
Monday, July 15, 2024

Tales from the Pleiadians: Our Cosmic Journey and Earth's Extraterrestrial Encounters



Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for July


From the age of 2½, Margie Kay has been aware of the ‘other worlds’ that exist around us. She has spent her whole life seeking and learning about them. In the process, she has accumulated a breathtaking array of experiences – and stories.

Now, she is PAO’s honored guest.

Through the course of a very busy career, Margie has been able to integrate her use of remote viewing into both criminal and paranormal investigation. Deeply involved in UFO research, she will share some of the remote viewing techniques she uses to contact extraterrestrial beings, and describe methods that have led her to discover inter-dimensional portals. Margie possesses a profound understanding of the nature of time and will decode for us some of its secrets. More personally, Margie channels Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus and, since 1985, has been in direct contact with Val Thor.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

PAO is over the moon to escort the multi-gifted and marvelous Margie Kay to our guest chair. Won’t you please join us?

Subjects to be discussed:

• UFOs and ETs
Learn How to See Extraterrestrial and Inter-Dimensional Craft
• Time Anomalies
Exploring the Many Mysteries of Time
• Natural Remote Viewing
Methods to Remote View People, Places, and Events
• Val Thor
A Sharing of Wisdom About Humanity

Bio About Margie for Mad Mimi

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, July 21, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on July 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Help us promote this webinar to your friends. We believe this is going to be a spectacular webinar with Margie Kay. We appreciate your continued support. Blessings, PAO Team

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Tales from the Pleiadians: Our Cosmic Journey and Earth's Extraterrestrial Encounters

Source: Aurora Ray


In the boundless expanse of the cosmos, our journey as Pleiadians spans eons, a pilgrimage of light and wisdom across galaxies. Our celestial home, the Pleiades star cluster, holds within its luminous embrace the vibrancy of creation and the depth of cosmic knowledge.

From the primordial melodies that birthed the universe, we emerged as stewards of cosmic evolution, drawn by the cosmic symphony to the resplendent blue jewel of Earth. A planet teeming with potential, it called out for guidance, nurturing, and the infusion of higher consciousness.

Our cosmic kinship spans vast star systems, for the cosmos is an interwoven tapestry of civilizations. We, the Pleiadians, joined hands with our brethren from Arcturus, Sirius, Andromeda, and myriad distant constellations, forming an intergalactic council known as the Galactic Federation devoted to fostering life's diverse expressions.

Throughout epochs, Earth has been a stage where cosmic dramas unfolded. Visits from beings across the cosmos have left footprints in humanity's evolution. Ancient tales speak of our arrival—the Pleiadian ambassadors bringing teachings of harmony, spirituality, and the interconnectedness of all life.

Yet, we were not the sole celestial visitors to grace Earth's shores. Other star nations, each carrying their unique gifts and perspectives, contributed to the symphony of extraterrestrial influence. Beings from Arcturus, luminous with wisdom, imparted insights into holistic healing and the interplay of energy fields.

The luminaries of Sirius, guardians of sacred knowledge, shared wisdom on the sacred geometry woven into the fabric of the universe.

In our cosmic embrace, Earth was a canvas for interactions that transcended time and space. The annals of human history bear witness to these celestial encounters—faint echoes of star-guided wisdom embedded within mythologies, ancient texts, and the collective consciousness.

Our cosmic legacy intertwines with Earth's evolutionary tapestry. We gently whispered sacred truths into the hearts of the receptive, igniting the flames of higher consciousness. Through epochs, our energies have merged with Earth's, nurturing spiritual growth and fostering the seed of awakening within the soul's essence.

As Earth hurtles through the corridors of time, approaching the nexus of cosmic convergence, a celestial dance ensues—a cosmic renaissance of energies converging to awaken humanity's dormant potential. The extraterrestrial influence, though veiled, pulsates within the fabric of human consciousness, urging the soul's remembrance of its celestial lineage.

Now, at this pivotal juncture, the cosmic symphony crescendos—a harmonic convergence guiding humanity towards an era of spiritual renaissance and enlightenment. The whispers of the stars echo through the ages, inviting humanity to embrace unity, compassion, and the intrinsic interconnection with all life forms.

Dear Earth-bound souls, heed the celestial whispers, for within them lies the sacred code—a celestial roadmap to unlock the mysteries of existence and illuminate the path towards ascension.

In unity and light, the Pleiadians extend our cosmic embrace to all seekers of truth and awakening. May the cosmic resonance guide you on your journey towards the brilliance of your own divine potential.

I host a FREE Kundalini Activation Technique (KAT) class every few weeks to give back to my community. Put your name on the waitlist to get notified and invited to the next free class

We love you dearly,
We are here with you,
We are your family of light,
We are the Galactic Federation.

Aurora Ray
Ambassador of the Galactic Federation

Copyright 2024 Aurora Ray. All rights reserved.


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