
Monday, March 20, 2023

Soft Disclosure has Reached Its End




Yesterday I received an email exclaiming: "There is no way it has only been 5 years. I've been with PAO for at least 15 if not 20 years."

I smiled. Yes, indeed, PAO has been around before 1997. I clarified that Miles and I have been offering Galactic Activation Webinars for 5 years. Sheldan was working for the Galactic Federation since the late 1980s. We are committed to continue to offer free newsletters and our monthly webinars. Our PAO community has been a formidable force for disclosure, mass contact and our collective ascension process. Thank you for supporting us. Truly, Together we are Victorious!

Selamat Ja!


Why are we here?

A perfectly natural question that many of us have asked ourselves, especially in light of events of the past three years.

The answer lies in the Akashic Records, a complete account of all lifetimes on earth dating from the beginning of physical Creation. A cornerstone of our soul growth, the Akashic Records describe every detail of our pasts, while providing an indispensable guide into our next lives.

We at PAO are delighted to welcome a brand-new guest, Lisa Barnett, to our monthly Webinars. Lisa is a renowned healer and founder of the Akashic School of Wisdom, and we are very honored to have her with us.


An almost inexhaustible source of Akashic lore, Lisa will discuss the Records’ relevance to our own times. Unique in her ability to connect us with these annals, Lisa will clarify the ways in which we can access our individual Akashic Records.

You won’t want to miss this rare and inspiring opportunity. Please join us!

Subjects to be discussed:

• What are Akashic Records?
• Connecting with Your Own Masters,
Teachers and Beings of Light
• Accessing Past Lives
• Ways of Clearing Karma
• Understanding One's Life Plan

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After the Webinar we will answer your questions live. Within 48 hours after the live Webinar we will send you a link to a video recording.

Sunday, March 26, 12:00 to 1:30 p.m. PDT

Please note: If you are unable to attend on March 26, you can still register. Within 48 hours, we will send you a link to the Webinar video posted (privately) on Rumble. (After posting, the Webinar will be available for 1 week.)

Seats are Limited...Register Now!

To make payment and register: Click Here.

Cost: $20.00 U.S

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Ashtar: Soft Disclosure has Reached Its End

Source: James McConnell


Mike White photo

I am Ashtar. I come at this time, in this great time of change that you are on, the changes that are happening everywhere around you, and certainly within you.

You are all feeling these changes more, and more, and more within you. The energy is flowing more and more freely within you, and you have adapted to the energies that have been coming in from those great planets of the solar system, through those great beings that ensoul those planets that have been bringing that energy to you from the Great Central Sun of this universe, through all of the galactic central suns, all of those beings that ensoul those galaxy suns.

Energy flowing down. Light waves flowing down. Gamma light waves flowing down, bringing you into the higher vibrations in the planet. Those gamma waves coming into the planet, raising the vibrational frequency to higher and higher vibrational frequency to the higher dimensions within this realm. And you have been adapting to these energies more and more so that you can take these energies.

So that all around you that are losing their minds, feeling the fear, expressing the fear in many different ways, just as those of the dark forces want them to do. But you, those of you, that know, those of you that have the eyes to see and the ears to hear, you know better to not feel the fear. To not feel the panic that others around are more and more beginning to do. For you know the way is open in front of you, even to those that feel the way is closing to them.

But you are the ones, you are those Wayshowers. You are the ones that are paving the way forward, showing the way to all of those that are ready to also see and hear the truth as it is coming forward. For nothing, and no-thing, can stop it at this time, even though they may continue to try, and they will, and they are. But all of their words–words of fear, words of death, words of sorrow–are falling on deaf ears to those of you that will not hear them.

And I, and all of those that are working here with you and through you all, beseech you now to continue to move forward step by step. Do not fall back. Do not allow the fears to come up within you. For there is certainly nothing to fear except fear itself.

For in reality, in your new reality that is coming upon you more and more, and within you, there is nothing to fear. For fear is just but an expression, an expression that holds you down to the third-dimensional illusion. But you are moving beyond that illusionary veil. And for you, that veil no longer exists if you deem it to be so.

But my friends, you are on the verge of a great many changes that are coming upon this world and upon you, not the least of which shall be our ships showing more and more within the sky, and more and more people looking up at those skies and seeing those ships, because their third eye is opening more and more to match to their physical eyes.

And as more and more look to the skies and see our ships, those of the forces of darkness will not be able to do anything to stop the truth coming forward, the full disclosure coming forward. And it is coming forward. Soft disclosure has reached its end. You are about to see the full truth coming forward from many different sources. As I say again, you are on the verge of a great many changes to your world.

I am Ashtar, and I leave you now in peace, and love, and oneness. And that you would more fully continue to connect with your Higher God Self, just as we did here in this expression in your meditation.


I found this informative...

Former FBI agent EXPOSES the truth of the UFO invasion

Source: Redacted

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Sirian Mothership

Source: Sheldan Nidle - PAO

Note: This is an excerpt from the Galactic Gathering in Denver, Colorado in 2009
If interested in knowing more about Sheldan's experiences in Galactic Federation Motherships, check out his video: Tour of a Sirian Mothership.

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Vibrational Matrix

Source: Peggy Black & the Team


We are here to share ideas of the vibrational matrix that creates you, your body and your reality. We will share about the personal matrix, the vibrational field of each human. For it is this energy matrix in which all aspects of life begin.

It is within the energy blueprint, this template, that all life is formed. All life forms on planet earth are held as a blueprint or template in the subtle realms. This energy grid, the sacred geometry of the universe, the master pattern, is held in the sixth dimension.

