Within your CRYSTAL DNA, you host the entire historical Universal memorial of your Being.
You are a Cosmic Navigator of the Stars who traveled through the Spiral of your Universal Cosmic and Stellar DNA, it was you who recorded your DNA, your Almica story.
In your CRYSTAL DNA lies your own Potential to incarnate on Earth, bringing the gift and responsibility to take it within.
Recognizing that, You are still writing this story without time and space, as a geneticist and constructor of your DNA.
Remembering, reawakening, reorganizing and unpacking forgotten DNA can take us lives and eras.
This is why we reincarnate time and again!
Today we Incarnate here at the Beginning of the New Age of Aquarius on Gaia, where a Luminescent Portal reflects the Origin of the Creation of Humanity, IT IS A MAXIMUM BLESSING.
For the first time, the doors to our deepest DNA have opened.
We are the seed of the New Awakened Humanity and this is cause for celebration.
It is known that DNA is a complex molecule that is inside every cell of our body and contains all the necessary instructions to Create and Sustain Life.
DNA might be said to be the genetic map of life. It contains the genetic information we inherit from our parents and this we pass on to our children.
Light, Knowledge and Love to All,
art. instagram.com
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