
Saturday, March 23, 2024

**The Earth Alliance - Powerful Cosmic Energies Headed for Earth! 🌌** 🌟 Great One, 🌍

**The Earth Alliance - Powerful Cosmic Energies Headed for Earth! 🌌**

🌟 Great One,

🌍 As we move further into another super galactic weekend, the Earth Alliance is currently monitoring heightened space weather conditions.

🔥 On March 23rd, around 0130 UT, two large sunspots facing Earth, AR3614 and AR3615, released a huge X-class flare in unison. This powerful flare is sending a large CME headed toward us, expected to reach Earth in the early hours of March 25th. It is expected to be a direct hit that will spark strong geomagnetic storms.

Adding to the intensity, multiple powerful M-class flares have also been ejected in our direction and are also swiftly approaching!

💨 Currently, solar winds are surging at a velocity of 507.60 km/sec, while a strong KP5 (G2) geomagnetic storm is underway.

🌞 Moreover, an S3 Solar Proton Radiation Storm is in full swing! Proton storms are rare, especially at this heightened level, posing an increased risk of satellite disruptions and elevated radiation exposure for astronauts and frequent flyers. While there's generally no significant concern for those of us grounded on Earth's surface, starseeds usually sense these exotic particles as they rain down into the atmosphere, impacting the human energy field.

🌈 Strong global Ascension symptom reports have moved into elevated territory this evening as the starseeds of Earth work to integrate this powerful light into their cells. A few hours ago, many reported suddenly feeling nauseous and even a bit dizzy and unbalanced.

🌱 It's important to be super grounded as this cosmic energy bombards the cells and DNA of the human body. Consuming light, raw energy foods, drinking plenty of pure water, grounding yourself in nature, meditating, and keeping crystals nearby will help channel this energy through your body and into the Earth.

🧘‍♀️ Take it easy for the next few hours and don't forget to breathe! 🌐

✍️ Let us know what ascension symptoms you are experiencing at this time.

🚀 Godspeed,

Michael and the Pleiadians


- 📡 Monitor the situation live on our [Space Weather Tools Page](

- 📚 Check out our new Pleiadian books at [Sacred Light Publishing](

- 💎 Recommended source for monatomic Andara Crystals: [Andara Enterprise](

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