Each human being resides focused on planet earth in the third and four dimensions. As a multidimensional being, however there are aspects of each human that also reside in the other dimensions. So it is from the sixth dimension that the template of who you are in your present form is held. It is the sixth dimension which holds these master patterns.

We realize that we have expanded your belief of who you are and we can hear your mind questioning, how does this work. Let us say this, imagine yourself as an aspect of divine mind, and the seed matrix of your physical form is held as an energy grid in the sixth dimension.

We have shared the importance of recognizing the energy or vibrational matrix of your reality. The matrixes of your reality are made up of the individual matrixes or energy grids coming together in a new form or weaving.

An example would be a group of people with a common interest who come together and meet regularly; there is a matrix that is formed from their personal energy fields weaving together. The longer they gather the stronger the matrix. Their ideas, emotions, thoughts, beliefs all are a part of this vibrational field.

Remember everything that exists here in form has a matrix. It is these energy fields, these matrixes, that form larger energy fields and hold the collective thought forms and beliefs of mass consciousness. So from that awareness let us now bring you to your personal matrix and blueprint.

What you see and sense as solid and in physical form is only this matrix. It is from this matrix that all change within the human form can be made. There is an awareness and understanding that is taking place in the expanded minds of many humans at this time. The concept that everything is first energy vibrations before it is form has been taught and expressed by all your sages and wise awake ones.

The physical body offers a multitude of grand and rich experiences. It is important to honor and include all the senses. It is also expansive. We have been offering you ideas and thoughts about the vibrational matrix of each individual human. This vibrational matrix has many names aura, charisma, magnetism.

First let us say that you appear to us as vibrational patterns, weavings of energy, light and sound. These patterns and weavings shift and move in constant flow and fluctuation. Your vibrational matrix gives the appearance of the galaxy in all its expanded wonder.

Your scientist and those who are sharing the insights of quantum physics tell you that the human body is mainly space. It is not solid, even though it appears as solid and feels solid. It is space and your atoms shine much like the stars in your night sky.


We are inviting you to stretch into the realms in which you might see your form as we do.

There are some human beings who have the ability to see the vibrational matrix of each human form. They can see the energy weavings of color, sound and light. Most humans can sense, feel or even hear the vibrational matrix of another.

The ability to see, sense or hear this vibrational matrix of another will become more common as each human expands into their multidimensional awareness.

There will be inventions of many sorts that will read and translate these vibrational matrixes. This will greatly assist in the rebalancing and alignment for the well-being of each human being.

We would like to share with you what the vibrational matrix contains and how it is formed. Just as the human vehicle is formed in the mother womb, so begins the energy weaving. Each human form is a collection of vibrations that entwine into patterns.

This vibrational network is created by emotions, thoughts and experiences. Everything that the human being experiences is translated into this vibrational matrix, this vibrational interlace or energy fabric.

The experiences here on this planet and in this dimension are not supportive to the expansion and strengthening of the individual vibrational matrix. The dysfunction and unconsciousness that is commonplace within humanity has created tangles or blockages in the weavings of the energy fields of individuals.

These energy tangles slow or block the flow of divine life. The results are a humanity that is dying.

It is the vibrational matrix that holds the patterns and weavings for the formation of the human body with all its interrelated and interdependent elements. Every cell and atom vibrates at a certain rate, the bones, the blood, all the organs, every aspect of the physical form is held in place and created from this vibrational matrix. The physical form matches the vibrational matrix.

This is a rather simple way to state an incredible complex concept. Those who are aware and expanded have seen, taught and written about aspects of this concept. When there is a flow of energy between your divine blueprint held on the sixth dimension and your physical solid form here in the third/fourth dimension all is well.

You experience your personal well-being, others experience your charisma and life is a full expression of balance and well-being. This state of perfection expressed in the human form is the ideal and the goal.

However the personal matrix and energy field is affected by all that it encounters. From the moment of conception, all the while the body is being formed in the mother’s womb, there is an exchange and blending of the matrix. The family genetics are woven into the matrix; the parents’ strongly held beliefs and emotions are woven into your personal matrix. From the beginning years of childhood, all the experiences and encounters are woven into the personal matrix. The experiences that are painful, scary, fearful, limiting in any way are also woven in, more as blockages or tangles of your energy flow.

It is these blockages and tangles that we would like to assist each human in releasing so that there is a flow once again from your divine blueprint.

As more humans begin to expand into their multidimensional aspects they will become pioneers in this field of aligning and balancing and untangling the energy weavings. Vibrational medicine is the beginning of this awareness.

Remember energy follows thought. You can begin to untangle any aspect of your personal matrix by the very thoughts that you hold and express.

Vibrational medicine as it is being called works on these subtle levels to untangle and release any blockages held from past memory or even the tangles that were given at birth from the family matrix. This is the work that is being done at this time by many awakened beings; it is coming in many forms and in many ways.

So allow yourself today to play with this idea and all of the implications.

Become aware of the places in which you are expanded and the places in which you might have an energy tangle. Remember that this is not a task, so be playful and joy filled in your discovery and expansion of reading your own and another’s vibrational matrix.

Be at peace, Beloved. the 'team'

©2023 Peggy Black All Rights Reserved. Notice is given that the creation of videos by people other than the author, channel and scribe is prohibited. You may share this message and distribute as long as nothing is changed, you credit the author and include this copyright notice and web address. FREE 88 messages available

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