
Tuesday, April 18, 2023



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Welcome to PAO's Live Galactic Activation Webinar for April


We were first made aware of our cosmic connections when Sheldan Nidle introduced us to the Galactic realm and his experiences as an ET contactee. From that time, we have yearned to renew that direct Starseed connection that he awakened in us.

Enter Debbie Solaris, ET contactee, galactic historian and inter-dimensional traveler. A relative ‘late bloomer’, she has packed a great many exciting experiences into her spiritual life. From the time she found herself on an Arcturian mothership, she has been ‘awake and aware’ and keen to spread the word about our cosmic legacy and future.

WANTED More Live Webinar Attendees

We are delighted for you to meet Debbie, yet another new guest to PAO and a fitting proponent of Sheldan. Busy on her current home turf as a teacher in Colorado, she has so much to share with us, from our roots inscribed in the Akashic Records, to our true otherworldly selves, to our divine existence in the all-encompassing megacosmos.

Please join us for a rare Webinar opportunity to meet an up-and-coming galactic guiding light.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Debbie Updates Us On Her Mission’s Current Focus
• Connecting with Your Star Family
Understanding Our Starseed Nature and Origins
• Blue Rays and Indigos
Who They are and Why They are Here
• Raising Your Vibration
Awakening Our Divine Selves
• Humanity's Cosmic Destiny
Heading Towards Higher Consciousness


After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, April 23, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on April 23, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar video posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited... Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $20.00 U.S



SourcePamela Kribbe


Dear friends,

I am the Earth. I speak to you from the depth beneath your feet. I, too, have a heart chakra, a center, and you can envision this heart center to be in the middle of my physical body, the planet. Travel there in your mind; descend down into the Earth, into my center, and make an energetic, conscious connection with it, because at its core, my heart is not primarily material, but spiritual. Just as your hearts are part of your soul, your Godself, my heart is also not only physical, it is part of my soul. Feel my heart; feel my love for life. I enjoy everything in life that buds, goes through life processes, grows, and finally dies physically. Life is a grand dance and that dance is elegant and beautiful. In this dance is harmony and logic.

Each one of you is meant to dance, although sometimes the movements you make are uncomfortable or painful. But not everything that has a blocking effect comes from outside you. You also have a history; you are older than this current physical life; you carry a legacy with you. Your soul has a depth that you still do not comprehend. So much remains hidden from you of the grandeur and mystery of your soul. Thus, you cannot know everything, but you can surrender and give yourself over to the movement of your soul.

Your soul sometimes wants you to deal with negativity that comes both from without and within. There might still reside in you old baggage, consisting of emotional pain, misunderstanding, confusion, that your soul intends should come to the forefront in this lifetime. And these encounters may go against your personal desire for light and for a productive, pleasant, and enjoyable life. The purpose of encountering negativity cannot be comprehended by the earthly personality or by the mind, or so it seems, because that purpose is difficult to understand in that way. Therefore, you are asked to open to a deep level of surrender in order to come to terms with that negativity, and I ask you to do this now. I encourage you to feel that negativity from the perspective of my heart, my center.

I see much pain and suffering in and on the Earth, yet there is a part of me that is not affected by that suffering. There is this part of me that simply witnesses it with a gentleness and deep acceptance which understands that there is a logic in everything that happens. Without asking you to grasp this logic with your mind, I encourage you to feel the energy of my heart center. Feel that this energy also creates a space for the suffering and for all that is dark and seems incomprehensible. I am very deeply involved with you and I do not dismiss the suffering of humanity, as well as that of the animals, plants, and rocks. Everything that lives on Earth is sensitive to vibration, to energy. Fear, distrust, hatred, loneliness are vibrations that deeply affect me and all life, yet there is something in me that transcends these vibrations – I am your mother.


By connecting with that part in me which looks with compassion at suffering and grief, you strengthen that part of me – and of yourself. You then literally begin to channel, to become a conduit. Your heart opens to the large flow of compassion that exists in the universe. Not only my compassion, but also that of many other beings. If you are a part of that compassionate stream, you stay connected with it; you do not turn away from what there is on Earth: the light and the dark. You do not try to flee from what is here and your heart remains open. That is your deepest, your greatest gift: remaining here, being present, and not judging but making your heart ever more open and expanded so that you can understand why people, and why you as well, do things that go against life. A consciousness that can understand this, and hold on to this understanding, can break down barriers and remove blockages solely by way of compassion, by way of a deeply felt empathy. Doing this makes you strong, and make no mistake, love is a strong force. Being open to negativity, to pain and suffering, does not mean that you drown in it. It is the power of love that allows it to keep its distance, and to rise above the suffering, yet love’s wings always touch the Earth and other people.

I ask of you that you become an angel on Earth and I know you can be that. Every living being on Earth is working to complete its own dance, one that is perfectly suited to their unique nature, and you have your own particular dance. For you, there is always the next step that suits your life and is in line with who you are now. Feel that for a moment. Are you willing to take this step even if you do not know what it is that is asked of you? Are you ready to take the next step to opening your heart and to healing the old pain? You do not need to know how that will happen; you do not need to be able to fathom the depth of your soul in order to take that next step. It comes through trust; feel that it is good to do so. That is what I ask of you, not to save the world, but to take that one step, your next step. That is what fits right in with the rhythm and the path of development of the Earth as a whole, with this whole sphere of being. We do it together. If each individual being completes their dance, then doing that brings the greatest gift to the whole.

