
Wednesday, September 13, 2023

Groundswell for NESARA and the Reval


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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for September

Mail Attachment 2

Like many of you who are our loyal PAO followers, we are seeking answers as our planet seems to crumble before our very eyes. Around the world, wildfires and their toxic smoke have been incorporated into the ‘climate change’ agenda, and are threatening the homes, health and well-being of millions. Nations are teetering on the brink of war. Costs of living are skyrocketing, fuelling more uncertainties. Meanwhile, heightened frequencies make our already intense ascension journeys even more arduous.

Boy, do we need a recharge! For that, we turn again to one of PAO’s favorite guests, Jared Rand, who will knit together the strands of our doubts and give us coherent information and good old-fashioned common sense.


This month, we‘ll pose some direct and probing questions that get to the heart of our present situation. And, as ever, we will ask him for an update on the progress of his miraculous Celestial Chamber project.

Join us this month and power up!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on his Mission’s Current Focus
• Combating the 3D Dark Agenda
Using 3D Strategies to Overcome the Dark’s Plan
• Climate Change Deception
Understanding the True Causes of Extreme Weather and Worldwide Firestorms
• Overcoming Holding Patterns and Personal Freeze-ups
Taking Action Instead of Waiting to Be Rescued
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• A Fresh Look at Timelines
Will This Ever End? Finding Rays of Hope for Humanity!

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, September 24, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, September 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.

Mail Attachment 4

You Are Literally Running From the Inside Out

Source: Gillian MacBeth-Louthan


Everything is changing and upgrading. Life is getting messy and pushy and demanding. It is demanding that you pay attention, that you listen. Like an old nanny, the universe is tweaking your ear and squeezing your elbow to get your attention. It is demanding that you listen with your heart and not your hard head. The brain that has kept things secret is now is ready to speak its peace. It is ready to tell you about yourself. Who are you really? Why are you really? You are so afraid to look at yourself. You busy yourself in relationships, in cleaning, with worry and menial chores. When you finally do stop, you switch off and sleep. You are running from the inside out.

Everything in your world jumps up in front of you and says, “Look at me! I am a part of the hologram (aka life) you are not dealing with.” To you — imperfections, frailties, and failures are negative. One look and you turn your pretty head and walk away. To the universe, they are a place of opportunity. They are gifts that demand to be unwrapped. Life is constantly giving to you. There is a balance of give and receive, that must be met. Giving to you the miracles that you need to keep you afloat during the low tides. Those much needed magical thumbs-up message in the form of a rainbow, a little blue bird, or a beautiful rose. Something that is for your eyes only is your gift. When the magic of the moment is spoken aloud, it disappears like fog in the morning sun. How do you take the elements of magic and miracles and show/ tell them to another? The Earth is happy to share her secrets, supporting you in all of your shifts.

It is time to stop running from your humanness. The hamster gets nowhere in a self-imposed enclosure. The limitations are always self-imposed. You were taught that being a good person was doing for others and it was selfish to do for self. You were taught to love thy neighbors as thyself, but do you love yourself? Is that the way you love your neighbors? Do you love them to the best of your ability or only love them as much as you love self which is little or none? You come into a time of loving self, learning to love being human. Love when you have a headache knowing that you are responding to your body is giving you a message a signal. Could be that you have eaten something that is not in agreement with you, or that someone is using your psychic phone line.

Everything in your body speaks to you. Everything in your world speaks to you reflecting back just what you need. Respond to that call. It is an SOS. You try to walk the talk, or so it seems. Do not give up on who you are. Do not think there is something wrong with you. You cannot toss away who you are and become something else. You are who and what you are. Honoring who you are and being who you are in truth will ease the evolution. It is when you go against the grain of self that situations become immoveable like mountains. Many of you just try too hard. You are trying to BE; You should not try to BE. It should be an easy natural thing to do. It should not be something that causes impasses in your life. Do not strain so hard to BE. Just relax into it. It is what you do naturally; it is what you do the best, JUST BE.

