
Monday, May 8, 2023

Healing Trauma with the Body


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Debbie was absolutely fantastic. A wealth of knowledge. Can't wait to have her back. It was nice to have some kind of timeline and to know that everything's going to be okay which I believed anyway but nice to have it confirmed. GP


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Healing Trauma with the Body

Source: LeeHarrisEnergy

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Source: Matt Kahn -newsletter

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From as early as I can remember, I have always been afraid of one thing — being too much for people. As I regularly confused other people’s experiences of life with their perception of me, I became hypercritical of myself. As if anything I said or did somehow pushed others away or motivated their rejection and abandonment.

This caused me to shapeshift in various social settings, hoping to quickly find the perfect combination of interests and attributes that allowed others to approve of me. While I learned how to be “All things to all people,” the fundamental downside of this was realizing I couldn’t ever receive the approval offered by others because I wasn’t being the most authentic me in my experiences.

It’s a strange chapter of growth, even as a kid, when realizing you can fool others into validating whichever mask you assume will be most attractive to them, while not being able to let any of it in, which can only occur when daring to be your most authentic self.

At such a young age, I knew how to win the prize, but was so far away from knowing how to feel it in a meaningful way.

After years of shapeshifting for other people’s validation without knowing why I couldn’t feel it, or even when daring to be myself, why I felt invisible to the world, somehow overlooked by life, dismissed by others, and overwhelmed by those I just wanted to be loved by — a rather intriguing insight dropped in.

It asked me, “What if your greatest fear is also one of your deepest insights waiting to be explored?”

While I initially scoffed at such a seemingly absurd idea, the voice furthered, “Nothing else seems to work, so why not give it a try?” “Sure,” I thought. It couldn’t be any worse than the Groundhog’s Day I seem to be destined to live out, so I opened to this awareness.

Immediately, as if I was watching images of my life being pieced together in a different order, I was taken through a mini life review and began seeing things differently.


I saw how frustrated my parents were when the emotional sensitivities of their empathic child couldn’t be resolved through their rescuing. I viewed a replay of the spiritually-focused questions a Rabbi had not been prepared to answer as he taught Sunday school. I watched as kids turned away in avoidance of the emotions that inspired more curiosity than fear in me. I recalled schoolteachers telling me to “Just be a kid,” while in moments of existential crisis.

And then, it all came full circle as I suddenly realized, “I have only been too much for others because this is who I have insisted to be validated by. How would my life change if I realized that I’ve never been too much for myself? What if this is where true validation is found?”

While it would take years to process, unpack, and fully digest this insight, it created a bold pattern-interrupt from self-abandonment — no longer requiring others to deny me as a way of returning me back to myself. It wasn’t a “To hell with people, they only disappoint and leave you” type of thought.

Instead, it was a heartfelt, soul-nourishing realization that I’ve never been too much for myself, but equally, I hadn’t spent enough quality time with myself to know how validating time with me could be.

I certainly thought I had spent enough time with myself, but in truth, the majority of time spent alone involved pining for the approval of others, judging those I felt judged by, conspiring to create newer masks that maximize approval and minimize rejection, and wondering why I felt so invisible to the world around me.

It was because I had confused steeping in the despair of loneliness with getting to know myself as Spirit in form. The more I learned to separate my experiences in life from the one experiencing them from within, the more validated I felt in my own presence, which led to being seen and valued by others around me.

The difference was, I wasn’t getting to know myself as a way of stacking the deck of other people’s approval more in my favor.

I had simply played out patterning to such an exhaustive degree, there was nothing left to consider but taking a different approach.

Whether this matches a fear equally hiding in you, or offers new perspective about a life that has felt like more of a struggle than a celebration, your life can and will dramatically shift, once you realize: You are never too much for yourself. Those are merely imprints of other people’s experiences with themselves that were projected onto you or interpreted by the loneliness of perpetual despair.

No matter how often you feel like you are too much for others, you are never too much for Source. Since you cannot ever be too much for Source to handle, you are never too much for me.

I see you. I know you. I feel you. I am you. I love you — from my empathic heart to yours.

All for Love,



Loving All Your Emotions

Source: Ann Albers and The Angels (newsletter)


My dear friends, we love you so very much,

You live lifetimes within each day. Within each day, you can experience the gamut of emotions.

You may have predominant feelings that seem to overshadow all else, but in truth, if you pay attention, you will find moments that cover a spectrum of emotions. You may feel happy but temporarily become enraged when you stub your toe. You may be stricken with the most profound grief you have ever felt, but then a memory inspires your joy. You may feel depressed and suddenly take a sip of coffee or feel the comfort of a warm shower, which becomes a saving grace. You may be celebrating but then hear of someone else’s misfortune and feel temporarily sad.

Each one of you lives lifetimes on the spectrum of feeling each day.

It is helpful to pay attention to this, especially if you are going through a hard time. There is a tendency to think you can’t feel good when you feel bad, but there are thousands of tiny moments in your day when you feel relief, soothed, or uplifted. If you are predominantly up, you will still have your lower feelings from time to time, and these simply remind you to flex that muscle of choosing something that feels better as quickly as you can.

Your feelings don’t make you a good or a bad person. You already are good, dear ones. You are pure light, pure love, formed from the spark of the Divine. You are no more or less holy if you feel good or bad. You are no more or less enlightened (filled with light) because you already are light. You want to reach for better feelings, not to achieve some “level” of spiritual evolution, but because your experience on this earth matters, and you get to choose.

Sometimes there is comfort for you in your grief, until one day there is not, and that is when you reach for more. Sometimes there is power in your anger but not for long, so you reach for more. Sometimes there is motivation beneath your jealousy, and as long as you don’t stay stuck within it, it can inspire you to create more for yourself.

Your emotions are not bad. They simply help you realize where you don’t yet believe you are loved, and where you do. They simply tell you if your thinking is lined up with the Divine and your spirit, or not.


When someone dies, it is human to see the loss. The soul sees eternal relationships.

When someone criticizes you, you feel disrespected. The soul sees the others’ insecurity or pain.

When you witness abominations in your world, you see evil. The soul sees misunderstanding and cries for love.

When you do something that yields undesirable results, you see a mistake, but the soul sees an opportunity for growth.

When you see as your soul sees, you may still grieve the physical presence of a loved one, but you will also take time to receive their love and reach for their presence instead of focusing exclusively on their absence.

When you see as your soul sees those who criticize you are really saying, “This is the standard to which I hold myself, and if I do not meet it, I do not feel good enough. Therefore you must meet it too.”

When your soul sees abominations, it wants to send light with compassion and pray to heal the sad disconnection and misunderstanding that motivates such behaviors.

When your soul sees a so-called mistake, it revels in the opportunity to practice a better, kinder, and more uplifting way to be.

Dear ones, we understand your human feelings. The Divine lives within you and experiences each and every one of them with you without judgment. You are understood more than you will ever know upon your earth. We have great love and compassion for you.

We comfort, soothe, and try to inspire you when you are in your pain, and we encourage you and cheer you onward when you are in your joy. We always do everything in our power to steer you towards kinder thoughts, a kinder reality, and a happier life.

When you get angry, we see your power sputtering to the surface.

When you grieve, we see the love in your tears.

When you are jealous ,we see your desire for better.

Always and forever, we remember who you truly are – love in human form. We recognize the love you are seeking to experience. We know the love you truly want to share.

Beneath all appearances and all emotions, we focus our attention on the love, hoping always to help you draw it nearer to the surface of your life ~ not for the sake of anything other than your comfort and joy.God Bless You! We love you so very much.

— The Angels

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