
Tuesday, April 25, 2023

∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆∆ WHAT IS A STARSEED? Starseeds are souls who haven't only incarnated on Earth.


Starseeds are souls who haven't only incarnated on Earth. It's believed by some that the unconscious way's in which humans have been living on Earth (war, terrorism, separation, killing, disrespecting nature and animals) led the planet to send out a call to the cosmos and waves of Starseed souls answered. Starseeds saw incarnating on Earth as a great adventure: an opportunity for individual growth and an act of service for the collective. Others believe that deep down we're all Starseeds.
Many Starseeds have significant 'awakening' experiences, while others experience a sort of knowing or remembering from a young age. many have been incarnating on Earth for a very long time. It's likely that if you're reading this, you're a Starseed.
Once awake, most Starseeds find it hard to have meaningless conversations, jobs, and relationships.
They innately know there's 'something more' to life and feel called to devote their lives to living in connection with this 'something more.' Many remain restless until they step into their calling.
Starseeds often feel misplaced in the world. They posses a longing for 'home' without really knowing where home is, or what the word even means. This is because they've incarnated in places very different from Earth. If hearing this strikes a chord in your heart or makes you feel emotional, it's likely your a Starseed Soul.
I believe that, ultimately, all souls come from Source. However, who we are as a soul is influenced by all of our soul's experiences. So, the more time a soul spends incarnating in a particular part of Universe ( a planet, star system, or galaxy for example ), the more they'll be infuenced by these experiences.
The best way to think of this is to liken it to someone who's well traveled - the more time they spend in a particular city or country, the more the place influences who they are as a person (and a soul). Take me, for instance: I was born in Astralia and I've spent a lot of my life in the UK, so the more time I spent in the UK, the more the place influences who I am. The same goes for a Starseed: the more time they spend incarnating in the star cluster Pleiades, say, the more they'll resonate with being Pleiadian.
While you'll see references to different planets, star systems, and galaxies in the cards, we've intentionally not featured all of them or focused too heavily the on ones that are featured. The reason for this is twofold: firstly, it wouldn't be possible to feature them all to do them justice in just one card; secondly, the intention of this deck is to support Starseeds in their current incarnation on Earth, In this life, and to help them remember and embody their soul in their physical experience today.
Starseeds are scattered across the planet. Because they feel so 'different' it's not uncommon for them to spend part of their lives trying to fit in, or being in some form of spiritual closet. If you're dimming your light to fit in, I invite
you to stop, and instead start embracing the unique light that you came here to share. Treat your time on Earth like a vacation. The more courageously you show the world who you truely are, the easier it will be here and to feel more at home.
By Rebecca Campbell.
This is to explain what a Starseed is and help to understand who we are.
If anyone is interested ill do a one card pull from the Starseed Oracle deck. A daily reading of what it means and help to understand who we are as Starseed.

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