| Another Great Webinar with the Wisdom of Laarkmaa!Laarkmaa answered many of the questions I had about Earth's future. So grateful. AJ Love this webinar. So uplifting. Thank you. JaneWOW WOW WOW - PAO's Live Webinar featuring Pia, Cullen and Laarkmaa is a message that every universe in the Cosmos must have orchestrated. There must be a way to open the doors wider for this delivery to be shared on a wider scale. My heart kept going WHOOH WHOOH all throughout this webinar. Thank you Miles and Colleen, this was the most impactful message delivery from Laarkmaa I've ever heard in a very long long time. Our CREATOR must be JUMPING UP and DOWN! Tazz |
Behold! the cosmic orchestra, performing the universe’s ethereal music. Right now, we who are awake exist in an age of uncertainty. Our formerly black and white world is split into many shades of grey. Doubt is everywhere. Nothing remains as it was. Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to discuss the dilemmas of our time. They tackle the issue of 5G and other alarming environmental perils, and give us practical ways to cope. They also address the Great Split between the awake and those who are not; and explain how we can create a comfortable living space in their midst. As we approach Ascension, we notice our growing intolerance to things of this world. We are becoming allergic to the 3D environment, which rapidly is becoming as alien to us as we are to it. Pia and Cullen describe how and why this is happening and suggest ways we can manage the ‘condition’. |
Finally, there is the issue of time itself. Pia and Cullen answer the question we so often ask ourselves, ‘what happened to the day?’ Buttressed by the wisdom of Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen offer a refreshing and revitalizing perspective that will open our eyes and minds to the larger truths that harmonize the cosmos, of which we all are a part. Subjects to be discussed:• Pia and Cullen Bring Us Up to Date on their Mission’s Current Focus • Time Acceleration Why Each Day is Whizzing By • Feeling the Great Split Dealing with Being Awake and Understanding the Uninformed • Environmental Effects On Humans Solar Radiation-5G Contamination-Geomagnetic Activity • Ascension Hypersensitivity Dealing with the Aligning of Our Higher Vibrations • Laarkmaa's Update On Our Evolutionary Progress Pia and Cullen Share a Live Q & A Session with Laarkmaa To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-63 Archive: Click HerePrice: $13.95 U.S. |
Please Help the PAO Zoom Forward ~ We need You |
We need your help.Every month during our Webinars, we blast off together on a journey of discovery. We have a direction, chosen by our guests, but none of us knows exactly where we are going, or what our destination will be. There is no map into this unknown. All we know is that we enjoy each trip and hope that you do, too. Since the beginning of this year, Colleen and I have been working feverishly to increase our listening audience by appearing on webcasts to spread the word about PAO. Eden Koz was our first interviewer in April and we have just recently completed our second videocast with Kornelia Stephanie. Kornelia, by the way, will be our guest on July’s Webinar. And that’s only the beginning – we have so much more in store for you! Even better news is that, after being semi-sidelined by vexing health issues, Colleen is bursting with renewed health and energy, ready to aid the cause and the universal kinship embodied in the PAO. Colleen, we are so happy to have you back! Her return is none too soon. As chaos grows in this world, our monthly Webinars become crucial opportunities to kindle a glowing consciousness shift and merge our collective energies. Our frequencies, when united, register ‘off the charts’, sending healing power and initiating regenerative change throughout our world and the cosmos. But while we yearn for universal peace, galactic kinship and a speedy release of the promised abundance, the bills on our desks continue to pile up and we are forced once more to enlist your financial support. Please donate whatever you can spare to keep the PAO zooming forward, knowing that by continuing to strengthen the galactic human links between us, you are also helping to shift our world to a better place. Peace and blessings, Miles PAO Team |
THE COLLECTIVE: Greetings, dear ones! We are pleased to speak with you once again today. This week our writer has some questions she would like to ask, which we are happy to speak on. COR: My friends, I know you can’t give us any actual dates, because that would be to interfere with human life and the current Earth timeline. And that would break cosmic law. But if you could tell us where we are regarding NESARA’s unfolding, any information there would be greatly appreciated! THE COLLECTIVE: We speak [energetically] on this subject with all who are open to such, though mainly in their sleep state. So that that aspect of a person’s spirit and psyche, so powerfully connected to their soul, and fully aware of their Earth mission, takes in the coded information energetically. These are “updates” you might say, that are not only relevant to your own energetic transmissions and evolvement, but relevant to what is occurring on the Earth now, and all around Her. And in various places in the Universe where much is being decided by galactic councils. Some of you sit on those councils, and are meeting nightly with those who are highly instrumental now in furthering the unfolding of NESARA. So in reality, on a deep level, you already know what is happening! You know that more of the perpetrators of the old power