
Monday, August 28, 2023

We’re at the heart of a huge shift in 5D, far beyond anything we’ve known so far.


We’re at the heart of a huge shift in 5D, far beyond anything we’ve known so far.
I have received very profound messages from the whales, and they have already risen in New Earth and are totally listening, in a way we humans have yet to master in its fullness.
More than that, there is much joy and infinite knowledge that this is a new beginning for all life and any life form, and for all the new species that will be made known to us as we rise and that many extinct species will reappear.
The waters themselves are undergoing a complete recalibration and, indeed, continental masses are rising and some are sinking into the sea as the Old Earth merges with the New. The New Earth is much wider and as the Old One disintegrates many parts will completely change and some will be reborn in ways I have been shown, but I can't put into words yet.
The Crystal Pyramids and the crystal grids of the Pyramids pulse with vibrational frequencies from the fifth to seventh dimension and the Earth's backbone is on fire and fused with that of New Earth.
It's all happening.
Judith Kusel
Photo by Jean-Luc Bozzoli

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