
Monday, October 30, 2023

WHO ARE THE SYRIANS? Syrians are a cluster of stellar beings. Their appearance is often mistaken for those in the Orion constellation.


WHO ARE THE SYRIANS? Syrians are a cluster of stellar beings. Their appearance is often mistaken for those in the Orion constellation. They are said to be the "highest level of being" and up to 4% of the Earth's total population is said to have some form of Syrian DNA. It is also said that Syrians are the ancestors of some Native Americans.. They are considered "wizards" and "teachers of time". The whole being of a Syrian is formed by the past, present and future. They live many lives and they are immortal, they have no age. Syrians have lived for eons and seemingly able to transcend space and time. They possess great wisdom and power. Syrians are pure energy and exist in every dimension, including the third. Syrians have a "shield" around them. The shield is made of a violet blue liquid. Syrians have the ability to change shape, as well as the ability to teleport long distances. They also have the ability to fly and on rare occasions, to transform into animals. Syrians also have the ability to alter time, space, dimension and to alter matter.. The Syrian Starseeds, also known as the Syrian High Council, came to Earth to help humanity and have since committed to Earth’s protection. Syrians are often described as tall, thin, and skinny, which makes them seem from an otherworldly world. They also have long, shiny blue hair, and their skin is usually described as translucent or glowing. Syrians often appear in natural environments, such as deserts and forests. When they enter Earth's atmosphere, they sometimes use spaceships with intense black The first time they realized the existence of the Earth was thousands of years ago. That's when Syrians began to watch and protect humanity. At first, they were cautious and suspicious of humanity, however, after centuries of observation, they began to realize that humanity was not a threat. Syrians are originally from the Syrian planet. They are the brightest stars in the night sky and have long been fascinating humans. From mid northern latitudes and year-round, this star is easy to see without the aid of a telescope or prismatics. Today, astronomers claim that Sirio is no ordinary star. It is a binary star system, which means it contains two stars that orbit each other. One of the stars, named Sirius B, is significantly larger than Sirius A (the star of the center of our system, visible in plain sight). Sirio B has a mass of more than 25 times that of the Sun. Astronomers also estimate that Sirio B is a billion years old. Sirius is ten times brighter than the moon, although it is 40 times closer to Earth. Sirius is the brightest star in the constellation Canis Major, also known as the Canis Major Dog. In Greek mythology, Canis Major is Zeus' dog, who protects him and his cattle. In Roman mythology, Canis Major is Arcas, the guardian of Zeus' cattle. In Arabic, the name is al-Sirr ("the star of the dog"). Wénxng means "literary star" in traditional Chinese. In Indian astronomy, Sirius is known as Rohini, which means "ascent". In Hindu mythology, Rohini is the wife of the wise Vishvamitra. Syria is also associated with several deities. Syria is Swarga (the heavenly kingdom) as well as the home of souls. The Syrians taught humans many advanced sciences, including the sciences of math, physics, chemistry, biology and medicine. They also helped humanity by building various technologies, such as laser, atomic science, modern communications, robotics and artificial intelligence. The star seeds s Syrias (also known as the Workers of Light) are "seeds" that contain the Syrian system project. Starseeds are given this project as a “gift” to help humans awaken and transition to the 5th dimension. The Syrians call this the "New Earth". They're here to experience this beautiful planet in the process of becoming a paradise - free from the tyranny and corruption that currently exists on Earth. The Syrians are opening many doors for us because of their continued fight against the Kabala. They have revealed their presence to increase our understanding of our cosmic family. The need to keep the secret is diminishing because the Light of Syrians will restore planetary freedom, abundance and consciousness oneness. Pets are often sent to chosen individuals to assist them, help them heal and comfort them. Pets are sent to someone by the person's star family, which also allows them to monitor the progress of individuals on Earth in conscious evolution. Cats are from the Lyranos. The dogs are originally from Syria. A'HO Aurora lightning strike Ambassador of the Galactic Federation Aurora Ray channel and art

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