For this reason, it is extremely important that you know yourself. Not to stare blindly toward what you should be, or what you would like to be, but at who you actually are, here and now; at what goes on inside you; at the emotions you experience most often: the sadness you have, or your fervent desires, visions, and beautiful feelings. If you go deep down into yourself with an open heart and an open mind, you are going to become aware of the dance within you, which is not a dance you have created, but a dance your soul has created for you. Then you will be more attuned to your dance, which need not be “perfect”. You are here to learn how to attune to it, so keep things simple. All you need do is to know the signals in your body that come from your soul through your thoughts and your emotions. By silently looking at what is taking place within you, at your thoughts and emotions, you will penetrate deeper into your core and discover what gives you the most joy. Joy is the simple answer to a lot of questions you all have. When you are struggling with a question, for example: “Should I do this or that, or do I need to hold back?”, ask yourself instead: “Does it give me joy; does it increase joy in me?”

The natural dance of life is born out of joy. Think of a ballet dancer. Ultimately, the source of her passion is joy. Dancing gives her joy and satisfaction; it fulfills her soul. However, she also has to learn to overcome pain by exercising her muscles and practicing awkward movements – the training of her body. The pain does not conflict with the joy; it is something she is willing to endure because she is focused on her goal of expressing herself perfectly through the dance. When you stay in touch with joy, you connect with your essence and the reason for all kinds of worries in your life. You begin to sense if something is part of your goal and is worth doing even if it gives you pain. Or if there are things you would prefer to avoid because they do not contribute to your life’s purpose. Dare to ask yourself the question: “Can I live for joy? May joy be my guide?”

I greet you all from my heart, from my soul. I respect you, whatever your path in life. I ask you to take my hand, so we can dance together. There is a flow in me and you and in all life that connects everything on Earth. Feel that flow, how open it is. You are welcome on Earth; I love you.

Pamela Kribbe
Translation by Maria Baes and Frank Tehan



Source: Celia Fenn


Dearest Hearts, you are approaching a powerful time of initiation and transformation for all of Humanity, but also for the Planet.

At this powerful transit of the Eclipse on the 20th April and the Taurus Gate and Full Moon Eclipse in Scorpio, you will embody and integrate the frequencies of the Emerald Heart. This will enable you to receive, hold and transmit the 9D frequencies of the Aldebaran Star Garden and to anchor these frequencies for the New Earth. You will also be initiated into the new Tree of Life for the New Earth and the Age of Aquarius. This is the Tree of Life and Grace, called the Tree of Grace, that has been inaugurated at the centre of the Star Garden to hold the central pillar of Life for the New Earth.

Those of you who are ready will step into the frequencies that will activate the Emerald Heart within you. The Emerald Frequency is a 9D transmission of Light Codes from the Star Garden of Aldebaran that carries the Light Information for the creation and manifestation of New Earth through the evolution and initiation of species.

The Emerald Star Garden is the original Galactic “Garden of Eden” where species are designed by the Elohim Angels and by their helpers the Sirians and Pleiadians and the Cosmic Whales and Dolphins.

The Star Garden of Aldebaran

The Star Garden is in the keeping of the Council of Light of Aldebaran, which includes members from Sirius and the Pleiades. It is a great Library and Seed Vault for all Templates of Light for life forms that are seeded in this part of your Galaxy.

It is from here that the Emerald Light Codes are transmitted out to anchor holographic forms of new life templates and to issue evolutionary updates.

The Emerald Light Codes are a 9D frequency and therefore only available to those who have raised their consciousness to this level.

At the Eclipses, those who are energetically ready will be able to align their frequencies with the Emerald Light Codes by activating the Emerald Heart Aspect of their Sacred Heart. This will align them with transmissions from the Star Garden and will allow them to receive and transmit these Light Codes on and for the Earth.

This will be a gradual process, to allow each individual to slowly shift into these higher frequencies without burning out. We ask you to be gentle with yourselves and to allow the process to unfold in a gentle way.


The Tree of Grace: The New Earth Tree of Life

At the centre of the Star Garden stands the new “Tree of Life” for the New Earth. It is called the Tree of Life and Grace, or simply the Tree of Grace.

It embodies the Divine Feminine energies of Grace and Compassionate Love that are at the Heart of the New Earth Consciousness.

This Tree of Life holds the central pillar of consciousness for the Earth, and also is a great Library for all the Templates for life forms of the Earth and the Solar System. It is the “Great Mother” who holds all life within herself.

At this period of the Eclipses and the 5/5 Full Moon Eclipse, you will also be initiated into the Tree of Grace as the central frequency for New Earth.

So, you will release the frequency of the Tree of the Knowledge of Good and Evil which has dominated the Old Earth with its duality and aggression, and you will transit to the Tree of Grace where the Divine energies of Grace and Compassion will define life going forward.

The Adventure of the Emerald Heart

Dearest Ones, what an adventure it will be to traverse the Path of the Emerald Heart and to work with the Gold and Green Fires of Creation on your Planet.

You will become transmitters of these codes, and where you walk and touch the Earth these Emerald Light Codes will be anchored and activated.

This will accelerate the transformation of Earth into the New Lemuria, a beautiful Paradise Garden where New Earth humans can live in Peace and Harmony.

This is where the adventure begins. We are excited to work with you, Light Dancers of the New Earth.

You are Beings of Grace and Light Blessing the Earth by your presence.



Source: Alexander Quinn

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