
Sunday, October 22, 2023

VITAL Message to Humanity: Sh*t is going down


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A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.

GET ACTIVATED - JOIN US for another stellar webinar. Your $20 helps keep PAO alive.

Selamat Ja!

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for October

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Regretfully, owing to a sudden medical emergency, Patricia Cori is unable to appear with us this month. She will return as our guest at a later date. In the meantime, we wish her a swift recovery.

It is PAO’s good fortune that our dear friend, Dr. Joseph (‘Dr. Joe’) McNamara, has graciously agreed to take Patricia’s place as our guest.

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

Dr. Joe will answer our questions and offer his personal perspective on the many levels of spiritual healing, as well as the importance of DNA activation to our health and wellness.

We invite you to join us this month for an extraordinarily uplifting – and impromptu – Webinar with our beloved Dr. Joe.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• History - The Pleiadean Connection
• Tachyon Chambers vs Med Beds
• Tachyon Energy Chambers: Benefits
• Tachyon Success Stories
• Tachyon Chamber Locations

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, October 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday October 22, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


VITAL Message to Humanity: Sh*t is going down

Source: Elizabeth April

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Note: They are using Soul Mates as a term that I refer to as Twin Flames. My understanding is there are many different types of Soul Mates.


There is a master plan to the Universe and all that transpires therein. That plan is as vast as the physical universe, and even far beyond, into other dimensions of existence. In fact, what takes place in the physical dimension is just the outer tip of the iceberg when compared to the vast complexity of creating and maintaining a universal order to all things.

Thus, there are innumerable mysteries involving existence, not the least of which is one’s spiritual relationship or connection to another human being. When we pursue this thought in regard to personal love relationships, we come to the often mysterious and intriguing subject of soul mates.

The very term “soul mate” implies a spiritual connection between two souls. The implication carried to its spiritual conclusion would also imply that these are two persons that God meant to be together. Taking this one step further, it could be considered that God created the two out of one.

In a mystical sense, there is but One Life in the Universe. In God’s creation of a soul, we can say that there is but One Universal Soul, whose body is Light, or God’s first begotten.

The Bible states that all things came forth from Light. This would mean that individual souls came forth from the Light in a higher spiritual realm before manifesting in physical form. To manifest and procreate on a physical dimension, each soul was divided into both male and female energy. Though separated, the energies still hold to common energy attraction, having originally come from being one, as one soul and one manifestation in an original higher realm of creation in the Universal Mind or Consciousness of God. Thus, if understood spiritually, the eternal quest to find one’s soul mate—consciously or even unconsciously—becomes the driving force behind love.

In the sense of shared values, lifestyle, and even physical appearance, the similarities in the natures of soul mates can be overwhelming. Their spiritual sense will be very much in tune, and on the lighter side, their laughter will closely resemble one another’s. All of this—appearance, laughter, similarity of spiritual understanding—is because they are originally from the same soul. The urge to love one another is the urge to literally reunite with one’s other half on physical, mental, and spiritual levels.

Once soul mates find each other, does this mean that they will stay together through eternity? The answer is that they must first be aware that they are soul mates, and that this is the most precious love—not only in this physical life, but throughout eternity. Acknowledging this, they must be willing to work together to triumph over any pressures and problems they encounter in physical life, realizing that they possess life’s most valuable gift.

If both of them do not experience this willingness, they could become so entangled in issues and stresses that they go their own way, thus losing the very essence of themselves. Some will realize the mistake that they have made and attempt to rectify it by encouraging reuniting. Others—either consciously or unconsciously—will get involved in different experiences or another relationship as an escape from the spiritual pain they feel inside.

This process of coming together, only to lose contact once again, could happen over many lifetimes, until both halves of the whole decide that they must stay together in this life and beyond, regardless of anything that may come their way!

As for finding your soul mate, meditation is the key—as it is with everything in life. By meditating daily on the Presence of God, you enter into that higher energy of Oneness and Light, which is God. As a result, you radiate Oneness. Oneness then becomes the primary vibratory energy in your thought waves on a psychic level, which attracts your soul mate to you.

