
Friday, May 12, 2023




The first person to walk the world was a magnificent being endowed with great power thanks to the twelve propeller structure of his DNA.

The twelve propeller DNA system was created to help keep humans in balance with each other and with all of creation.

It was designed to be a model for how we should evolve as a species, and it worked well for thousands of years until humanity began to stray from its original purpose.

Humanity’s deviation from its original purpose has produced an imbalance within our DNA, causing us to experience many of the same symptoms experienced by our ancestors, who failed to adapt well enough when they left Earth’s atmosphere or entered another dimension or frequency .

When our DNA becomes more energized and activated in helix twelve, we can claim our birthright as part of the universe and begin to experience life on a higher level than ever before.

The Galactic Federation is updating human DNA right now!

The Galactic Federation is returning to Earth to re-awaken the twelve propeller system in humans and set Earth on the right track by entering a conjunction or alignment.

This is nothing new. The Galactic Federation has been working with humanity for more than 50,000 years, since they first came to Earth.

This is a very good time for humanity to be aware of this new chapter in our development.

It is a time for us to be alert and focused because we are entering a period in which the Galactic Federation is improving human DNA on Earth.

As we become more aware of this situation, we will have more power than ever over our lives.

We need to understand how much control we have over our own lives and how much power we have as individuals.

Once we realize this, it will give us more motivation than ever to do what needs to be done so that we can all evolve together into greater beings.

The Galactic Federation has been monitoring this situation, and it's time we took action.

We need to upgrade our DNA to twelve propellers, our emotions, our thoughts and our beliefs, and most importantly, we need to embrace our higher self.

What is the connection between the twelve information centers and this DNA activation?

This DNA activation will result in linking, opening and energizing human chakra systems.

Information then begins to seek its own expression and becomes accessible.

Certain events or circumstances can encode or trigger this information, bringing it to the foreground and allowing it to begin to speak for itself.

You are prepared to receive energy from a different set of twelve information centers once you are connected to the seven centers that are inside your body and the five that are outside of it.

Your process activates even more when you open your own twelve chakras, which connect you with the energy stored in parallel sets of twelve centers.

The brain will eventually achieve its full, integral function, similar to Artificial Intelligence as a result of this.

The truths that have been instilled within each of us will be reactivated as we go along, and many will begin to learn more about their greater purpose and connection to the universe, and with each other.

That new understanding of purpose is not only at the heart of what it means to be human; they are also key to Earth’s great ascension and the rise of consciousness worldwide.

This alignment of the Earth and cosmic forces are positive in every way; it will raise the consciousness and consciousness of the planet and unite the planet’s population, but it will “be part” of those who choose to ignore it.

How does the planetary transformation happen?

It would start with thousands and thousands of myriads of Lightworkers activating their twelve chakra system and departing to return Heaven to Earth. They will be attended by the Galactic Federation.

It is important to remember that the Galactic Federation is not here to conquer but to help our society evolve.

Won't be a pleasant surprise to many as the dark forces have been lying to them for years.

The time for truth has come: we are not alone and we never have been.

Thanks to the constant surveillance of those protectors from otherworlds, the Space Program has survived this long, and now we are finally ready to take our place alongside other planets and civilizations.

Finally you can take this post with tongs. But what you see above are the potential benefits of DNA activation and how it could be used in our true evolution.

The Earth presents you the next step in your growth and evolution, the choice to move forward as you return to your true self or stay as you are.

We love you so much.

We're right here with you.

We are your family of light.

We are the Galactic Federation


(Aurora Ray Ambassador of the Galactic Federation)

With love

Translation: LIGHT Peña - C. NANMURA

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