
Thursday, September 21, 2023

A Celestial Chamber Progress Report


Jared Rand Pao s September Webinar Guest Banner 3

Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


WhooHoo! Early this morning upon awakening, I watched an instagram posting which confirmed that on September 1, 2023 the United States Treasury received a currency transfer of 21 trillion dollars. I immediately raised my hands and thanked our Creator. I was elated beyond measure. I cried, I danced, I laughed. I was relieved to know that yes, indeed, we are moving forward with global freedom.

I can't wait to ask Jared Rand about this event and other events planned for 2023.

Yesterday Miles and I, once again, enjoyed a lively, informative chat with Jared. We should probably record those chats to share with you, our PAO family. We find ourselves in great joy after our chats with Jared.

Join us SUNDAY for another stellar webinar. Remember the best way to support PAO is to participate in our monthly webinars ... win-win for you and for PAO. Thank you.

Selamat Ja!

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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for September

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Like many of you who are our loyal PAO followers, we are seeking answers as our planet seems to crumble before our very eyes. Around the world, wildfires and their toxic smoke have been incorporated into the ‘climate change’ agenda, and are threatening the homes, health and well-being of millions. Nations are teetering on the brink of war. Costs of living are skyrocketing, fuelling more uncertainties. Meanwhile, heightened frequencies make our already intense ascension journeys even more arduous.

Boy, do we need a recharge! For that, we turn again to one of PAO’s favorite guests, Jared Rand, who will knit together the strands of our doubts and give us coherent information and good old-fashioned common sense.


This month, we‘ll pose some direct and probing questions that get to the heart of our present situation. And, as ever, we will ask him for an update on the progress of his miraculous Celestial Chamber project.

Join us this month and power up!

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on his Mission’s Current Focus
• Combating the 3D Dark Agenda
Using 3D Strategies to Overcome the Dark’s Plan
• Climate Change Deception
Understanding the True Causes of Extreme Weather and Worldwide Firestorms
• Overcoming Holding Patterns and Personal Freeze-ups
Taking Action Instead of Waiting to Be Rescued
• Celestial Chambers
A Progress Report
• A Fresh Look at Timelines
Will This Ever End? Finding Rays of Hope for Humanity!

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, September 24, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, September 24, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.

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September Something Big is Planned

Source: Sam the Illusionist

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Just Hours Till Equinox Activations

Source: Meg Benedicte


Greetings Colleen,

In Just Hours the Libra Equinox gateway will reach peak power, exact at 6:50 UTC on September 23 and 11:50 p.m. PDT on Friday, September 22. This is a rare zero point gateway of quantum possibilities, an infusion of infinite universal creational force. In this rare moment of perfect stillness, we inspire a new paradigm, we spread Love, we create harmony, we birth the New Earth!

The past week has been hectic with extreme solar flares, climate events and social unrest…all leading up to a powerful Equinox upgrade on September 22/23 (depending on time zone). It is a significant threshold upgrade. The cosmic light infusion unlocks time compression, softens dense magnetic fields, and illuminates 5D quantum possibilities.

The 5th dimension involves the unification of all aspects of Self into wholeness, in unity consciousness. As you elevate into full integration – what you say, feel, think, and do are coherent. You begin to live in integrity.

The 5th Energy Center is the Throat Chakra, representing how you express yourself in the world. During gateway activations, we fire up the Giza Pyramid, the Throat Chakra of Gaia. What is out of integrity will drop away. The more you individuate, the more your inner life is in exact harmony with your outer life. No longer is one side out of alignment with another side of Self. All is moving into quantum consciousness.

The Equinox occurs at critical 0° of Venus-ruled Libra, the goddess of love, beauty, and abundance. Venus represents the divine feminine aspect, the driving force of the new Golden Age. Let’s gather together and immerse ourselves in the fluid essence of feminine energy, releasing the stranglehold of ego control and rigid aggression. As we heal, clear and transmute lifetimes of patriarchal power imbalances, we relinquish all attachments to a dying way of life.

