
Monday, October 30, 2023

Sheldan on GoldenAgeofGaia:


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Have you noticed that things around the world are heating up and getting ready for some big, positive announcements? I sincerely believe this recent disclosure is being accelerated and we are entering a time for Truths to be revealed in a blessed way to help people (the masses) understand who has been in charge of our world and how the Earth Alliance is eradicating them from power. First NESARA/GESARA disclosure and then our long awaited Galactic disclosure.

REMINDER: We cannot have mass landings until there is peace around the world.

A few nights ago, I enjoyed a communique with my Galactic guide. I was encouraged to re-ignite the NESARA/GESARA fire in each of our hearts. We have been holding this vision for many years and it is time to review your NESARA video from Sheldan. Most of you reading this post already own his videos on this subject. It is advised to familiar yourself with NESARA law so you are prepared to educate those around you when announcements are made. I was told it is OK not to know all the history (although good to know) but imperative to know the benefits provided to ALL around the world. Explaining how NESARA/GESARA helps to free everyone around the world from debt slavery is paramount. I hope you embrace this suggestion with all your heart.

Once we imagined there would be one announcement of NESARA and all it represents. It is looking more like a drip formula. People generally don't like change and yet they are resilient. We will be the ones to calm the masses. This is why I was told to re-ignite the fire in your Hearts. We are needed to know NESARA inside and out so the information rolls off our tongues in a calm, loving manner.

Steve Beckow of GoldenAgeOfGaia dedicates many pages on his website to NESARA/GESARA. NESARA stands for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. Don't be fooled by bogus websites debunking NESARA.

Here's is an excerpt from Sheldan on GoldenAgeofGaia:

Sheldan Nidle’s Spiritual Hierarchy and Galactic Federation describe the masters’ work and its development over the centuries. I cite that passage at length:

“This time will … be heralded by an infusion of great abundance. This prosperity will be due largely to the endurance of our Earthly Allies and the brilliant strategies set in motion, many centuries ago, by the Ascended Masters Count St Germain, Master Hilarion, Seraphis Bey and Saint Paul the Venetian.

“These Holy Beings were able to bring to this realm a financial and monetary plan whose secret purpose is to enable great abundance to rain down at the appropriate time. Although St Germain is ultimately responsible for its success, each of the Ascended Masters we have mentioned has played a significant role in its present-day preparation.

“Briefly, … the Ottoman Turks, the Hapsburgs of Austria, the Bourbons of France and the Holy See conspired in the past to create a system of banking and trust that has lasted until this day. …

“The origins of their created Fractional Banking System are revealed in the ancient treasuries of Rome, Persia, India and China, and in the many empires of the New World. …

“By Europe’s Middle Ages, control of this system had passed to the Pope and a series of allied Monarchs. This group was grievously threatened by the rise of the Ottomans in the Middle East, and by their capture of Constantinople. New arrangements were needed.

“St Paul the Venetian and Seraphis Bey were leaders in negotiating the new Secret Treaties, but only to prepare the way for the final phase of their strategy. St Germain carried this out beautifully, with help from the Master Hilarion. The outcome was a World Trust for this realm’s Light Workers.

“Funds were to be disbursed with the advent of Christendom’s Second Millennium. As that time approached, however, it became increasingly clear that the Cabals who control your world wished to avoid this payout.

“Therefore, a number of former members who left these groups and secretly supported Count St Germain’s original intention, devised a way to defeat the secret manipulations of their former dark Cabals.

“This resulted in the rise of our Earthly Allies and an exceedingly complex strategy that took decades to bring to fruition. The process began as a way to ensure that the abundance promised by Count St Germain was actually made available to Earth’s Light Workers.

“At first, this amounted to a number of Trusts whose true purpose was kept secret. A few decades later, it concerned the bringing to light of a humanitarian project approved by the IMF. Over time, this led to the emergence of a number of governmental, economic and political coalitions, which were protected by the Ascended Masters.

