
Saturday, March 25, 2023

The 11:11 update: The secur!ty teams will determine when all buttons are pushed in relations to everyone’s protection.


The 11:11 update:
This was going to be a long message but I was informed to keep it brief so I apologize in advance. So please do not inbox me wanting to know more.
As of right now everything is in the hands of the securi ty teams. The secur!ty teams will determine when all buttons are pushed in relations to everyone’s protection. The likelihood is for things to start on a Monday. There 26 facets to what that means. Those some 70 b@nks that were closed or dismantled was part of a huge operation do seize 1,000’s of cab@l accounts. That has been finally accomplished. All of those accounts have now been frozen with all of their assets moved into the hands of the right people. Eventually to we the people. The “R”, “SG”, “DODT”, and “MMT”, cannot mention the full names, trust accounts have these monies in them to fund the glob@l population. This occurrence was done over the last two weeks and this is why it was very quiet as it had to be that way. The big b@nks have now been bought out by the proper channels and resume activity under the QF$ without any restrictions moving forward. Thank you DJTee, allianc€, whit€ hats and other entities who choose now to stay anonymous. This is the news we have been wanting to hear for 100+ years. This is only 1/15 of what I can share. God is good is all I can say my friends.

1 comment:

  1. Thankyou for clarifying this. May I ask a question?