In the case of soul mates, attraction is much deeper than any physical or mental attraction. It is something sensed on a spiritual level. The two people sense that they are already connected in some very deep spiritual way, for indeed they are. If indeed, the two souls are truly soul mates, it is not unusual for them to sense this, even on a first meeting.

Meditation also reveals that human beings are multi-dimensional; that is, you can simultaneously exist in several different dimensions. That means that if you have not already found your soul mate in this lifetime, there is a dimension where the two of you eternally exist. This continues when you are together on the physical plane, even if for some reason you become separated in the physical world.

If you feel you are currently separated from your soul mate, turn to God to find and retain your soul mate in this physical life and in the life hereafter. Only God, or one who is extremely aware and spiritually sensitive, can know the empty feeling of being separated from one’s true soul mate.

Dr. Paul Leon Masters


Text for “Soul Mates” taken from Dr. Paul Leon Masters’ “The Theocentric Way of Life,” Volume 4: Module 32.
Copyright © 2016 by the International Metaphysical Ministry.

For information about “The Theocentric Way of Life” teachings, and Theocentric Psychology ® Doctoral Degree Program, click here.
Theocentric Psychology ® is a registered trademark.

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The Collective: Saint Germain – The Us and Them Paradigm

Source: Caroline Oceana Ryan

Saint Germain called the point of view “Us and Them.” Werner Erhard called this viewpoint “Us Against Them” and suggested “Us and Them” as a win/win perspective. The thought behind it is the same: unitive consciousness.


This week’s guidance from the Ascended Masters, Archangels, Angelic legions, Star Families, Earth elements, Fae elders, and other beautiful beings known as the Collective:

COR: Greetings, friends who are family!

I’ve asked Ascended Master Saint Germain to come forward to speak with us about world events—particularly the intense violence of action/reaction that’s been taking place in Israel and Palestine.

Greetings, Lord Saint Germain!

SAINT GERMAIN: Greetings, dear ones!

We are very happy to speak with you today.

And I say “we” because in the higher realms, as well as on the Earth, there is only Oneness, without separation.

And so with me now are all of the Collective, and all of your souls and higher selves, with the higher perspective they share.

What you are seeing occurring on your planet now, is the last outburst of an angry separation “theology.”

By which I mean, the Us and Them stance, in which there is an angry god who can only be appeased in certain ways, and who is eternally separate from humanity, judging all he sees and only giving a nod of occasional acceptance to certain groups or individuals who fulfill his requirements.

This is of course the perfect recipe for dark behaviors of all kinds, as that acceptance is based on fear—fear that if one measures up to the divine one’s expectations today, one might not do so another day.

And so in time, each will fail these tests created outside of them and held against them, as if there were a perfectionist standard that applied to all, regardless of their level of soul growth and the meanings and intent of their soul journey.

This is a very low vibrational form of thinking, and requires “belief systems” based on supposition and years of training outside of the actual Presence that is Spirit.

And we speak of Spirit as that which is constantly moving, flowing forward, evolving—as your Sun, for example, is clearly evolving in his own path of transformation and renewal.

It is not so that all must hold certain beliefs, be born into a particular ethnic or religious group (or be adopted into such), or come from a particular place on the Earth in order to be “right”—to be justified in any action, no matter how destructive those actions may be.

What you see occurring in the Middle East conflicts are examples of, as you say in the Peace meditation video, a war economy.

And they are examples of the hegemony, the assumed supremacy, and beyond that, the sad unseeing narrowness of the old prevailing government structures.

These ones now endeavor to continue trying to control Earth events as if they had not fallen off their throne, when in fact they have done, in the midst of powerful energies of Rebirth flowing to Earth now, and amid an awakening mass consciousness.

There is literally no place left for them here.

And so they desire to ruin Earth life however they can, creating trauma and feelings of hopelessness wherever possible, to try to convince the human vibration and even the human genome that all is lost, and that despair is the only logical response.

Yet if you could see from our perspective (as your higher selves do), you would see how this particular course of action, however dark and unthinkable it may appear, is actually bringing up to the surface much in human consciousness, individually and collectively, that desires to heal.

So that far from spurring on desperation and low vibration—though that may be a person’s initial response—they are inadvertently assisting millions in re-experiencing past and current life trauma, bringing it to the surface where it can finally be faced and released.

