
Thursday, June 1, 2023

THE ACTIVATION OF LIGHT Cosmic events just won't cease. They r going up and up.


Cosmic events just won't cease. They r going up and up. They are for our own good.
We’re being prepared for an even deeper cosmic event to occur.
It will be the brightest and most shocking solar flare mankind has experienced in so-called “modern” times.
Every aspect of humanity is being redesigned: mental capacity, emotional environments, new communication styles, and actions.
There is a continuous transmission of LIGHT, acceptance of LIGHT, acclimation to LIGHT. It is the process of TRANSMISSION AND TRANSMISSION OF LIGHT AND SOUND.
All aspects of the cosmos, including our Sun, bring us spiritual messages, and that is why the entire multiverse is a COSMIC SACRED BOOK.
The LIGHT that is rising upon our planetary home so quickly and rapidly is bringing with it messages for those who are elevated enough (or elevating) to understand them.
LIGHT is becoming more intense in its flow through the solar system. It’s pouring particle plasma on both the sun-facing side of our planet and on the far side.
With Love, Light Warrior, Blue-Ray Lyran Stellar Seed, Kristie Griswell ๐Ÿ’œ๐ŸŒˆ

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