We are asking you not to try so hard to be and at the same time not to give up trying. It is as a river meeting an ocean. As they meet, the waters churn but eventually all is calm. Do not try so hard, but do not give up either. It is the point where the river meets the ocean where creation is birthed, and the new is given freedom of flight. Humans have sought their true selves for too long. Now it is time to relax into whom you really are, how you really look, how you really smell, and how you really feel.

We ask you to go into the eye of the wave. See it above you. See it below you, and then ride it. Do not give up on what you know in your heart is right for you. Even though you do not see it manifesting, see it as you are watching a movie and you are the star. You are the visionaries, you are the prophecies, and you are the future. You walk ahead of the pack. Do not give up because others do not understand you. You are beautiful, beautiful beings. It is time that you see that.


We asked 50 People...Governments announce Aliens are real...What happens next?

Source: Matrix Wisdom

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If You Don't Understand Quantum Physics, Try This!

Source: Domain of Science

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Groundswell for NESARA and the Reval

SourceSteve Beckow - GoldenAgeofGaia


Another 9/11 passed. Time to buckle up and get back to pushing again.

Whatever one’s complaints may be about NESARA (the National Economic Security and Reformation Act and the economy it mandates) and the Reval (the Global Currency Reset), one cannot dispute that it’s never been so widely known as it is now. (1)

It seems every commentator has their take on it. Which is wonderful. That growing groundswell alone should have an impact on getting over deep-state resistance to it.

Back in 2013, when I started buying currency, I asked Michael if it was alright to do so. He replied that they were chuckling over it. He explained:

Archangel Michael: There are some of you that have heard our whisper to go and buy dinar or dong, etc. … We are always planting these ideas. (2)

As an aside, the next part of what he says should be heeded by everyone wondering “How am I going to do this?”

Here’s how – and you’ve seen me share ample evidence of being inspired in a sudden flash, as he discusses here:

Archangel Michael: But one of the things we do is we also plant the longer view, so that a person who is involved in a highly complex situation — which this is, by the way; because it is not just about money, it is not just about currency, it is about values — in key people we will plant the longer view.

We will inspire, if you wish to use that word, the longer view so that they have, like a flash of lightning, the understanding and all the steps to what can be accomplished many steps out if they simply do A, B, C and D.

And then what we do is we create circumstances — again, beyond the number of variables that you can humanly juggle, although there is that part of you that can assist, and does — but we create situations and combinations of energies that then allow that to come to fruition.

So it is akin to laying out the banquet table, knowing it will be a delightful feast — everything is prepared. Now, can we make you eat? No. But usually — not always, but usually — the inspiration, the vision, the unfoldment that has been planted within is so beautiful and so clear that it is almost like a compulsion on the part of the individual, or in some situations, the group, to proceed in a certain direction. (3)

How many flashes of insight are contained in the pages of this blog? I absolutely know this process to occur. I didn’t know the process was managed so fully and so well.

Please add this to your file on the Company of Heaven managing our enlightenment experiences!!! (4)

Well, that’s all the permission I needed. Back a decade ago now.

So this is been a long haul for me, which I won’t be able to discuss after signing a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA). But it’s been a longer haul for many other people.

When I started reporting on NESARA in 2009, it was already a mature movement, with its experts, its protests, its literature.

And NESARA nearly happened on 9/11. We know what happened instead. (5)

So this has been a long time coming for some people.

Now, nations with more than half the world’s GDP are leading the way. All the militaries of the world are coordinating to take down the deep state. Millions of cloaked spaceships above the Earth are putting limits on the battle – no nuclear weapons, no world war.

The white hats are steering the deep state more and more into a corner. There are tribunals being held at Gitmo, Guam, and other land bases and on several ships, anchored offshore.

The Marines have intervened in Lahaina, joined by a fleet of vets who kept their uniforms and weapons and seem to have commandeered some flat-bottomed landing craft. I wonder where from.

My understanding of the white-hat reaction to Lahaina is that they’ve responded to it as if it were Pearl Harbor all over again.

