
Sunday, June 25, 2023

The “WINDS Of CHANGE” BEgin to ACCELERATE at the Time of the Full Moon on the 3rd - 4th of July.


The “WINDS Of CHANGE” BEgin to ACCELERATE at the Time of the Full Moon on the 3rd - 4th of July.
This Specific FREQUENCY of the Full Moon carries a SACRED FREQUENCY of LIGHT Rarely Ever Seen within the History of the UNIVERSE.
This Unique PURE FREQUENCY will BEgin to interact ELECTRICALLY with our Earth’s MAGNETIC CORE. . .
Setting in Motion the SACRED PROPHECY that is to bring Earth into a direct ALIGNMENT to what is referred as a Galactic EVENT.
This Happening is a RARE Moment within the UNIVERSAL planes where a Profound Re-Alignment Alters the Multi-Dimensional REALITY of a Planetary Cycle.
Our Beloved NEW EARTH’s Destined Path will SHIFT Completely at this Juncture.
Pars Kutay
Photo: Anchoring the Divine New Energies of Light and Sound Codes - captured over Sweden today 25.06.2023 by Mikasa Tamara Blue Ray

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