This is one reason why they are being allowed to carry out these dark deeds.

Oddly, it presents the issue of duality as being no longer livable on the planet—a great moment indeed, though we would not wish for these realizations to occur in such dire form.

The arbiters of the violence continue pretending that these actions issue forth from this or that country’s right-wing military or left-wing militant groups, when in fact these deeds are only masked to appear as such.

All of these actions, at their source, are coming from the same dark power base that is pulling any stunt available to express its denial and its rage at having lost its seat of power.

And again we would say, that though all of you of the Light may understandably feel that this is a dark moment on the Earth, we see it differently.

Your calls and requirements for galactic assistance have been heard and are being answered.


Many hundreds of ships are located in the airspace above the troubled regions of the planet, assisting in numerous ways, including offering the support of medical assistance, food, and safe shelter to many.

Likewise, Angelic interventions are occurring continually—again, in response to your calls to those of the higher realms, requesting assistance for all who suffer now, whether from conflict, extreme weather conditions, or their own inner struggles.

It is not so that you have been left alone to your own or anyone’s devices, while we stand back and do nothing.

This could never be the case!

Recall that you have all chosen a path before incarnating, and that those who are caught in scenes of intense conflict have also chosen their path.

There is a powerful presence of a special soul group which chose to be born in certain countries at this time, volunteering to assist in the upward movement of human consciousness, even if it meant enduring the shock of unnecessary conflict.

All of you have also chosen your part in this.

Despite the sadness and shock you feel now, you are our representatives on the ground.

And as Earth representatives of your Starseed families, multi-dimensional higher selves, and Divine Love Itself, you are called upon to to assist energetically with the comforting thoughts, healing waves of Light, and outcry for assistance to those in the ships.

(Which most of you are also on, as you visit them etherically.)

Many of you often employ the Transmuting Violet Flame, and this is a powerful tool for shifting Earth vibration and events now!

Yet you are generally unaware that you are also here to Transmute, using the power of Love, releasing the Us and Them paradigm, releasing the need for duality and its trauma in order to know more fully who you are.

And release the need to judge, to exclude, to vilify.

This is indeed a miracle as you would view it, for the duality of Good and Bad is all you have known, for so long.

In this crucial moment in Earth’s and humanity’s evolvement, all of you stand now as agents of Transmutation, using your own energetic resources to lift the darkness and shadow of Earth life back to the Light to which all forms return.

So many of you travel etherically to troubled parts of the world in your sleep state, that it is little wonder you rarely feel rested as you awaken in the morning—or experience the 8 or 9 hours that has passed as if they were only 2 or 3 hours.

In part, this is due to the nature of Earth Time shifting to a far quicker pace.

Yet it is also due to the focus and concentration of your spirit minds and hearts on assisting so many who call out for assistance now.

You are all highly involved in Earth events now!

Know that many who are apparently lost due to armed conflict will be given the choice to return to Earth, if that is where they feel their higher path is.

Earth has moved to a new timeline, in which that is possible.

So that not even the physical is fully lost in this apparently very physical struggle that humanity is in now.

As you transmit and deeply plant into Earth life the Light you carry from the higher realms and your own soul power, you increasingly experience moments of realizing that the veil between illumined Truth and the old lies humanity was long trained to accept has dissolved.

In that moment, you realize that the lies need not be noticed, listened to, or accepted as truth.

Stand strong in the knowing that all you have come here for is unfolding now!

And that, as you hold Divine Love as the only true reality, you come Home within yourselves to that which you have long desired: the establishing of a “heaven on Earth” that well exceeds human concepts of the higher realms

Will you be here to see it fully established, this New Earth?

You are the components of that beautiful new reality itself.

Yes, you will still weep some days for what you see occurring on your planet, that need not occur.

Yet the choice to move to a higher form of Earth life is in your hands.

And so we would say, Is there Love in your hearts and compassion for those who are so lost that they wound others, as well as your Love and compassion for the wounded?

If so, then the New Earth is here already, warriors of Peace!

You have made it so!

We hold you everlastingly in that Light which cannot fade, but only grow more brightly in that Universe that is your own heart-space.

And so, Namaste, dear ones!

We are with you, and with all, at every moment.

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