
Tuesday, June 27, 2023

ANGEL OF LIGHT Realise the Infinite Potential of You ❤ The Reflection of Light Emmanating From You.


Realise the Infinite Potential of You ❤
The Reflection of Light Emmanating From You.
A Multidimensional Light Stream, beyond the Parameters of your Physical Mind.
SEE many Angels Joining Before You, in a Collective Stream of Light.
As you reach a new way, your role as a wayshower is expanding 🙏
SEE the Light Path
The Journey before you.
Close your eyes and see the myriad streams of Light reaching you.
An aspect of your reality resides in the Higher Realms
As you awaken to the entirety of YOU..
Angelic Light....
Awakened Higher Light...
I am LIGHT ❤
With Love to the Collective Light Family 💥
Thank You Artist 🌿
The Arcturians
Karen Lithika
Crystal Vibrational Healer
Light Alchemist

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