
Saturday, December 16, 2023

Are you experiencing a symphony of unexpected sensations lately? If so, you're navigating the same cosmic wave as many others


Are you experiencing a symphony of unexpected sensations lately? If so, you're navigating the same cosmic wave as many others who are sensitive to electromagnetic energies. Alongside the usual emotional ebbs and flows, you might find yourself swinging from highs to lows, struck by sudden anxiety, or tapping into a newfound clairvoyance. These sensations are part of a broader celestial phenomenon. The Coronal Mass Ejections (CMEs) on December 14th and 15th were not just ordinary events; they were significant markers in Solar Cycle 25, and are bringing geomagnetic storms on the evening of December 16th and during the 17th. These solar activities can intensify your daily experiences, from feeling overwhelmed to heightened environmental sensitivity, or even inspire sudden bursts of creativity. As we sail through this astral storm, you might notice altered perceptions, a deepened sense of connection, unusual physical sensations like tingling, and shifts in your sleep patterns. To read the full article please visit

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