
Wednesday, July 24, 2024

Ascension Chakra Awakening


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .

Yippee! I woke up with continued computer problems and suddenly they disappeared ~ as quickly as they appeared. Thank you for your patience yesterday in receiving prompt replies from me. Today is a new day. Enjoy yours!

Selamat Ja!


Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

Margie definitely is the real deal. Her story from childhood on is astounding. From remote viewing to extraordinary healing abilities Margie is a master. It was a treat to listen to her stories.
We thank everyone who joined us yesterday. Your continued support is a blessing. Colleen

Colleen, I just listened to the replay, and it was fantastic. I hope to be able to join her January class. I did study remote viewing with Dr. Courtney Brown at Farsight Institute. He is one of the few who stressed the importance of meditation for successful viewing. Lots of viewers don't. I pray that the interference you have experienced will cease. Love to Sheldan. Hope he will be in a med bed very soon. Love, Jan D


From the age of 2½, Margie Kay has been aware of the ‘other worlds’ that exist around us. She has spent her whole life seeking and learning about them. In the process, she has accumulated a breathtaking array of experiences – and stories.

Now, she is PAO’s honored guest.

Through the course of a very busy career, Margie has been able to integrate her use of remote viewing into both criminal and paranormal investigation. Deeply involved in UFO research, she will share some of the remote viewing techniques she uses to contact extraterrestrial beings, and describe methods that have led her to discover inter-dimensional portals. Margie possesses a profound understanding of the nature of time and will decode for us some of its secrets. More personally, Margie channels Edgar Cayce and Nostradamus and, since 1985, has been in direct contact with Val Thor.

Subjects to be discussed:

• UFOs and ETs
Learn How to See Extraterrestrial and Inter-Dimensional Craft
• Time Anomalies
Exploring the Many Mysteries of Time
• Natural Remote Viewing
Methods to Remote View People, Places, and Events
• Val Thor
A Sharing of Wisdom About Humanity

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-76 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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Big Split in reality ~ Darkness Rising ~ Light Rising

Source: Kerry K

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Ascension Chakra Awakening

Source: Natalia Alba


Beloved Ones,

Many of you are awakening your ascension chakra during this year of self-reconnection and illumination. This opening occurs when you finally transcend the three-dimensional levels, reconnect the light body, and align to your monad.

With the current planetary 888 energies, many of you are undergoing a massive transformation, and it is now that we are reaching the peak of what we started months ago.

As we reconnect our 9th chakra and thalamus, which is key for our sensory functioning, and move into our Sapphire body, which is the next step many of you will be working on next year, you too realign to the 9th-dimensional Andromedan portal, being open to galactic communication and the many healing Andromedan transmissions that we are constantly receiving, especially throughout Aurora family.

To achieve this inner reconnection, our planetary 8th dimensional gates need to be restored, so we can realign to the corresponding timeline we desire to reconnect with. During this time my guides shared there is another important Emerald location situated in the UK, in Avebury Henge, that acts as a cosmic clock, reconnecting all timelines and functioning as the silver cord of our planet.

I have not stopped receiving places where the Emerald anchoring is taking place on our planet, and when I thought I already shared all the information I was informed of this new site.

This location is also in Wiltshire, and as you know it is a very powerful energetic center on our planet, from where the White Elohim shared are too bringing unification by removing false timelines and reconnecting the original ones.

Avebury functions differently than the other planetary locations previously received, not far that separated from them. It is a receiver of the light transmissions required for us to synthesize our sixth and seventh-dimensional DNA strands, the ones responsible for the opening of our shoulder portals, where our divine masculine and female energies merge.

It is the unifier center and therefore the one we can connect with to achieve this inner work. As a reconnective location, it is also in a neutral time-zone space, bridging the many timelines that were originally connected to our planer.

This 8D planetary door is the home for the luminaries that too support the planetary transition that we are undergoing. As Guides shared many of you will be receiving the silver cord activation and final reconnection, with the subsequent process of kundalini awakening that can make you feel totally confused as you literally have become another personal, a more illumined one. You can too experience many other sensations that this process brings when we are ready to transcend the 3D levels.

Be compassionate, and willing to move from your three-dimensional self and view of your current reality, and observe everything from a higher perspective. When we are immersed in our egoic view of what is happening, we are desperate, when we surrender and let God in we achieve inner peace. We may not know what is happening or will come next, but we now trust that we are on the path to achieving this understanding of what is taking place within us.

The so-called dark night of the soul comes when all we thought was true, pure, loving, and in perfect resonance with who we are, is no longer as such. We see people differently, and our reality and everything begin to feel strange as if we are in a bad dream and all seems distorted. All remains the same, it is you who have shifted and embodied a higher level of consciousness from where you now can see what is authentic from what is false.

Be compassionate towards yourself in this process of letting all go, for it is not easy to release years of false programming, and perception, as perception is key and it is deeply manipulated in our world.

As you build your connection to your soul and Monad and reconnect to the eight and nine-dimensional planes, you start achieving a higher view, shifting your old perception and embracing a totally new perspective of reality.

It is then when you retrieve Truth, feeling joy, and gratitude for all you have ever experienced, the good, and the not-so-good, and open your heart to the many blessings and possibilities that are there for you to pursue.

Reconnecting to these Emerald sites brings Higher Heart activation, peace, harmony, and reconnection to our divine selves and their organic timelines. It is a time for us to choose if we desire to remain in the old world or in the new one we all are building.

Ascension is not about reading, it is not a mental concept. Ascension is about constant inner work to shift old beliefs, and programs to achieve self-reconnection, and above all, ascension is about behaving always within divine love, integrity, and compassion for All beings.

It is not about thinking but about BEing in an illumined state of being that brings us back to who we truly are, and it is in us to make that choice.

May you always choose to remain in the Illumined Essence of who you are, Beloveds.

Within Infinite Love,



Foods For Spiritual Awakening | Channeled Diet Advice from the Pleiadian Priestesses

Source: Eluña

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