
Friday, September 13, 2024

Alwine Mattsson The Jared Rand Archives: ·19h Dana Vilcea Admin Administratör August 26th


Alwine Mattsson The Jared Rand Archives:
Dana VilceaAdmin Administratör August 26th At Celestial Chamber Jared Rand stated in the #63 FESIG meeting that they wanted to keep the chambers of heaven from the word with bed and they formed the understanding that was accepted as heavenly name. Celestial Chamber, according to his description from his personal downloads is: A 9 metre unit, it works from a plasma field controlled by a tachyon particle field, if it wasn't so the energy couldn't be focused, The brain center is run by ai as it has been fixed and does not know the fields much like a controlled ai in the human body database, the body's frequency field, the body's energy area. What happens is that the physical body lies in the chamber and melatonin acceleration in the brain from the pineal gland causes the person to enter into deep sleep. DNA chart, genetic composition scanned on the body, it starts to identify, (and we're talking about a perfect body) analyzing and evaluating mitochondria and the total structure of the human form, for the human field. Once it's done, it gives an error and I (Jared Rand) give you an example: the body has memory, DNA carries memory, and it doesn't matter if you lack shape or limbs, you lack organs, that asset, that energy field remains, it is in DNA. So what happens is halo streaming over the body and it literally identifies all the anomalies, let's take a complete reatomization for example, there is no pain or cutting or anything, the body is completely untrained, what happens when the process starts, it takes about 3 or 3,5 minutes, what will happen is that the plasma energy field and frequencies that the body is made of, pass across the body, regenerated from memory through DNA from the structure of the mithochondrial cell in the body and it is almost like a time field that goes in reverse order and eliminates any of the deviations in the specific human form, so the limbs are regenerated, the organs are regenerated simultaneously with DNA that erases memory (of anomaly). At the same time, possible implants, defibrillators, hip implants, legs, knees, metal implants. It's a radiant field around these deviations that turn away the elimination process and restore the real form that was there from the start. It will also reverse the aging process, we can make it a very young age but it is mostly controlled to age 35 and will reverse the aging of the body. Once completed, all the diseases that invaded that form are eliminated as if it never existed.When it's done, it scans to make sure everything is phenomenal and works well. The patient wakes up, the memory of what happened is gone and the patient seems to have no idea what happened until it appears in the mirror.

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