
Tuesday, August 27, 2024

Remain In gratitude...


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Greetings from Galactic Heart. . .


Mercury Retrograde sure is kicking PAO’s proverbial butt. At every turn these days we are finding ourselves wrestling with technology. The good news is Mercury goes direct August 28. Just a couple more days.

As you know, in May I attended the Journey toTruth conference. I called it “my reset trip”. I called it that because for the past 6 years I have been on what I term a ‘detour from my mission’. First, it was taking care of Sheldan which was beyond difficult. Statistically, when the care giver is released from duty, they get sick for up to a year. Yep, I fell right into that statistic. I became ill. I couldn’t understand or innerstand why I couldn’t heal myself. I was espousing this sentiment to my chiropractors, Andrew and Naomi. Andrew responded, "Colleen you barely had any life force/energy left in your body when you got sick. You were beyond depleted. We were worried about you."

It has taken 20 months for me to regain enough energy to get excited about moving forward and bringing Sheldan’s teachings to the newly awakening people. It is exciting to see more and more people waking up and becoming thirsty for Ascension knowledge. I remember learning so much from Sheldan’s bi-weekly updates, books and lectures when I was waking up. Excitement rises in me when I think of sharing this knowledge with those that are waking up today.

Last month we put out a request for volunteers to help us navigate social media. One person responded. Her name is Amanda. Miles and I were thrilled when we teleconferenced with her. She was gung-ho. She has been a PAO family member since 2010. She had vacation plans for most of August so we will get with her in September. I am delighted she knows what she is doing so she will be a great help. We at PAO have a treasure trove of information to share ~ a true gold mine ~ now to learn how to get it out to the people.

It is true, with your generous help, Miles and I kept PAO afloat bringing you our monthly Galactic Activation webinars and almost daily newsletters. But in truth, I only had strength to do the minimum. My brain is slower to comprehend things. I didn’t have the strength to learn social media and implement my marketing plan. I do have a plan and it is a good one. It is simply taking longer than I imagined to make a reality.

Our PAO community has graciouisly kept us going over the years. Humbly I have to ask for more help.

Since the beginning of 2024, censorship, natural attrition and economics have created a dire situation for PAO. Every month fewer people attend our webinars. We understand. Times are tough. Unfortunately, We have to make another plea for financial assistance. I am facing the dire reality that I’ll have to move. But where? No where in California that is for certain. The prospect of downsizing and moving to a different state where I don’t know anyone at this juncture of my life is daunting. So many unanswered questions about the direction of our personal and collective future. First, let’s get through this month.

If you can help out, please do make a contribution here or consider ordering our most recent webinar archive. We remain in service to our PAO family and Creator’s Divine Plan. Thank you for any help you can offer ~~ it is greatly appreciated.

With love,


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?


Brad Olsen is a true-life adventurer whose deep research into ancient worlds and esoteric knowledge provides a road map for our future.

Brad maintains that we are fully capable of reversing humanity’s downward spiral. By embracing the very mystical theories and arcane beliefs that have been hidden from us, we can move out of slavery and toward Ascension.

Brad is a dynamic speaker and PAO’s perfect guest for August. He believes that truth always resonates.

We invite you to listen to an inspiring voice of hope!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Information Wars
What is the Endgame?
• UFOs and ETs
Is Disclosure Imminent?
• Suppressed Technologies
What Must Occur for Their Release
• Human Ascension
A Pivotal Moment in Time

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-77 Archive: click here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

Bio About Brad
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