, German and Roman. Both are equally magical and medicinal. Chamomile is popular as a relaxant. It is known to help lower anxiety and insomnia. Mostly taken as a tea to receive its benefits. * Burning chamomile can promote sleep and mediation or add it to a bath for the same result. Can also be relied on to combat curses and provide protection. * ~ Cinnamon Is great at lowering bad cholesterol. Cinnamon has anti-fungal, anti-bacterial, and even anti-viral properties. *Can enhance psychic awareness and attracting love and money. * ▪E ~ Elder Flowers The berries and leaves are both rich in vitamin C. The leaves can be made into ear drops to treat pain and inflammation. The flowers make a tea that is good for treating coughs and irritable throats. *The leaves and berries are used for protection and in breaking spells that were cast against you or to undo spells of evil intent. * ▪F ~ Frankincense Some types of medicinal Frankincense are considered an NSAID (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drug). It is used to treat arthritis, osteoarthritis, inflammation of joints, and bronchial asthma. *When burned as incense, it helps cleanse a space and create a sense of sacredness. It is calming to mind and heart, helps raise one’s spirits, and is said to generate heightened feelings of spirituality and to communicate more readily with the divine. * ▪G ~ Ginger A superior aid for digestive problems. It can relieve motion sickness, nausea, and loss of appetite. Also, has strong anti-inflammatory effects. *Ginger can speed up the results of spellwork. Is used to attract love, personal power, healing and money. In China, ginger was hung over the doorways of laboring mothers for it was believed to protect mother and baby during childbirth. * ▪H ~ Hawthorn Can help treat heart diseases, low and high blood pressure. It can also help with high cholesterol too. *A highly magical tree, its blossoms are believed to bestow protective and visionary powers. * ~ Heather Making a strong infusion made from heather and adding it to bath water is used as a remedy for arthritis, gout, and rheumatism. A tea of the flowering shoots can help in the treatment of coughs, colds, and bladder and kidney disorders. *Magical properties include protection and luck. Carrying a charm that includes heather can repel attacks. Can also be helpful to those who shape shift or travel between worlds. It is said that keeping heather in your home will attract friendly spirits and will bring peace to the house hold. * ▪J ~ Jasmine Jasmine oil can act as a sedative which can help with lowering stress. Also considered an aphrodisiac, it can heighten sexual desires. Drinking jasmine tea helps with treating fevers, and liver issues. *These flowers are great for prophetic dreams, love, aura healing, and psychic protection. You can throw them in a bath, scatter them on your altar, and can be used in love spells. * ~ Juniper Berries Are great for digestion problems such as upset stomach and heartburn. Also used to treat urinary tract infections, kidney and bladder stones. The scent of Juniper Berries can help ease stress. *Used for visions, purification, spirit contact, protection, and exorcism. You can make a bracelet by stringing dried juniper berries together to create a protective amulet or charm. * ▪L ~ Lady’s Mantle Known to herbalist and the hedge wife as a treatment for excessive bleeding of any kind, internal or external. *Increases the working power of any type of magic spell. According to folk magic, it is used in love spells, potions and amulets. Can be carried to attract love. * ~ Lemongrass Medicinally considered a diuretic. Lemongrass promotes good digestion and when brewed with black pepper will relieve menstrual troubles and nausea. *Aids in communication with your spirit guides and can repel negative entities. An excellent herb for purification. * ~ Licorice Medicinally good for digestive disorders and with inflammatory conditions. It can help increase the immune system to fight off allergies, respiratory infections, etc. *A licorice charm can be made by tying two pieces of the root together with some red thread or yarn. This is thought to give protection against negativity injuries and negativity. * ▪M ~ Marjoram Helps relieve muscle strains, reduces cramps and migraine headaches. Can also help with indigestion and respiratory problems. *This herb’s magical properties include invoking love, dispels negativity, restores joy, and peace. * ~ Mistletoe Is poisonous if ingested. *Mistletoe can help to bring peace to difficult situations, aids with love and abundance, heals your mind, body, and spirit, and can be used to bless your home. Place mistletoe on your altar to ensure success in the coming year. * ~ Mugwort Can help with gas, flatulence, stomach acid, bile production, and overall digestion. It can also assist with menstrual cramps. *Its power is strongly attributed to dream magic, astral projection, psychic powers, and strength. * ▪N ~ Nettle Nettle is best known for their ability to cleanse toxins from the blood and clearing the body of uric acid. They also have a good reputation for reducing arthritic and joint pain and alleviating allergy symptoms. *Can be used as a protective herb. It banishes fears, strengthens one’s will and provides quick action in an emergency situation. * ~ Nutmeg Can help with diarrhea, nausea, intestinal gas, and even stomach spasms. Nutmeg can help stimulate the functions of the heart and increase the circulation of blood which makes it excellent for the cardiovascular system. *Used magically to augment psychic awareness. A whole nutmeg carried in a pocket is said to absorb negative vibrations while sending out positive vibrations. * ▪O ~ Oregano Can treat respiratory tract disorders, urinary tract disorders, and gastrointestinal disorders. It can help with dandruff as well. *Used to promote stability in relationships and to invoke peace. * ▪P ~ Parsley Excellent for urinary tract infections, kidney stones, high blood pressure, and gastrointestinal disorders. Also great for anemia, gallbladder stones. *Parsley is used for money drawing, protection, and attraction. * ~ Peppermint Helps with digestion issues such as irritable bowel syndrome and nausea. (Can interact with medicines and not advised for people with gastrointestinal problems.) Can ease headaches, colds, and the flu. Its scent can have a calming effect. *Use to increase the vibrations of a space or in spells. As an incense it can promote