structure are being taken off planet, with substitutes (clones, solid holograms, or “look-alikes”) put in their place. These will also be removed in future. That future is not far away. It is already occurring, and this is another subject, as Time on the planet is speeding up to where it will soon no longer exist as you have known it. When you speak of NESARA unfolding, you are (as many are) still thinking of it as something that happens to humanity and to the Earth. In fact, all of your vibrations, and Earth’s own vibrations, which have been rising and evolving to where they are unrecognizable from where they were even six months ago, are what is birthing NESARA. You are wondering if the impediments, the roadblocks that seem to be holding NESARA back, are being removed or dissolved, and we would say, Yes, on many levels. Yet Light Bearers’ own progress, and their own requirement for a just, equal, and Abundant world, is one of the three greatest parts of NESARA’s enactment. The other two have to do with the vibrational shifts that are increasing now, to bring Earth’s vibration to where Her environment will no longer resonate with (tolerate) the low vibrational behavior of the old power structure. The other has to do with the astrological configurations of the new age, which are a mighty portal to Transformation and Liberation, opening wider now. COR: That is all good news, thank you! So now I need to ask, What is happening that people are so exhausted? And the emotional upheavals—do they serve a purpose? Or is that just the outcry from whatever has sat in shadowy corners inside our subconscious, ignored or shunted aside, because they’re too painful to deal with? THE COLLECTIVE: Most assuredly, all that is unhealed flows to the surface now! That is true of Earth’s institutions—medicine, government, education, religion, and so on—and it cannot help but be true of each person’s inner life. That which has not been faced, tended to, admitted to, healed or transmuted—all of it, rising to the surface now. That is part of what exhausts so many now. And the Light particles flowing to Earth now speak to every cell. With their vibrational tone as well as their highly conscious Light, they remind everyone that it is time to evolve, if they wish to remain on a timeline that is increasingly the New Earth 5D timeline. Some will choose to remain in what they are used to—and this is exhausting many, this fight against evolvement! Many will choose to move up, though it means facing a great deal that they have indeed pushed aside for millennia, in their great drive to simply survive, to get on with what life hands them. COR: Is this part of why so many people are leaving their partners now? So many are looking at a spouse, friend, or some other loved one, and realizing, “This isn’t working.” Then they let them go in some way, if not completely. Are we becoming another person? Or have our loved ones changed, or both? THE COLLECTIVE: Both! No one is able to remain their former 3D version in this Light, unless they desire to flow to a lower dimensional timeline. That would halt much of their evolvement, yet you are still a free will planet. Creator Source energy protects all in this respect, and honors their choices. And so, you will indeed find that you no longer resonate with some persons you love, or once did love. Allow the shifts! Bless these dear ones on their way. They mean you no harm, in the final chapter of your connection. They are as confused as anyone now, as they uncover their true selves—as all are doing, despite the best efforts of many to try to keep life as it has been for thousands of years. That would be impossible now. COR: Thank you! Can you tell us what is happening with human communication? Are we becoming more telepathic with one another, and with plants and animals, and maybe with Earth Herself? |
THE COLLECTIVE: Most assuredly. This is one of the many abilities you are increasingly regaining. Watch your thoughts, particularly those punctuated with emotion, including laughter, derision, or any repeated imagery. Energy is molding to your commands more and more now. Many will say, “Manifestations are happening more and more frequently, and more quickly now!” and this is so. Yet we do not call them “manifestations” in the sense that they are something special and unique that suddenly happens, or unfolds over time, if you concentrate hard enough. Those days of narrow limitation are over now. Be conscious and aware of the power of your thoughts, emotions, and expectations! For most assuredly, you mold your world with these. You have heard people say that “Life is not happening to you—it is happening with and because of you.” And we would completely agree. COR: Not sure we all know how to take responsibility for all that power, but it’s good to know! THE COLLECTIVE: As many say often, “Takes practice.” Your awareness of your own energy-molding projections will develop over time. COR: Yes, thank you. Of course I must ask also about the mass unfolding of Disclosure of the ET presence, which seems to be happening. It’s not just for fans of The X Files or Ancient Aliens anymore. Is this a sign that humanity is taking its power back from the old power structure, which looks to be weakening by the day, despite the media façade, though even that seems to be waking up a bit. THE COLLECTIVE: First, release any fascination or need you may feel for following news reports, unless they are positive and uplifting. There are energy transmissions being sent out now, by what remains of the old matrix, that are 10 times what they were, to induce a populace’s energetic vibration to