
Monday, June 26, 2023

Did you miss Sunday’s Galactic Activation Webinar with Laarkmaa?


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We enjoyed a fabulous webinar with Pia, Cullen and Laarkmaa. Everyone was uplifted and infused with renewed hope. Here's a comment from one attendee:

Colleen and Miles this is your best webinar to date. Thank you for this powerful message. Thank you and please have Pia and Cullen back again soon. Cam


Behold! the cosmic orchestra, performing the universe’s ethereal music. Right now, we who are awake exist in an age of uncertainty. Our formerly black and white world is split into many shades of grey. Doubt is everywhere. Nothing remains as it was.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to discuss the dilemmas of our time. They tackle the issue of 5G and other alarming environmental perils, and give us practical ways to cope. They also address the Great Split between the awake and those who are not; and explain how we can create a comfortable living space in their midst.

As we approach Ascension, we notice our growing intolerance to things of this world. We are becoming allergic to the 3D environment, which rapidly is becoming as alien to us as we are to it. Pia and Cullen describe how and why this is happening and suggest ways we can manage the ‘condition’.


Finally, there is the issue of time itself. Pia and Cullen answer the
question we so often ask ourselves, ‘what happened to the day?’

Buttressed by the wisdom of Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen offer a refreshing and revitalizing perspective that will open our eyes and minds to the larger
truths that harmonize the cosmos, of which we all are a part.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Bring Us Up to Date on their Mission’s Current Focus
• Time Acceleration
Why Each Day is Whizzing By
• Feeling the Great Split
Dealing with Being Awake and Understanding the Uninformed
• Environmental Effects On Humans
Solar Radiation-5G Contamination-Geomagnetic Activity
• Ascension Hypersensitivity
Dealing with the Aligning of Our Higher Vibrations
• Laarkmaa's Update On Our Evolutionary Progress
Pia and Cullen Share a Live Q & A Session with Laarkmaa

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-63 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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