
Sunday, June 25, 2023

NEW EARTH LIGHT TEMPLATES We bring through this Message to Activate and Awaken your Peripheral Light


We bring through this Message to Activate and Awaken your Peripheral Light Perception.
For you have Reached the Mid Point of 2023.
To Expand, Awaken the Complex Light Templates Reaching You.
For the Grid Workers are Provided with Higher Light tools to assist their work.
Like the concept of Plasma Light Streams, this Light is encoded with the next level of building blocks of your reality.
They are simply Light Formats configured to our current Light Platform, aligned to Higher Light development.
For many, the mid-point of 2023 brings ease of rest as you prepare the up up journey of the remaining months.
Your role is to continue your personal advancement so you can integrate and assimilate these higher light codes. For this role is attuned to many, as some reach this stage of light evolution. There is simply no race, but a path to light.
The opportunity for advancement is a thought away, as the universal intelligence of US is reaching Quantum leaps.
Wonderful Light, the path for Humanity.
Simply, follow the Light path.
Sending Waves of Cosmic Light 💥
New Earth Light Frequencies 🙏
The Arcturians & Karen Lithika

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