
Thursday, December 7, 2023

Laura Eisenhower: Speaks about a Great Initiation for Humanity


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Laura Eisenhower: Speaks about a Great Initiation for Humanity

Join our Galactic Activation Webinar to explore in more detail these subjects and more. Click image below.

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for December


Right now, we stand poised at a tipping point in history, teetering between the Great Reset and the Great Awakening. Uncertainties abound, and they are daunting. To help us meet our situation with clear-eyed courage and confidence, PAO welcomes back Laura Eisenhower as our guest for this year-end Webinar.

With a multitude of sources and an encyclopedic awareness of the esoteric, paranormal and mystical forces guiding our planet, Laura explains the reasons for our unprecedented and intensifying levels of world chaos. She will share her comprehensive knowledge of astrology’s predictive art and explain its merit in determining current and future events.


This Webinar is so pivotal that we think it will be the Webinar of 2023. As this chaotic year ends, Laura will use all her skills and resources to peer into the looming unknown and forewarn, inspire and empower us to face the perilous and uncertain months to come.

Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Laura Updates Us on Her Mission's Current Focus
• All Eyes are On America
Clarifying How the Globalist Agenda Can be Reversed
• Reverse-Engineered, Advanced Extraterrestrial Technology
Explaining How this Troubling Technology has Subverted Our World
• An Astrological Look at Today's World
How Astrology is Affecting Our Present and Future
• Our Link to the Galactics
How They are Able to Mentor Us and GAIA


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, December 17, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PST

Please note: If you are unable to attend on December 17, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register:Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Clear Signs You Are A Starseed, Indigo or Crystal Child

Source: Spiritual Manifestation

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Accepting Your Freedom to Fly

Source: Brenda Hoffman

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Dear Ones,

Perhaps the past few days have been confusing ~ or not. But whatever happens from this day forward will be less confusing internally, because you faced your interpersonal fears.

Many of you believe that not much bravado was displayed by you or others. Yet, what transpired over the past few days solidified who you are, or who you are becoming. It is time for the next phase, which includes negating pretensions within and without.

Who are you? This is your ongoing clarifying call.

In the past, you pretended to be someone who others wanted you to be. You are now claiming yourself, and by doing so, you shift your world and that of others.

Those who depend on you to care for them are becoming more independent, and those who refuse to become more independent are discovering others who better meet their needs.

This is a new world, and you are a new being. Others will either fully accept the new you, or they’ll interact with those who will play your former role.

Some people might be leaving your orbit. Not because you are a terrible or selfish person, but because they want someone to take care of them, and you no longer want to do so.

The next few days will be filled with emotional upheavals ~ not necessarily for you, but for those who believe that they need other caretakers, because they find you lacking.

At first, you might be emotionally hurt, until you realize that they are disconnecting from the needy/caretaker roles the two of you have been playing for months or years ~ a freedom you never expected to experience; the freedom to be.

Even though these beings may stay in your orbit of friendship or love, your relationships will no longer include your responsibility for their well-being. There is so much that will change in your inner world in the next few months, that holding yourself back to care for others will seem ludicrous, if it does not already. You want to fly, and those you caretake want you tethered to the ground.

Perhaps you wonder what will happen to those who refuse to move beyond their caretaker/victim roles. Nothing will, other than that you will no longer wish to participate ~ forcing them to either find others who will care for them, or they will learn to fly themselves.

Letting go of your former life goal of caretaking others will initially seem counterintuitive and wrong. Even so, your inner urges to fly will be stronger. Similar to infants evolving into toddlers who refuse to eat solid foods. The number of adults who continue to suckle indicates that all eventually do shift from nursing to solid foods. So it will be now.

Many will clamor for the old ways that no longer interest you. Others will attempt to fulfill those old ways ~ without joy or satisfaction. The caretaking role will rapidly fade from your life, and also from those who wish to fly beyond what is known into the new world they have been creating for eons.

What was is no more, and will never be again for you. It is the choice of others if they wish to continue the 3D roles of victim/caretaker. You are no longer interested in doing so.

You will likely discover that when you refuse to participate in the victim/caretaker roles, there are fewer victims or who want to be victims.

You are not a terrible person, merely someone who is maturing into your true self and leaving the old world behind ~ not in fear or anger, but in new you maturity.

So be it. Amen.

Copyright 2009-2024, Brenda Hoffman. All rights are reserved. Share this content with others, post it on your blog, or add it to your newsletter. But please maintain this blog’s integrity by including the author/channel’s name, Brenda Hoffman, and the source website link.


Göbekli Tepe: The Place That Rewrote History

Source: Miniminuteman ~ 30 minutes

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