healing and purification. Burn in a new home to clear out sickness and negative energy. * ~ Poppy Has mild sedative properties and has been used for pain relief. *Used for fertility and love. * ▪R ~ Red Clover Has been shown to support a healthy menopause by reducing symptoms. It also can reduce inflammation throughout the body. Can be used as a wonderful ingredient in herbal tea. *The ancient Greeks and Romans associated it with their triple Goddesses and the Celts considered it a sacred symbol of the sun. Medieval Christians believed the three leaves were connected with the trinity and the four leaves a symbol of the cross. Druids believed it could ward off evil spells and witches. * ~ Rosemary Also goes by the name of Dew of the Sea, Elf Leaf, Polar Plant, and Compass Leaf. Rosemary is anti-fungal and anti-bacterial. It helps with digestion and relieves gout. It can relieve stress and provide pain relief. The smell of rosemary has been found to help improve memory! *Plant Rosemary by your garden gate to welcome its magic into your life. It has been long used to create protection against evil spirits and to prevent illness from entering the home. Sprinkle rosemary water around a sick room to promote healing. * ~ Roses (Red) The petals and fruit (rosehips) are generally used for herbal medicine. Rose petals are mildly sedative, antiseptic, and are mild laxatives. Petals can also help treat wounds, bruises, rashes, and incisions. Rosehips are a strong antioxidant and contain iron. Which helps ease pain and discomfort during one’s monthly cycle. *Associated with the energy of Aphrodite and the element of water. Are great to use in any love ritual. You can sprinkle red rose buds on a candle to help bring in loving energy. * ▪S ~ Saffron This plant is great at helping with asthma, cough, to loosen phlegm, and with whooping cough. It is also an antidepressant and antiseptic. *Used for enhancing spirituality and bringing happiness. * ~ Sage The leaves and flowers are made into essential oil. Can help relieve respiratory problems such as asthma, reduces night sweats, and improves digestion when eaten in small amounts. (It is sedating and toxic in large doses.) *Sage is also used to attract money, protection, wisdom, and manifest wishes. When the leaves are crushed between the fingers, the scent is believed to enhance mental agility. It is a main component for smoke cleansing. * ~ Star Anise The seed and oil are utilized to make medicine. It can help treat the flu and cough. It is also great for improving digestion, ease cramps, and reduce nausea. Can be consumed as tea to help with bloating, gas, and indigestion. But be careful, there are types of star anise that are poisonous. So be sure, if using it internally, that it is safe for consumption. *Considered a moon herb. Placing a whole star anise on your altar will increase the spiritual vibration and help spread sacred energy to your entire home. Carry it whole for luck or burn it to increase clairvoyance and psychic powers. * ~ St. John’s Wort Used by herbalists to treat nervous conditions such as depression, anxiety, and sleep disorders. By some, it is used as a remedy for sciatica and rheumatic pain. *Used in charms to penetrate glamours or break charms and spells. As an incense, it can protect your area and help enhance fairy sight. * ~ Sunflower Known for its sunflower seeds that provides nutrients that are important for brain functions. Its petals are used in tea and tincture for they are effective in helping with sore throats, and in reducing inflammation of the windpipe and tonsils. *A symbol of the sun god because at dawn the flower turns towards the morning sun. It is also a symbol of light and fertility. It can be drank as a tea made of its leaves and its seed, stems, leaves, and petals can be eaten. They are also pretty to decorate your altar. * ▪T ~ Thyme It can help improve the heart, bronchitis, sore throat, stomach problems, and with diarrhea. It can also help with arthritis, and even flatulence. * Thyme is magically used for purification, increasing psychic awareness, and attracting love. Can be used as an incense for purifying the air and as a house blessing. * ~Turmeric A powerful anti-inflammatory and strong antioxidant. It can help with liver problems, digestive disorders, skin diseases and wounds. *Magical uses include purification, spell-breaking, and confidence. * ▪V ~ Vanilla Because vanilla contains an active ingredient, vanillin, it can help reduce cholesterol levels in the body, and help prevent the negative effects of free radicals such as cancer. Vanilla can also reduce inflammation from arthritis, gout, and other inflammatory conditions. *Associated with love, romance, mental flexibility, harmony, clairvoyance and sexuality. * ~ Violet Medicinally, its soothing and cooling effect helps reduce fever and inflammation. It can also help treat sinus infections, bronchitis, coughs, and sore throats. *Magically restores comfort and eases grief. Can also open the mind to psychic visions and mends the wounded heart. * ▪W ~ White Willow Willow bark may be the oldest herb known to treat pain and inflammation. The oldest recorded use is by Chinese physicians in 500 B.C. Herbalists use white willow much the same as aspirin; reduction of fevers, pain, and inflammation in conditions such as painful menstruation, neuralgia, and arthritis. *The willow is a guardian tree, said to protect from evil influences. All parts of the willow guard against evil and can be carried or placed in the home. Willow is the tree most associated with the moon, water, the Goddess and all that is feminine. * ~ WormWood Contains anti-inflammatory agents, it can improve digestion and stimulate the digestive system. Can also help with colds, chronic fever, heartburn, and enhances the immune system. Because of its anesthetic effect, it can help ease pain associated with arthritis, rheumatism, and menstrual cramps. *Associated with the planet Mars and the element of fire or air. The flowers and leaves can be added to magical sachets for protection against accidents. Hang your sachets in your car or carry them on your person. * ▪Y ~ Yarrow The plant is well known for its styptic (stops bleeding) and astringent (makes tissues contract). It makes a great plant to collect in an herbal first aid kit but as always- use with caution. *Carrying yarrow was believed to attract friends. Its flowers provide psychic protection. *

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