“They also encouraged Divine intervention by the Galactic Federation of Light. This First Contact mission would be allied, eventually, with those who so courageously had encouraged the disclosure of Count St Germain’s World Trust. In 1998, this measure was officially carried into effect by a series of secret agreements promising that the UFO cover-up would cease when these funds were disbursed.

“The outcome of almost a decade of secret conflict waged between this global coalition and Earth’s many dark Cabals culminated in the latter part of 2000. The remaining Dark Cabal realized that it was imperative for them to seize the leadership of Earth’s last superpower.

“Thus, they developed a policy that resembled a scheme they had employed in Germany during the 1930s [i.e., 9/11, designed to imitate the consequences of the Reichstag Fire]. They hoped that this policy would enable them to block the disbursement of funds. They also hungered to engage in a perpetual war that would allow them to complete the dismantling of this superpower’s Bill of Rights.

“At first, their policy seemed to succeed. However, their spitefulness resulted in a violent reaction that increased our Earthly Allies’ ability to counterbalance the power amassed by these last Cabals. Now, this Coalition has used your Planet’s most recent, illegal war in Iraq as the intolerable, final act that will break this last Cabal’s hold on the reins of power.” (1) (Oh how we miss Sheldan's updates from the GF and Ascended Masters)

Today I watched a video on the Quantum Financial System. It is well done. This is another subject we need to become well versed on. Again, so we can easily calm the concerns of the masses. Exciting times are ahead. I know there is still going to be some ugliness arise but it is only the last vestiges of the dark.

Thank you, thank you, thank you for being a part of our PAO family. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!


We at PAO are exploring all your suggestions on how to keep PAO afloat. Thank you for the Love, concern and support - both loving support and financial support. We are still low on our monthly needs, please contribute if it is in your budget. We can relate to those who can only lovingly support us because the funds simply are not there. That's where we are, too. ZaZuMa!

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Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar?

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Regretfully, owing to a sudden medical emergency, Patricia Cori is unable to appear with us this month. She will return as our guest at a later date. In the meantime, we wish her a swift recovery.

It is PAO’s good fortune that our dear friend, Dr. Joseph (‘Dr. Joe’) McNamara, has graciously agreed to take Patricia’s place as our guest.

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.


Regretfully, owing to a sudden medical emergency, Patricia Cori was unable to appear with us this month. She will return as our guest at a later date. In the meantime, we wish her a swift recovery.

It is PAO’s good fortune that our dear friend, Dr. Joseph (‘Dr. Joe’) McNamara, graciously agreed to take Patricia’s place as our guest.

A true healer, Dr. Joe is always generous in sharing his vast knowledge of Tachyon energy and Tachyon chambers, which contain extraordinary powers to heal and harmonize our physical and etheric bodies. Tachyon energy enlivens the energy matrix that shapes all matter – including our mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies – in turn contributing immensely to our overall physical health and well-being.

Dr. Joe answers our questions and offers his personal perspective on the many levels of spiritual healing, as well as the importance of DNA activation to our health and wellness.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Dr. Joe Shares His Mission’s Current Focus
• History - The Pleiadean Connection
• Tachyon Chambers vs Med Beds
• Tachyon Energy Chambers: Benefits
• Tachyon Success Stories
• Tachyon Chamber Locations

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-67 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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SCI-FI World Lunacy: With Clif High

Source: Jean-Claude@Beyondystic

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The Oversoul of the Worlds

Source: Catherine Viel


Way back at the beginning of my “hip pain” journey, a healer alerted me to the spiritual wisdom that one must address underlying emotional / spiritual / karmic causes of dis-ease before one can cure physical disorders attributed to said nonphysical issues. After all, the nonphysical problem existed long before it showed up as pain or dis-ease.

