
Tuesday, May 9, 2023

Reassessing Abundance with Jared Rand


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Greetings from Galactic Heart . . .


Miles and I are thrilled to have Jared Rand this month for our Galactic Activation webinar.

I don't know about you, but I am overwhelmed with all the shenanigans of world politics. I am glad I can ask Jared some questions to help calm my jitters. I trust the Divine Plan, yes. I also have to navigate the corruption until NESARA is announced and we regain our freedom. We are so close. We all feel it. Join us for this month's Galactic Activation webinar featuring one of our favorite guests, Jared Rand.

Blessings of Love sent your way,


Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for May


It’s been several months since Jared Rand joined our circle. Many of you have asked for him: now, he's back, bringing his wide-ranging worldview and incisive comments to shine Light on the dark and roiling global agenda that surrounds us.

Just as our spirits begin to relax into some kind of ‘normal’ after the reign of pandemic terror, we are noticing the upsurge of dire and dogged voices warning about climate change. Can this be the newest ‘Covid’? Is global warming a clear and present danger, or is this yet another psychological terror attack against us? Jared will clear away the webs of uncertainty, and put our situation in context with his usual clarity.

In the meantime, the rocketing cost of living haunts our days and shatters any plans for the future. We yearn for the long-promised abundance program to manifest. How much longer must we wait for debt forgiveness? Jared is keen to tell us.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

And, realizing our need to know, Jared will give us a detailed progress report on the Celestial Chambers project.

It is a rare treat to have Jared back. We welcome him in anticipation of the information and wise counsel, common sense and kindly comfort he consistently provides.

We invite you to join us, to bask in the glow and flow of our Galactic Activation Webinar this month.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Jared Brings Us Up to Date on His Mission’s Current Focus
• A Revised Globalist Agenda
Shifting from Pandemic to Climate Modification
• Reassessing Abundance
Releasing the Shackles of Debt Slavery
• Celestial Chambers
Progress Report
• The Challenge of Accelerated Chaos in Our World
Humanity’s Rapidly Awakening

Jaredj Rand Bio

After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Please note new time:

Sunday, May 21, 2:00 to 3:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on Sunday, May 21, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S.


Embracing Your Heart Energy

Source: LeeHarrisEnergy

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Earth’s Repaired Grids Mean Humanity Will Be Saved

Source: Daniel Scranton - Arcturians


“Greetings. We are the Arcturian Council. We are pleased to connect with all of you.

We are very pleased with the progress that we see you all making as you continue to ask for what is needed for the collective and then become the conduits for those energies and that information that you know will further the expansion of consciousness within your human collective.

There is always going to be a debate about what exactly is needed to turn the tides for humanity so that you can become the beings of light and love that your were always meant to be.

There are debates in the higher realms, just as there are debates there on planet Earth.

But you as an individual don’t have to agree with what anyone else thinks is needed for real changes to occur there on your world. You only need to be in alignment with you, because you are the one who is living the life that you are living, and you are the one who is observing what you are observing and feeling what you are feeling, and therefore you get to ask for what you think is best for all of humanity.

You also then get to align yourself vibrationally with what you have asked for, and that is a truly wondrous and beautiful experience for all of you.

You are not just there to be of service to the collective; you are also there to have your own experiences.

In the past, you may have looked at your life and wondered why you ever would have chosen to go to Earth and take on so much. Now is the time when all of your hard work pays off, because you get to receive it first before spreading it around. You get to be the conduits of all of that beautiful healing energy that humanity needs now more than ever.

You get to work with the grids that have been repaired and restored so much over the past several decades.

You are there to save humanity from itself, but you are also there to enjoy the ride. When you attempt to enact change the old fashioned way, you see where that gets you. People close themselves off to you, or they laugh at you for believing in things that are so different from the norm. But no one is going to reject the light and love that you project when you access it for all of humanity and spread it around like a human sprinkler system.

And yes, when you do it that way, those same people who once thought you were a little bit crazy will find themselves gravitating to you and wanting to know what your secret is.

There is no real secret and nothing that needs to be hidden from anyone else at this point, as you find alignment with yourself, your words, your actions, and your thoughts, you align with Source, and you align with the energies that are coming in to heal the consciousness of your collective, and this is happening whether you participate in it consciously or not, but those of you who are receiving this message are doing it consciously, and therefore, you do get to enjoy the ride.

We are the Arcturian Council, and we have enjoyed connecting with you.”


Heaven On Earth

Source: Ismael Perez & Catherine Edwards

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What Is a Soulless Being Or Person?

Source: Gigi Young


Image: WeHeartIt

We’ve all heard it, a comment that goes something like this: “That person is completely soulless! How can someone treat someone else that way?” Or, “that person sold their soul a long time ago.” This rather spiritual reference is part of our colloquial language, but is there more to it?