They’ve declared war on the deep state as a result. This was another day that will live in infamy that Hawaii has had to endure.

I’m just going on memory of what I’ve seen and read. I encourage you to do your own research. I’m not wanting to chronicle events but instead to look at the bigger picture.

The white hats know that our star family will not permit the explosion of nuclear weapons in space. It has a devastating impact on souls in other locales and dimensions, which is why they stopped all use of them after 1945. (6)

Whether the deep state knows that or believes it is an open question.


But the white hats, as I understand it, are maneuvering the deep state more and more into checkmate, to use their term.

The deep state is progressively deprived of finances with all the financial maneuvering that’s happening now (BRICS, NESARA, Reval, leadership tribunaled, EO sequestering funds of human-rights abusers, etc.).

Without the money to pay for it all, its operations may spin off in many directions and sputter out. At least that’s (my) hope.

Also, as the love energies rise and expand on Earth, many deep-state folks will die of natural complications, unable to stand the higher vibrations. And after they transition, they, like everyone else, will face the consequences of their actions. (7) As SaLuSa tells us:

SaLuSa: Bear in mind that whatever happens where your dark ones are concerned, they will stand in the Halls of Justice before they start a new experience.(8)

Whatever the case, in my estimation, the white hats are poised and waiting for the right time to spring their trap. And at the same time they do, I think they’ll announce NESARA and the Reval.

I don’t think anyone, except the darkest minds in the deep state, want the economy to totally crash and fail. Rebuilding the broken networks would be a difficult and painful process. So I think the militaries of the world will intervene before that point to save the basic economic infrastructure.

And we as a global society then begin our journey through a joyful celebration or a painful awakening – both going on simultaneously.

This time I hope we don’t repeat the hateful exchanges that marked the vaxxer/anti-vaxxer discussions.

The rebound of the Nazis after WW2 should show us that the world will not be safe from a re-infestation of elitism until the deep state’s power base is utterly dismantled and gone – on all levels. (9) The galactics are playing a role here as well.

I end by referring to the Plan of the One whose opinion really matters – the Divine Mother. She says the victory of the darkness is not in her Plan; only the victory of love:

Divine Mother: [I am speaking about] those in … positions where control and abuse of power have been rampant. That will not be the platform [from] which integration of the various galaxies [entry into the new region of space] takes place. That is not the Plan.

I know very clearly, sweet one, as do you, if it is not [in] my Plan, then it will not occur. (10)

Divine Mother: Make no mistake, Sweet One, Love will win because that has been my Plan always. (11)


(1) See What is NESARA? at NESARA stands for National Economic Security and Reformation Act. Its global version is GESARA or G/NESARA.

(2) “Archangel Michael: A Global Reset of Values, Part 1/2, ” channeled by Linda Dillon, September 16, 2013, at

(3) Loc. cit.

(4) See An Enlightenment Partnership at

(5) See The Truth About 9/11 at

(6) See There Will be No Nuclear War for the World at

(7) See “Soul Contracts and Life Reviews – Part 4/4,” June 25, 2014, at

(8) SaLuSa, Dec. 10, 2008, at

(9) These are my marching orders:

Archangel Michael: Where our forte is is, yes, exposure so that it doesn’t re-entrench itself because this is rather entrenched behaviour on all kinds of levels.

So you start to bring forward the justice, the truth solutions and it is not merely (and I say this very cautiously) forgiveness but it’s the application, yes, of compassion, patience, determination, vigilance … so that this does not occur and reoccur and re-entrench.

So you are speaking in neutral ways about the events that are uncovered, pointing to the deeper systemic, ancient situations that have contributed to this.

We cannot create a Nova Society where there is not an understanding, an agreement about what is acceptable in the most basic, human-rights ways. (Archangel Michael in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, Jan. 18, 2020.)

(10) The Divine Mother in “Enter the Delegations – Part 2/3,” May 5, 2019, at Reading, April 30, 2019.

(11) Divine Mother in a personal reading with Steve Beckow through Linda Dillon, April 30, 2019.

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