
Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Anothereason to TRANSCEND... Make the mind your servant. Remove those impressions GJ

Anothereason to TRANSCEND... Make the mind your servant. Remove those impressions GJ


"Be a sannyasin; that is the only way. And what is sannyas? It is a freedom from the mind. It will be difficult to understand sannyas if you don't understand what mind is.

Mind is the accumulated past. All that you have experienced, all that you have known, all that you have lived through is accumulated in the memory. That accumulated past is the mind. So mind is always dead because it belongs to the past. Mind is always dead, never alive. Whenever a thing has become dead it becomes part of the mind. It is just like dust that a traveler gathers. You are here and now, and mind is always in the past. Mind is your shadow that follows you.

Sannyas is getting free from the past, living in the moment — not carrying the past in the head, not being burdened by it. Moment-to-moment, die to the past, as if it never existed, as if you are born anew. Every moment be fresh and young. Put aside the past. Don't gather the dust.

If you gather the dust you will get duller and duller every day, your consciousness will be covered, your mirror-like being will not be able to mirror anything. The longer you have lived with the past, the more the mirror will be covered. It will not reflect. You will become less and less sensitive. This is what has happened.

Sannyas means a breakthrough. Looking at the past, understanding that it is useless because it is no more, understanding that it is useless, a burden, you put it aside. Then you are here and now this very moment, in the present, in the plenitude of the present.

Sannyas means living without time: not being influenced by the past, and not being carried by the future. No burden of the past, and no desire in the future, sannyas is a goalless, purposeless life."

— O S H O, ‘My Way: The Way of the White Clouds, Ch 15’


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