
Sunday, January 14, 2024

THE NEW FINANCIAL SYSTEM COMES FROM THE SUN This whole human system of darkness


This whole human system of darkness and slavery, where POWER is MONEY, is collapsing. The money god has his hours numbered.
The Great Army of Light coming to establish Order through all Light Beings incarnate starts the first Light Financial System, where there is no weariness or selfishness.
Human currency gives way to the "GOLD OF THE SUN".
The sun is pure gold and as such materializes through the Alchemists incarnated in gold. Through gold begins equal distribution to man, providing everything they need for coexistence, manifesting equality and total detachment from the power of money.
They are the beings of light incarnate who undertake the service of giving and receiving necessary matter through the Sun. To do so, portals will open and veils will be torn off to understand why every person came to planet Earth.
Joy, Peace and Brotherhood are the foundations on which service is founded.
Isabel Garcia Martinez
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