
Wednesday, November 29, 2023



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Man Dies, Discovers Ultimate Truth About Our Soul's Purpose on Earth, Consciousness & Oneness

Source: Dorothy Shelton

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In the Realm of the Timeless

Source: Catherine Viel


Creativity can seem mysterious, the purview of artists and eccentrics, or geniuses like Einstein and da Vinci. It certainly isn’t me on a crisp November morning, attempting to sketch a face from memory and trying to figure out where the ears begin and end.

Where is the line between creativity and manifestation? Isn’t engaging in a creative act simply another way to say we’re manifesting something?

It probably doesn’t matter how we label it; what’s important is the heart immersion into the state of being where we manifest and create.

Since I am perpetually befuddled by the notion of manifesting (meditate and visualize real hard, and it will happen!), I’m taking the path that feels organic and creating a little something every day.

I realize that any activity can be considered creative when we approach it with openness, curiosity, and most of all, willingness to be in the moment. In fact, being present is probably tantamount to the creative state.

Activities traditionally considered artistic equate to creative endeavors, in my perception. I’m fine with that, and in fact, knowing I’m “doing something artistic” helps lift me out of the humdrum everyday and into the realm of the timeless.

The paradox is that I’ve spent big chunks of time engaging in “creative writing” for decades, yet to me, there’s too much brain engagement with writing, waiting for the perfect words to drop into my head so they can emerge onto the page.

But give me a blank piece of creamy, textured paper and a couple of drawing pencils, and the brain that seeks words sinks into the background. I hear it murmuring as I look at angles and relationships between points on the sketch, noting that the top of the ear approximately aligns with the eyes, the eyebrows are just above that, and how on earth does one draw a mouth without creating a clown…but meanwhile, my hand hovers with the pencil and tentative shadings and lines appear.

There’s something immensely satisfying in watching this magical manifestation, this representation of life, come into existence like a photograph taking form in the developer tray. Something that never existed before, now is.

I’m looking forward to zippy 5D manifesting as much as anyone else. How much easier everyday life will be, how magnificently and mysteriously altered will be our realm, when the invisible and energetic become perceptible and manipulatable.

Presumably, I’d be able to focus briefly and create exactly what’s in my mind’s eye on that creamy sketch paper, the perfect artistic representation of what I wish to see.

Somehow, I find no satisfaction in that. I don’t even wish to instantly and magically be gifted with the capability of creating beautiful works of art.

At least, I don’t feel that way now. Will I become so vibrationally elevated that learning the old-fashioned way, through experimenting and using 3D tools, will feel like stepping backward? Perhaps it would be like using my ancient Underwood typewriter, when dictating speech-to-text can record the story much more easily and quickly.

I treasure my sketchbooks and my coffee cups bristling with colored pencils, and I don’t intend to put aside these old friends even if I no longer need them for creative expression. They’re a pathway into timelessness, the endless dimension of the creative, and I won’t abandon any tool that gives me so much joy and frees me so readily from the grasp of my mind and the constraints of time itself.


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Source: Regina Meredith

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