
Tuesday, March 19, 2024




A must! (SKY disclosures COMING SOON)

There are about 100,000 ships of our brothers from all star races on the Sun's orbit, they recharge energy from a rare type of photons with positive and negative tasks at the same time.

Photons we know have no electric charge, ctrica, nor mass according to particle physics.

Our sun emits particles never seen before, Schumann frequencies are rising. The Earth already in 4 D rapid going in 5 D. The planet has matured and is becoming invisible or undetectable to entities smaller than 5 D. She will enter another dimensional plane with his children, that’s us natural human being.

Pure, natural people will clean their complete body from toxic, changes their DNA, open up their Pineal Gland and will develop their emotional and mental intelligence.

Once we develop telepathic skills, we can know and feel the intentions and plans of our politicians, friends, and family. Gradually, the evil ones will cease to exist on the new earth atmosphere do to the higher energy frequency vibration, (they can't deceive us anymore. You might experience this happening already)

We will stop needing leaders, we will compete between people and enter the personal development of each person as living celestial beings.

Don't be afraid of solar flashes, new particles coming from the invisible and undetectable area of the universe (95% of the universe's energy and matter is unknown, seen, or measured yet).

Given the delay of Extraterrestrials broadcasting by governments, the third and fourth type of public CONTACT is imminent.

The admission of Extraterrestrials life by human civilization is the key point for the official promulgation of The Galactic Quantum life and new technologies on Earth.

The Free Worlds Galactic Federation and our Government is waiting for the Supreme Light Source to give the green light for CONTACT.

However; The governments says you (we the people on earth) are not ready. They no longer have power and authority to dictate decisions above humanity because we are in 4D transitions to 5D.

Remember; stay awake love one another and take care of each other because we are in to a major change and most human mind still won’t be able to comprehend.

Hold the line SuperPatriots of the Light?!!

We need you. The world needs you. Humanity, our civilization of man needs you. Spread the word and the truth.

“with all the love and care for you all and Gaia”

Earth Sphere Federation,

Office of the General Council

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