be lowered from negatively slanted reports, as well as those that are complete fabrications. The interest is in bringing the emotional vibration as low as possible, with all this chatter of “nuclear” this and that, and images and stories of so many struggling in different scenarios. They’re not going to show images of the many ship sightings occurring now, or of ET brothers and sisters aiding thousands with food, clean water, shelter, or medical help! They’re not going to talk about the Schumann Resonance climbing ever higher, or how consciousness has shifted so powerfully over the past year, to where many millions no longer see the need for armed conflict now, of any kind. And they will not speak on the vital developments occurring in your solar system, except for a few highly veiled and restricted scientific reports on the Sun that do not fully address his Transformation, let alone how this affects Earth and humanity. Their comments and concerns are superficial, full of fallacies, and nowhere near the “expert” status that they claim. And so, consider their inane chatter to be completely irrelevant. To become “better informed,” as they say, get quiet and ask your Spirit team to tell you what is happening on the planet now. They will be happy to assist! COR: What is the best thing any of us can do now, to assist our own Ascension? THE COLLECTIVE: We would ask, What brings you Joy? What lifts your spirit to where you see only the good in yourself and others? What assists you in blessing releasing all who have done you harm in this and other Earth lives, and what assists you in realizing that their own pain and ignorance led them to these words, these acts that still sting within your memory. What meditation, what music, what places in Nature, which acts of pure self-caring and self-Love, lift you to where you are thankful to be alive, even on a planet experiencing the chaos of Divine Rebirth? Engage in these things, and know you are on a path that no one can deter you from now, no matter what. Then you arrive one day upon that path as a fifth dimensional being, climbing ever higher. So full of Grace and Love for all, including your own life, no matter how small and vulnerable you may feel at times. Fully within, you are a god or goddess who has only just begun to rise. COR: Thank you, dear ones! Yesterday as soon as I brought you in, to channel answers for the weekly Platinum & Gold Member Abundant Living Q&A Call, you came in with a kind of joyous excitement, as if great things were happening. It still feels like there’s an excitement building now. Similar to how the music builds from something very quiet to powerful, heart-shifting moments in the song “Peace Calls.” “Peace Calls” – Robert Mirabal and NYC string quartet ETHEL If you have anything to share—any new development as far as something occurring now, we would be happy to hear it! THE COLLECTIVE: Ah, now you have hit on it! We would say, come out of the mind and its left-brain insistence on “words, words, words,” as Hamlet would say! Come well out of that, and as you listen to “Peace Calls” and any other stirring and revelatory composition— Or see a painting or a place in Nature that seems to be a portal to another world— Or see the miracle in the simple Joy and trust in Life that a child has— Then you will begin to understand that it is not mental training or expectation that you open to receive now, but the rise in consciousness—the rising of the high heart—that all of you have sought for millennia. Open to the awakening of the heart and soul, far more than the demands of the logical mind, despite the mind’s many questions! There is no “news” or information that can bring you to that state that that song describes, in tonal vibration. So resolve now to travel through that sound portal to remembering Who you are, and why you are here. This is one great cause for the excitement and Joy you felt as you brought us through yesterday, and it is the biggest one. Bigger than mass landings, and even NESARA itself. All of you seek healing, yes. But mainly, you seek Transformation, and that is what we see occurring within you now, dear ones! Nothing less. Namaste, friends! We are with you in all of this, and in all other moments besides. For you are never alone. |
A Message from JesusSource: John Smallman You are ALL Love and only Love. |
There is much anger i.e fear, flowing freely through the human collective at present, mostly to be recognized, forgiven, and released, and you are all helping to release it with thanks when you practice just being. As I and others keep reminding you, JUST BEING is an extremely effective and powerful way to allow Love to flow through you to assist mightily in the awakening process. You did choose this path before incarnating, and you are following it extremely well. Hang in there, you are doing very important work, and you are mightily supported by us here in the non physical realms. ALL IS WELL for you and for humanity. Continue to trust in God’s Love for you all. These extremely unsettling times will pass! And you will awaken. Creating Heaven on Earth is humanity’s increasingly powerful intent as more and more examples of the world-wide chaos, conflict, confusion, corruption, and generally criminal activities are released into the public domain. People are naturally shocked by these seemingly endless news items and feature articles which are laying out for all to see the ongoing lack of integrity and the endemic dishonesty of so many governments and large multinational organizations along with those who control or dominate them. People are demanding major changes and they will