I was just beginning to learn about such things, and that sounded reasonable to me. So instead of investigating healing from a rational, the-body-needs-treatment perspective (and possibly thereby foregoing the last five or six years of pain), I’ve sporadically worked at correcting the childhood patterning and non-beneficial belief systems that apparently wound up manifesting as a literal pain in the tush.

I was told I needed to learn to receive support, to nurture the inner child, to do shadow work, and so on ad infinitum, before correction of physical problems could occur. (At least, that is my recollection of the messages I’ve received over the last seven years of spiritual and emotional exploration. Whether I misremembered or misinterpreted those messages is another matter.)

I reckon my error, my failure of discernment, was that I assumed accomplishing all this work, even imperfectly, would lead to—ta dah!—no more pain.

I must’ve missed the footnote that said, Actually, being best buds with your inner child isn’t going to put the bone back into your hip socket or eliminate the multitudinous chronic, intractable pain points created by the surrounding inflammation.

I also missed the footnote that said, Not every physical problem, for every person, can be remedied through spiritual or energetic work. At this time on Planet Earth, it just ain’t possible.

So here I am now, contemplating the hip replacement surgery I should’ve looked into years ago. That’s what I get for naively gliding along on faith without applying discernment to temper it.

I’ll admit it right now, it’s hard not to be bitter. What was I thinking? Where did my common sense go, that I imagined I could completely heal a serious flesh and bone disorder through fervently believing I could (with the help of Spirit, of course)? Or through reciting affirmations or employing other “guaranteed” spiritual / energetic healing modalities? Granted, I was encouraged in that belief during various energetic and channeled consultations. But it’s on me that I kept believing, and believing, long after it was abundantly clear that nothing was budging the pain or correcting the hip joint, and it was getting worse over time, not better.

But affirmations and faith healed Louise Hay! They healed (fill in the blank).

Three cheers for whoever has cured themselves of nasty diseases through energetic or spiritual methods. I seem to have forgotten the truism that we all have individual paths. It must’ve been in the karma for individuals who healed themselves through energetic or spiritual applications, to be completely cured without conventional medical intervention. I never stopped to ask myself, what if experiencing complete healing through energetic / spiritual methods is not your karma?


I have to wonder if my soul is a mistrusting sort of being. Apparently it did not trust me to slow down and do whatever work it wished me to do, so it forced me to slow down via pain. One would think that after a number of years of slowing down and doing significant spiritual work, mostly through writing, the soul would agree to release me from the thrall of pain.

Well, wait…maybe that’s exactly what’s happening now. Any number of medical professionals have mentioned the likelihood that I’d need a hip replacement, going back to 2015. No, no, I would always say. I won’t need that.

In my mind, I was thinking, Reiki or Trans-Scaler Healing or some as-yet-unknown modality is going to fix me right up. It won’t require your knives and anesthetic and nauseating body disfigurement for me to feel better. When I came across the notion of med beds, that was my alternate backup theory. Well, even if energetic healing doesn’t work, the med beds will be here (soon)!

Is it possible there’s a simpler explanation for my refusal to consider surgery, like fear? Certainly. Or perhaps fear took the form of “I’m sure something else will heal me.” The end result is the same.

So here I am, seriously considering fixing the pain via surgery. Does my soul think I’ve graduated from something? Have I finally ticked off an item or two on that secretive karmic checklist? Yep, you’ve suffered enough. You did your work, not perfectly but well enough, and with the right engagement of the heart. You’re clear, you can move on.

I wonder if, in some small way, I’m mirroring the throes of the world? We’ve graduated, we’ve checked off enough items on our karmic checklists and done our global work, maybe not perfectly, but with our hearts engaged. The Oversoul of the Worlds is finally blessing us to move on.

I certainly hope so. In the deepness of my soul and the shining sincerity of my heart, I hope the world is being freed from our many pains and traumas. We are the arrow nocked in the bow. And we are ready to launch into the unimaginable magical realm that awaits us.


Crop Circle Prophecies

Source: David Wilcock

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