
Thursday, October 12, 2023

The Red Dragon of Wales Judith Kusel



Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Lovely to share this story with you.

Last week I went to the post office to mail some books. I arrived before the post office was to open which was a surprise. I thought they opened at 9am but found out not until 10am. I was not the only one who was surprised. As the line formed, we all chatted about the high price of gasoline especially in California. Finally the doors opened. I was third in a long line that had developed.

As I was waiting my turn, I notice a beautiful, older woman walking with a cane come into the post office lobby. I noticed she seemed winded, her breathing was off. She stood holding onto a counter. She smiled at me. That’s when I softly approached her. I asked if she was Ok and if I could get a chair for her to sit on. She smiled back at me with the most twinkly blue eyes I have ever seen. She told me how kind I was and that usually she gets to walk to the front of the line due to her health. I replied that I would make sure that happened. I returned to my now #2 spot in line. When the next teller became free, I signaled for her to take her place at the window. Everyone in line remained silent. They witnessed my kindness and a couple people thanked me for caring for the elderly.

As synchronicity would have it, I was walking out of the post office at the exact same time as the elderly woman was walking out. I opened the door for her as I said, “Well hello again. It is our day to smile with each other.” (I remember thinking to myself, why did I say smile at each other?) With her twinkly blue eyes, she smiled and said can I tell you something. Sure, i responded.

She explained, "I am 78 years old. I used to be a professional singer. Next week I am going to sing at a fund raising event for endangered animals. I’m very excited even though I haven’t sung professionally for several decades. And guess what one of the songs I will be performing? SMILE. I love that song and I love your smile. Thank you for being you.”

WOW! So that is why I said 'it was nice to smile with you today'. She was very happy to share with me. You could see the pride she had about her singing for charity. This simple act of kindness made my day special and hers too.

Acts of kindness can make the world a happier place for everyone. They can boost feelings of confidence, happiness and optimism. They may also encourage others to repeat the good deeds they’ve experienced themselves - contributing to a more positive community.

With Love,


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for October


Heightened frequencies are awakening mankind to this present pivotal moment in history. The key to humanity’s future lies in understanding and activating our dormant DNA.

PAO’s special October guest, Patricia Cori, has focused a major part of her lengthy career collecting information integral to our preparation for a consciousness shift. In this Webinar, she reveals the Sirian perspective on Gaia and our galactic futures.

As Starseeds, we are witnessing an epic showdown, a battle between dark and Light. We are being called upon to join it and to heap courage upon the heroes of the Light as they fight for our future and forge our destinies.


We, too, can be heroes of the Light. Together, let’s pool our radiant energies for the benefit of all humanity.

Come, join us ~~ get re-activated!

Subjects to be discussed:

• World Events - Dealing with Intense Energy Shifts
Finding Solutions to Bolster our Discernment and Create Energy Balance
• Genetics and Frequency Upgrading Impact
How Heightened Frequencies are Pushing Us to Higher Consciousness
• DNA Manipulation Agenda
mRNA Chemicals and How They Affect our DNA
• Galactic Evolutionary Cycle - A Defining Moment in History
A Sirian Perspective on How Humanity Is Evolving


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, October 22, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday October 22, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


The Event Shift Is Happening Now - Change Your Frequency

Source: Cliff High

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The Red Dragon of Wales

Source: Judith Kusel


The untold and long forgotten story of Cymru (Wales) and the Red Dragon

In ancient times, Avalon, the third civilization on earth, existed. In those days there was no Atlantic sea and thus Britain, Scotland, Ireland were still attached to a vast landmass, most of which then sunk under the sea, and the Islands tore off from mainland Europe.

Thus Wales and Brittany, as well as Ireland where then deeply connected to Britany and the West coast of France.

In what is now under the sea on the Welsh coast, there used to be a stone circle which connected directly to the one in Britain, and indeed was much larger. There were several mounds, and labyrinth like, structures, mazes etc. resembling the Ancient Celtic knots and symbols. This was Cymru, the original Cymru, before the landmass tore off and the Atlantic ocean was created.

It was here that the High Priestess and Dragon master Ruled, for Avalon in its original state was a Matriarchal society and the women ruled. The Dragons at that time, which was long before Atlantis rose, worked peacefully and in powerful ways with humanity then, and assisted them in many ways, as dragons can get in where none other can and their fires transmute.

It was here that Dragon Masters, first worked with the red dragons, who were indeed fiery, but also created great prosperity, joy, beauty, harmony with those of Avalon, as much as they worked with the Wizards, Merlin and Merlinda’s too.

The Red dragons indeed were considered not only powerful but in benevolent ways assisted with the flourishing of the lands and its people and were greatly loved. It was known that as long the Red Dragons were there to not only work with the people, but also alongside them that this part of Avalon would prosper, through the Power of Love.

More than this to Power of the Song, Music, as the High Order of the Bards, knew how to work with the power of sound and the Stonehenge and others were indeed constructed through and with the power of sound.

The women held the secrets of the sound, as much as they were the Dragon masters.

Thus then the Red Dragons were of great loving service to Avalon then, and thus deeply remembered at a subconscious level, long after Avalon fell. It was indeed, when Avalon fell, that the Red Dragons withdrew into the higher dimensional state, vowing to one day return, when Avalon would rise again.

The time is now.

Indeed, the Welsh National Anthem, was composed quite recently, but in fact was transmitted through the composer – for it was the original song of Avalon, and the Red Dragons. This is why, when the Welsh National Anthem is sung, it stirs deep soul memory banks.

Indeed, the Dragon Master has returned.

She is stirring the soul of Welsh people to remember and remember they will, as their consciousness rises and they remember who they are in truth. For is it not that the Egyptian Hieroglyphs can be easily “read” by the original Welsh ancient language, for they indeed are eternally connected.

Rise the red dragons and the Red Dragon Queen.

(just transmitted through me.) There is far more to this, as the Story of Avalon is far greater than this. I have recorded some of this in my France book, but Wales is going to stir humanity in a deep awakening soon.

(The Dragons have returned since 2012 by the droves and assisting us in huge ways through the Shift into the New Earth)

Judith Kusel

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Source: Evan Carmichael with Bruce Lipton

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