
Sunday, May 7, 2023

INVISIBILITY BLANKET: “We often draw around our bodies the cloak of invisibility



“We often draw around our bodies the cloak of invisibility when we move among the people who are incarnate,”

Ascended Master Saint Germian

One can put on the Invisibility Cloak in an instant, but students should keep it on permanently, consciously visualizing that they are wearing the Cloak. We are consciously grading this Energy or Electronic Activity at all times.

To make a car invisible, the car is not dematerialized (and materializes again to make it visible). The vibrational action in the atmosphere around the vehicle is of a certain vibrational action, a substance, then what happens is, the vibrational action of that increases or rises to a point where it makes the car invisible for ordinary physical view.

The automobile stands as it is and if Invisibility Cloak is not qualified to deflect anything approaching it, one may crash into it as if walking over it with eyes closed, and desolate its blackhead as reported to have happened to a person in Africa. If one were inside the car he could see everything happening outside as usual, but no one from outside could see him or the vehicle.

By visualizing the Luminous Presence of Jesus or some Divine Being, a similar action occurs around a person. Through visualization, the substance of Light is attracted around that person. When that accumulation reaches a certain point the Master carries his own conscience into it. Therefore, the resemblance overlaps the person.

A.D.K Luk,Law Of Life Enlightener,V. 6 N. 5, January-February, 30 Era of Liberation (1985)


Beloved Powerful and Victorious Presence of God "I AM" in me, beloved Holy Christ of mine, and Great Host of Ascended Masters! FLAMEEN in, through and around me NOW Your Almighty TUBE OF COSMIC SUBSTANCE-COSMIC LIGHT, through which nothing of human creation has the possibility of passing.

May this Tube of Light be an invincible protection for me and my world, and may it be an Ascended Master Mantle of Invisibility and Invulnerability to all that is not of Light. May it also be an irresistible magnet in my world to attract to me constant, visible and tangibly into my hands and use the unlimited abundance of money and every good thing which I require to realize the Divine Plan of my lifestream as soon as possible.

May this Tube of Light help me to hold my attention to the Source of my life—my own Presence “I AM”—enabling me thereby to be a clear and perfect channel for His good of all description to flow in, through and around me and of all life than I contact anyone with "I AM" I consciously accept this done RIGHT NOW with all my might!.

Book of Ceremonial and Ordained Service Vol.1, Serapis Bey Publishers S.A. Panama

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