be delivered. What is occurring now is a major part of your awakening process – disclosure and release – so that people allow Love to fill their hearts which encourages them to dispense with the need to condemn and punish those seen to be responsible, the kind of fearful overreaction that has been humanity’s insane and ineffective modus operandi for eons. Love is ALL that exists, anything not in alignment with Love will just fall away as more and more of you embrace your true nature, which as you all know is Love. Heaven on Earth is Love expressed. For eons people have lived in fear and blocked Love from their conscious awareness, as their individual egos and the collective ego assured them that life on Earth was very dangerous, and that they needed to be constantly on the alert as disaster could strike at any moment. As a direct result those beliefs were brought into being and acted upon. Now, people everywhere are finally realizing that that is no way to live. In fact for the last few decades many have been forming or moving into loving and cooperative communities, and the high energy influence of these communities, which is enormous, is being felt and experienced all across the world, and is greatly assisting in humanity’s awakening process. Remember that you are never alone! To be alone is impossible because you are each, in every moment of your eternal existence, inseparably One with Mother/Father/God. There is only Mother/Father/God, the One, Love, and each sentient being is one with that divine, infinitely wise, and loving Source. “I and my Father are One” is a true statement that each and everyone should make at least once daily to remind themselves most powerfully of the Truth of who they really and truly are, eternally. To repeat: Separation from Source is impossible because there is nowhere else that anyone could be. You are all the divine children of God, held eternally in His infinitely loving embrace, however, while in human form, you are experiencing the total unreality of an existence seemingly utterly separated from Him. This unreality will dissolve and you will awaken into – in human terms – unimaginable bliss. |
You are all very much aware that the lives you are leading as humans are lives that you planned with great wisdom before you incarnated, so that you could massively assist in this magnificent awakening process. And I assure you that this is precisely what you are doing, even if you get very little sense of it, or none at all. Remember that this environment, as you experience it with your human bodily senses and feelings, is unreal. And as you remind yourselves of this divine Truth, set or reset the intent to open your hearts to Mother/Father/God, and in that moment very positively invite Her in to comfort you. Without your free will invitation She cannot do so. When you do, you will feel the Love with which She enfolds and embraces you, dissolving your doubts about Her existence, and also any doubts you may be holding about your worthiness to receive Her or be in Her Presence. She longs for you to invite Her into your hearts because She longs to embrace you. A mother always wants to embrace her children because they are forever a part of her, they grew within her, totally dependent on her for life, and even after birth they remain one with her, even as they become adult and have their own families. You are all One, you are all interconnected, and this game of separation that you have been playing is and has been extremely divisive due to your felt need to judge other cultures, ethnicities, skin color, and religious or political beliefs, from your own individual and very narrow perspectives. These present you with an endless list of contentious and disruptive reasons to see yourselves as separate, as right while others are wrong, and encourage you to engage in conflict with those you know are wrong! Now is the moment to recognize your Oneness with one another. You all seek love outside yourselves, and so you are always disappointed because when you look outside yourselves for what is within you see division. Love is what and who you are and It is within you, waiting for you to become aware that you have never been separated from It. Once you can come to full self-acceptance this realization will dawn on you, and as you then start to honor yourselves as God does, you will find a deep sense of peace within you as the intensely felt need to seek what you are outside yourselves just falls away.You are Love, every single one of you, and in Its most intimate form It is there within you awaiting your realization and acceptance. If you do not love yourselves you cannot possible love others. When you do fully and unconditionally accept yourselves you will feel the Love within instead of blocking your awareness of It, and then your whole energy field expands embracing all with whom you interact. This is how you awaken. And this is how you mightily assist others to awaken. Just think about it: You are ALL Love and only Love, and Love is the infinite field of divine energy in which all that exists is eternally enfolded. You are EVERYTHING and therefore all your needs are constantly fulfilled. So be kind and loving to yourselves, taking joy in your daily quiet time alone as you invite Mother/Father/God to fill your hearts with the Love that She is. You are ALL completely and utterly worthy of God’s love for you, and completely and utterly worthy to rest in Her Presence. All you need to do is to fully accept yourselves just as you are. God does, so why would you not? Your loving brother, Jesus. |
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