I ( your full name )
🌈💙 I open to the connection with my Higher Self
🌈💙 I open to receive the goodness and protection of the Universe
🌈💙 I open to high vibrational frequency energies, beauty, abundance, health, happiness and joy
🌈💙 I open up to total freedom
🌈💙 I open up to the joy of living
🌈💙 I open to receive without conditions or buts
🌈💙 I open to manifest light and knowledge on planet earth
🌈💙 I offer myself as a channel of light and wisdom, to anchor it each time with greater intensity
🌈💙 I open myself to be an instrument of light and wisdom on planet earth
🌈💙 I am totally free from fears and doubts
🌈💙 I fully trust the divine guidance of my Higher Self and allow Him to use me as an instrument of light and wisdom
🌈💙 I ask to be a witness and participant of the full manifestation of light, love and wisdom of Father-Mother God on this Earth
🌈💙 I celebrate and appreciate living today incarnate on this planet
🌈💙 I am willing to embody Unity here and now
🌈💙 I ask to be guided in my action, for the good of all and all that IS
🌈💙I am a cell in the body of humanity and I am in service of the Entity
🌈💙 That the light, love, power and wisdom of Father God-Mother manifest on Earth to continue with the evolutionary plan of this and all humanity
Gratitude, Terezinha de Oliveira 💙
With Love, Light Warrior, Blue-Ray Lyran Stellar Seed, Kristie Griswell 💙🌈💙
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