
Friday, August 30, 2024

Unlock Your Genetic Code

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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .


Oh and computers are not a match made in heaven. I've been trying to learn the new email platform. Unfortunately, I think I chose a platform set up for larger corporations and ones set up for social media success. PAO is not ready quite yet for all of that. So many terms that I simply don't know.

I may give up and choose a new platform to do a crash study course on. Hopefully you will begin to receive our newsletters on Monday or maybe Tuesday. This is the last "pretty" email from Galactic Heart. Prayers are needed and welcome. Thank you.

Keep shining your Lights bright!

With Love,

PS Sheldan is OK. They are still evaluating his loss of appetite and weight loss. Your prayers and visualizations are welcome for Sheldan's highest good. We know they work. We have seen positive results many times. Let's do it again. It seems (hopefully) that we are close to real NESARA movement and then the release of medical technology that will help all of us. And so it is!


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


Brad Olsen is a true-life adventurer whose deep research into ancient worlds and esoteric knowledge provides a road map for our future.

Brad maintains that we are fully capable of reversing humanity’s downward spiral. By embracing the very mystical theories and arcane beliefs that have been hidden from us, we can move out of slavery and toward Ascension.

Brad is a dynamic speaker and PAO’s perfect guest for August. He believes that truth always resonates.

We invite you to listen to an inspiring voice of hope!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Information Wars
What is the Endgame?
• UFOs and ETs
Is Disclosure Imminent?
• Suppressed Technologies
What Must Occur for Their Release
• Human Ascension
A Pivotal Moment in Time

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-77 Archive: click here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Bio About Brad

Unimaginable Peace

Source: Catherine Viel


If you are content with being nobody in particular, content not to stand out, you align yourself with the power of the universe…This spiritual truth is diametrically opposed to the values of our contemporary culture and the way it conditions people to behave. ~ Eckhart Tolle

When thinking about that statement of Eckhart Tolle’s, I’ve been using the phrase “nobody special.” Copying the quotation here, I realize that’s not what he said. He said “nobody in particular.”

There’s quite a semantic difference between nobody in particular and nobody special. It’s verbally nitpicking, to be sure, but “nobody in particular” doesn’t seem to connote a sense of judgment, while “nobody special” sounds more than a little derogatory. If you’re not special, you must be less-than someone who is special.

How interesting that my mind assigned a value judgment to this concept by misremembering the quote. Because, of course I want to align myself with the power of the universe. And yet I don’t want to lose my sense of individuality, my perceived specialness, which seemed to be where Eckhart was pointing.


To not stand out, to be nobody in particular, fills me with a sense of relief. I can drop an unrecognized burden, the onus to “be someone.” In my instance, to be an author, to be published. I can let go of the mostly subliminal yearning to be recognized and even lauded, which might slyly encourage me to elevate myself as somehow “better,” and by comparison assign others a less-than status.

As I walked the creek path by the secret garden this morning, I paused, and for a brief moment perceived the dusty gray-green bushes, the towering trees, the flattened golden grasses on the small hillside, even the tract houses peeking over the wall, just as they were. Nothing in particular, just something being as it was, where it was. And I was just another thing being as I was, where I was.

A sense of connection, of sameness yet differentness, flitted through my awareness and vanished, but not before I realized that the secret of unimaginable peace lay in that moment of knowing.

Catherine: I suppose there’s irony in writing about an experience of not being special, while intending to publish it and thereby stand out.

Since life is chockablock with irony, I’m comfortable with that. I’m not sure the experience is repeatable, but the next time I walk the pathway between the creek and the secret garden, I will linger at that particular spot and look about me, and remember the sense of being nobody special in a universe of completely individual and special things, none of which are anything in particular, each of which is valuable and essential beyond imagining.


Unlock Your Genetic Code and Contact ETs to Rediscover Your Trueself!

Source: Aurora Ray


According to some ancient texts, the first humans were created by a variety of sentient civilizations.

The original human was a splendid being with incredible power who lived the happiest of lives.

They lived in a world where people were no longer required to work for a living; instead, they could simply create whatever they desired out of thin air by using their mental powers.

They were no longer bound by the laws of nature or biology; instead, they lived in a world where everything was possible, and nothing was impossible!

When the dark forces arrived, they decided to take this power away from humans.

This process that occurred began with a violation of the consciousness of our planet by the dark forces, who had learned how to do this through their scientific experiments.

They deconstructed the human species' original twelve strands of DNA. They then experimented on this "split-off" DNA until they created a new human species with a different DNA that could be controlled by them.

They used their knowledge to create a new race of beings who would be subservient to them.
The new species had only one strand of DNA, which was very different from the original twelve strands.

This one strand was split into two strands: one positive strand and one negative strand. These positive and negative strands were combined to create an entirely new type of living being: one who would be able to become what the dark forces wanted him to be without even knowing what he was becoming!
The dark forces succeeded in creating a new kind of humanity that was neither good nor bad but just an amalgamation of both.

This act of robbery of consciousness affected all living things on Earth and created fear in many people's hearts as they watched their world crumble around them.

Again the dark forces wanted more power than they already had. They wanted control over all life forms on this planet and would stop at nothing until they achieved that goal.
They began to experiment with other sentient beings, such as ourselves, and eventually found out that we had a higher spiritual consciousness than theirs did!

This caused them great anger because they felt inferior to us and feared for our enlightenment!
They have tried to make us afraid of ourselves, and they have tried to tell us that we are not worthy of love.

However, their efforts were futile.

They don't realize that the more they push, the more we will stand up for ourselves and find the strength to fight back!

When we look at ourselves today, we see ourselves as being very near to perfection but also very far from it; we are both one and many at the same time.

We are trying to become what we were meant to become—our original self is still within us somewhere, waiting to be rediscovered or reawakened.
This awareness of our true nature can lead to a new approach to science, religion, politics, and economics.

The hidden nature of humanity will be revealed, and we will discover the power that lies within!
Our true selves can only be realized when we surrender ourselves to our higher guidance in order to be guided by it.

This is why we must first acknowledge that there are other benevolent ETs working on us all the time and then accept them as being part of our natural world rather than something to fear or fight against.

The universe will change simply by people banding together and collectively intending what they want—becoming a psychic receptacle for energy from all over the universe!

When we stop being separate entities and start working towards the same goals and desires, then we are stronger than ever.

That is the bridge that has been left out of our evolution until now—becoming one with another—and it is only by becoming one with another that we have any chance at moving forward.

These days, there's a lot of talk about the upcoming ascension and the changes that are to come.
Will we ever receive answers from our cosmic elders? Will we ever be given a definitive answer to the meaning of our lives?

Sure, it's an exciting time to be alive because we're going to experience some amazing things. Personally, I feel that it's important to remind ourselves of who we really are and what our true potential is.

There will be immense power when the twelve-stranded helix system of human DNA starts to re-bundle, and this knowledge is put to use!

After all, we're spiritual beings having a human experience, and this fact should never be forgotten!

The key takeaway here is that we all have a tremendous capacity to create. You can do it if you want, and there's no reason why you shouldn't make your dreams come true.
The future is always in motion, and the action taken by every individual will determine what kind of future we have—so choose wisely.

This is an exciting time, and it is vital that all life moves forward together.

So let's use the strength of our unity to unlock our genetic code and rediscover our true selves!

We love you dearly.
We are here with you.

We are your family of light.

We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation
Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


What Happens Next Will Shock the World!

Source: Riccardo Bosi

Note: I found this very interesting and informative. Riccardo Bosi has a great sense of humor.

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