
Friday, June 30, 2023

All Energy Blockages Will Be Cleared In 7 Days


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Please Help the PAO Zoom Forward ~ We need You

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These are exciting times for PAO.

Every month during our Webinars, we blast off together on a journey of discovery. We have a direction, chosen by our guests, but none of us knows exactly where we are going, or what our destination will be. There is no map into this unknown. All we know is that we enjoy each trip and hope that you do, too.

Since the beginning of this year, Colleen and I have been working feverishly to increase our listening audience by appearing on webcasts to spread the word about PAO. Eden Koz was our first interviewer in April and we have just recently completed our second videocast with Kornelia Stephanie. Kornelia, by the way, will be our guest on July’s Webinar. And that’s only the beginning – we have so much more in store for you!

Even better news is that, after being semi-sidelined by vexing health issues, Colleen is bursting with renewed health and energy, ready to aid the cause and the universal kinship embodied in the PAO. Colleen, we are so happy to have you back!

Her return is none too soon. As chaos grows in this world, our monthly Webinars become crucial opportunities to kindle a glowing consciousness shift and merge our collective energies. Our frequencies, when united, register ‘off the charts’, sending healing power and initiating regenerative change throughout our world and the cosmos.

But while we yearn for universal peace, galactic kinship and a speedy release of the promised abundance, the bills on our desks continue to pile up and we are forced once more to enlist your financial support.

Please donate whatever you can spare to keep the PAO zooming forward, knowing that by continuing to strengthen the galactic human links between us, you are also helping to shift our world to a better place.

Peace and blessings,

PAO Team

Help the PAO to Zoom Forward Donation Banner

Another Great Webinar with the Wisdom of Laarkmaa!

Love this webinar. So uplifting. Thank you. Jane

WOW WOW WOW - PAO's Live Webinar featuring Pia, Cullen and Laarkmaa is a message that every universe in the Cosmos must have orchestrated. There must be a way to open the doors wider for this delivery to be shared on a wider scale. My heart kept going WHOOH WHOOH all throughout this webinar.

Thank you Miles and Colleen, this was the most impactful message delivery from Laarkmaa I've ever heard in a very long long time.



Behold! the cosmic orchestra, performing the universe’s ethereal music. Right now, we who are awake exist in an age of uncertainty. Our formerly black and white world is split into many shades of grey. Doubt is everywhere. Nothing remains as it was.

Pia Orleane and Cullen Smith return to discuss the dilemmas of our time. They tackle the issue of 5G and other alarming environmental perils, and give us practical ways to cope. They also address the Great Split between the awake and those who are not; and explain how we can create a comfortable living space in their midst.

As we approach Ascension, we notice our growing intolerance to things of this world. We are becoming allergic to the 3D environment, which rapidly is becoming as alien to us as we are to it. Pia and Cullen describe how and why this is happening and suggest ways we can manage the ‘condition’.


Finally, there is the issue of time itself. Pia and Cullen answer the
question we so often ask ourselves, ‘what happened to the day?’

Buttressed by the wisdom of Laarkmaa, Pia and Cullen offer a refreshing and revitalizing perspective that will open our eyes and minds to the larger
truths that harmonize the cosmos, of which we all are a part.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Pia and Cullen Bring Us Up to Date on their Mission’s Current Focus
• Time Acceleration
Why Each Day is Whizzing By
• Feeling the Great Split
Dealing with Being Awake and Understanding the Uninformed
• Environmental Effects On Humans
Solar Radiation-5G Contamination-Geomagnetic Activity
• Ascension Hypersensitivity
Dealing with the Aligning of Our Higher Vibrations
• Laarkmaa's Update On Our Evolutionary Progress
Pia and Cullen Share a Live Q & A Session with Laarkmaa

To order your Galactic Activation Webinar Q&A-63 Archive: Click Here

Price: $13.95 U.S.

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The Immortal Man: The Mysterious Count of Saint Germain

Source: The Paranormal Scholar

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Creativity or Denial

Source: Jamye Price


Being authentic allows your creative force to be stronger, like the form of a diamond. When you are authentic, the natural flow of transformation occurs.

Instead of a thought or emotion being suppressed and continuing to bubble up in unconscious behaviors, it is allowed to flow through the path of evolution.

Humanity often avoids the process of change. It can feel dangerous to the ego, even when the change is desired.

As you build your empowerment, you are fortifying your ability to change with greater ease.

Soothing the ego releases fear and strengthens the self.

Creativity Time

You are naturally creative. Always. It’s in-built into your biomechanism.

Being willing to focus and become the positive change you want to experience in your life, and therefore this world, is the work of Light.

You are not avoiding reality, this is not the true Denial. You are aware and creative, just by being.

Creative Results

As I was done with the card reading, I looked at the bottom of the deck which I always like to do. At the bottom was the Empowerment card, a core energy of our Ascension.

There is a quote from the booklet that says, “An empowered individual gives and receives with the free flow of knowing all is well. You are sacred and powerful. Your inner empowerment increases your flow.”

You are a sacred gift to Life. Don’t deny your creative power, Lightworker.


Are you Denying your Creative Power Starseed? Light Language Healing Oracle Reading with Jamye Price

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Just Use This & Your All Energy Blockages Will Be Cleared In 7 Days

Source: Awaken Way interviews - Shi Heng Yi

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