This term, although it is used casually, is describing something deeply metaphysical: a real dynamic that occurs within our spiritual body, or bio-energetic field. It is describing the actual process of ones consciousness atrophying so badly that it can no longer perceive its higher self, or soul. Understandably, this is a bit of an intimidating topic, a soul is a terrible thing to waste, so lets go deeper.

Human Bio-Energetic Field

To understand ourselves we must remember that we are all energy. Not only that we are all energy, but we are an organized, layered field of energy. We are dimensional beings whose energy, or soul, reaches up into the higher dimensions all the way to the God-Head itself. We also sometimes call this energy consciousness, the aura or the bio-energetic field. This field of ours takes on the structure of the cosmos itself and moves in exact accordance with our thoughts and feelings. So, we are essentially a cosmic (or spiritual) being that organizes itself in the material plane according to our thoughts and feelings. Another way to visualize it is to see that we have a higher dimensional structure and then we have a lower dimensional form that moves within that structure depending on how well we can align the two components of mind and emotion. It is the harmony of our mental body and emotional body that anchor Spirit into our being.

For our purposes, the bottom line when it comes to our energetic system is that everyone has one, but not everyone works within that structure to the same degree. Some people, or even beings, are adepts, or advanced in their relationship with themselves and the cosmos, while others are destructive and completely ignorant of higher truths. What is challenging is that we all share the same space here in our 3d world giving us the physical impression that we are all the same, but on the inside we can be completely different creatures functioning from completely different spiritual places. This is functioning from different spiritual leagues is the primary source of conflicts on this planet.

This is not an easy concept to digest, as we must evolve beyond the desire to put our heads in the sand and ignore the shadow aspects of our world. Taking a good long look at the underbelly of our world means that we have to look at our personal mistakes and shortcomings as well. We have to mature past the urge to make everything relative so that we don’t have to become more grounded and the address cosmic patterns in detail and nuance. Spirituality must become more than a salve, or vacation, from pain and evolve into its rightful place as a clarifying force.


Image: WeHeartIt

What Happens to Ones Bio-Energetic Field When They Spiritually Regress?

Now that we understand that we have the same internal structure and the free will to choose to move with or against it, we can discuss how the denial of self changes the energetic body to makes one ‘soulless.’ The word ‘soulless’, although popular to describe ignorant and destructive people, is not exactly correct, as the soul itself can never truly be lost. No matter how dense you become, you are still that seed of light. However, what can happen is that we can atrophy to the point that we can no longer perceive it or access this light. When we become ‘soulless’ it means that we have chosen to live many lives not taking responsibility for our trauma and life purpose. We have chosen to leave ourselves behind, to not face our shadow. As time compresses us, life after life, it confirms our dominant nature and builds upon what we have chosen to develop (or not).

As humans we have the power to create ourselves or to completely destroy ourselves, that is the heavy responsibility of life.

When we do not authentically look at our our trauma and shadow we become possessed by it. It is this process that begins to have an affect on the energetic body that makes individuals appear soulless to others. The build up of trauma and unrealized potential actually reverses the energetic body, or makes in bottom heavy. The upper chakras which are designed to pull in raw cosmic energy (creativity, cosmic rhythms/seasons, future self emanations etc.) become stifled and eventually atrophy. The lower chakras, which are designed to digest and integrate the energy from the higher chakras, become dominant. This makes one feel as though God exists exclusively in physical pleasures, the more subtle ability to sense delicate vibrations (spiritual bliss) is no longer understood or exercised. This represents the loss of the soul as ones bio-energetic field no longer recognizes its existence.

This can be a challenging concept to understand as we are dealing with a loss of perception, something so fundamental that when it does errode we don’t consciously realize it is lost. A contrast then exists between people who are connected to their higher-selves and still have access to these subtle fields of energy, and people who do not. That sensation to people who are awake is that the individual has no soul, no light, no life force. Of course, if two or more people are regressing in this way they will not sense that anything is missing. The difficulty that human beings have perceiving themselves is a testament to how important it is to have healthy communities and connections with others.

Tulpas vs. the Loss of Spiritual Connection

When it comes to soulless beings we also must address another form of life that is technically soulless: Tulpas. Tulpas are astral forms that are created through ones mind. Thoughts are things. Literally. Most of the time our thoughts simply dance across the astral in colourful wisps, a passing reflection of our inner-world. However, with practice and an understanding of magick we come to see that we can actually create a specific thought form. We can create a creature made of our own mental energy that actually exists in the astral plane. Over time we can actually feed this creature life force and it will become stronger. These beings can, and do, interact with out third dimension. They have a form and personality, but because they did not go through the process of descension from the God-Head, they do not have a soul, as we do.

For more information about soulless being ~ What Is a 'Soulless' Being or Person?

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