The feminine essence softens and dissolves all resistance, as we allow ourselves to surrender into the quantum receptivity of universal nourishment. Venus-ruled Libra at 0° offers a fresh start in a new circular operating system of continuity, collaboration and collective evolution. The world is in the unification process of becoming whole and complete.

The Libra Equinox is the cosmic moment when night and day are nearly the same length all over the world. It is a rare moment of perfect balance that permeates the field. In the null-zone pulse of zero point, you can unlock your mind from the controlling matrix and quantum shift into the New Earth timeline.

The Equinox on September 22/23 enhances more balance in your energy field and in the collective field. As the Sun enters 0° Libra, the Equinox provides valuable pause between past and future. It is a transformative moment to weave polarized energies into unified balance.

Join other New Earth Wayshowers, Light Leaders and Star Beings from all around the world on Friday, September 22, as we spread more balance and peace around the world. The show is recorded for replay. If you would like to participate, register here:

Lovingly, Meg



September 21st, International Day of Peace & Robert F. Kennedy Jr.: Peace For All Time



International Day of Peace | United Nations

Each year the International Day of Peace (IDP) is observed around the world on 21 September, 2023.

The UN General Assembly has declared this as a day devoted to strengthening the ideals of peace.

The United Nations’ (UN) International Day of Peace is celebrated each year to recognize the efforts of those who have worked hard to end conflict and promote peace.

The International Day of Peace is 24 hours of non-violence and ceasefire – personal or political.

September 18, 2023

Robert F. Kennedy, Jr.: Peace For All Time

“Waging endless wars abroad, we have neglected the foundation of our own well-being. We have a decaying economic infrastructure. We have a demoralized people and despairing people. We have toxins in our air and our soil and our water. We have deteriorating mental and physical health. These are the wages of war…What will be the wages of peace?”

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What Do People Do on International Peace Day?

On the International Day of Peace, also known as Peace Day, people around the world take part in various activities and organize events centered on the theme “peace”. Events vary from private gatherings to public concerts and forums involving large audiences.

Activities include:

Interfaith peace ceremonies
A toast for peace
A peace choir
Lighting candles
Peace prayers
A peace convoy of vehicles
Tree planting for peace
Art exhibitions promoting peace
Picnics for peace
Peace walks

Organizations such as Roots & Shoots, an international environmental and humanitarian program for youth, show their support for the event on an annual basis. Young people involved in Roots & Shoots may engage in activities such as crafting giant peace dove puppets from re-used materials and flying the doves in their communities.

People from diverse religious and spiritual backgrounds also commit to organizing an International Day of Peace Vigil. Some groups observe a minute of silence at noon in every time zone across the world on Peace Day.

The UN’s International Day of Peace is a global observance and not a public holiday. It is a day when nations around the world are invited to honor a cessation of hostilities during the day.

A UN resolution established the International Day of Peace in 1981 to coincide with the opening of the UN General Assembly.

The first Peace Day was celebrated in 1982 and was held on the third Tuesday of September each year until 2002, when September 21 became the permanent date for the International Day of Peace.

The assembly decided in 2001 that the International Day of Peace should be annually observed on September 21 starting from 2002.

By setting a fixed date for the International Day of Peace, the assembly declared that the day should be observed as a day of global ceasefire and non-violence.

By creating the International Day of Peace, the UN devoted itself to worldwide peace and encouraged people to work in cooperation for this goal.

Since its inception, Peace Day has marked personal and planetary progress toward peace.

It has grown to include millions of people worldwide and many events are organized each year to commemorate and celebrate this day.

The peace dove flying with an olive branch in its beak is one of the most commonly featured symbols for the day. In Judaism, Christianity, and Islam a white dove is generally a sign for peace.

The dove can also represent “hope for peace” or a peace offering from one person to another, hence the phrase “to extend an olive branch”.

Often, the dove is represented as still in flight to remind people of its role as messenger.

International Day of Peace: September 21

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