
Friday, February 3, 2023

Phoenix/Comet Imbolc/Lammas Gateway


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Revitalizing the PAO to Zoom Forward

In conjunction with our plans to take PAO in a somewhat different direction, we are introducing the first phase of the new and revitalized organization to coincide with the beginning of this New Year.

As a first step to ushering in PAO’s transition, I redesigned our website to give it a fresh new look: By eliminating a lot of ‘old news’, I am leaving more room for new and relevant items. Thus, those viewers more recently introduced to the PAO mission can learn about Sheldan, our Galactic history and future, and about today’s world and its challenges.

To remain relevant in the today’s more competitive spiritual age, we realized that the time had come when we needed to awaken more people and spread the galactic message even more widely. Our steadfast Laarkmaa friends, Pia and Cullen, came to our aid, kindly arranging introductions to several like-minded internet radio hosts. The exciting outcome: Colleen and I are shortly to embark on the next leg of PAO’s journey – into cyber-radio. We are thrilled! (Stay tuned!)

Sadly, that saying about ‘the best-laid plans’ may well apply to PAO right now. As January began, the tax man swooped down on Colleen. Seems that Sheldan’s eyes were more focused on the Galactics than on day-to-day issues back here on Earth, leaving Colleen with a mountain of unpaid bills and back taxes. She is duty-bound to set these issues to rights before she can proceed. To further complicate matters, Colleen herself is dealing with a range of persistent health issues that make each day a challenge. Still she soldiers on, determined not to disappoint PAO's loyal followers.

We are undeterred and remain excited about our new and improved website, and about PAO’s new direction. We feel that it is the right thing to do now, to reflect a changing world, awaken more people on earth, and be part of the cosmos’s Great Awakening. It will give us yet more ways to continue serving you and bringing you the most up-to-date and relevant information available.

Over these many years, you have joined us, worked shoulder to shoulder with us, to become a dynamic force in this universe. We are unwavering in our mission to help humanity awaken, and ease its passage to higher consciousness.

A timely donation, whatever you can manage, would help us in moving forward. With your support, PAO will soon be zooming toward the stars again!

Peace and Blessings.

PAO Team

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Phoenix/Comet Imbolc/Lammas Gateway

Source: Magenta Pixie

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Time Capsules for Awakening by Lord Merlin

Source: Natalie Glasson-OmNa

It is an honour, it is a great honour that I am able to come forward and to share wisdom and guidance to support your own spiritual evolution.


I, Lord Merlin work closely with the Ascension energies and shifts. I also work closely with the Elementals, Mother Earth, and the Nature Spirits. It is my mission to intertwine these vibrations and dimensions to ensure spiritual Ascension energies are truly integrated with the Nature Kingdom, the Elementals, Mother Earth and all that is the earthly reality. This also means that the Ascension energies are integrating with your own being.

Today, I wish to bring forth an understanding that is emerging as rays of energy, light and wisdom, continuously extending from the Creator. These create phases of Ascension, times of focus, subjects that are focused upon, and so, it means that if you flow with the Ascension energies it is almost like you are partaking in a spiritual school.

The subject matters simply flow into your reality and into your awareness. As you move with the flow of the Ascension process, it is so much easier, more natural and you receive a great volume of support. You do not need to be concerned about what you should be focusing upon, or what is most advantageous for you to focus upon. You simply allow yourself to receive what is guided noticing the blossoming, awakening and shift easily and naturally taking place.

As we recognise the energies coming forth at this time, they are focused upon power and there is an area within the Ascension shift that is focused upon accessing wisdom and knowledge from either past or simultaneous lifetimes. When you work with simultaneous or past lifetimes, it is often that you are discovering areas that require healing or to be released. The blockage or limitation, the tension or whatever is stored within that space can be released, overcome and you can step forward in your Ascension.

However, with the energy coming forward in this time it is all about focusing upon past and simultaneous lifetimes and receiving the greatest gifts from these.

There is a wonderful meditation that many are achieving on the inner planes. I wish to describe it to you and then hopefully you will understand the purpose of this phase of Ascension and the meditation as well.


Many are going into the space, the sanctuary and the ashram of their soul within them. They are sitting in that space, and they are allowing themselves to be surrounded by their soul energy and their creator expression. As they achieve this, they imagine that they are in the most beautiful garden. You might say the garden of the soul.

Before them there is grass, and from this grass crystal jewels emerge. You may see their points sticking out from above the soil.

Gradually these crystals will emerge especially when you focus upon them. You can achieve this in meditation and you can bring your attention to one crystal or jewel and invite it to emerge from the soil within your soul ashram. Allow yourself to pick it up and hold it. To recognise that this is a jewel/crystal holds energy from a past or simultaneous lifetime. This is something that you have been waiting to acknowledge. It might be a skill, a tool, an understanding, or a source of inspiration you have been waiting to receive, because it is something that will impact your reality. Allow yourself to sit with this jewel and let its energy melt into your being.

Imagine it is like an ice cube, as you hold it, it melts into a liquid light that flows into your palms, your arms and into your entire being. Then meditate in the colour of the light, the sensation or simply acknowledge its presence allowing it to integrate into your being.

These are time capsules from past or simultaneous lifetimes and your soul will make sure that you receive the ones that are most appropriate for now.

These time capsules are not about healing the past or a simultaneous lifetimes or letting something go. They encourage you to accept, absorb the truth and your power. What do you discover that will encourage you to be in your power?

There may be many or just one jewel to discover in the garden of your soul. Take time to explore and to absorb what is necessary. If you are unable to understand consciously, or with your mind, what is held within these time capsules, it is okay, you can simply absorb and accept. You may notice in the coming days or weeks something new, a new energy or inspiration. You might find yourself being drawn to a new activity. This will be you awakening your time capsule. And as we have said, it is all about you being in your power. Everything you receive is sacred and will support you in accessing your own divine power.

I, Lord Merlin, guide you to achieve this practice as many are achieving it on the inner planes. To summarise it is to go within your soul.

To imagine it as a garden, to call forth the time capsules for awakening which will support you in empowering your power. Allow yourself to recognise any jewels within the garden. Pick them up, hold them, focus upon them, absorb them like an ice cube, they will melt into your hands.

Let yourself embody these vibrations. I wish you fun, joy and deeper awakening as you discover the time capsules of your past lifetimes or simultaneous lifetimes.

I thank you,
I am Lord Merlin


Metatron & Ashtar February Comet & Leo Moon

Source: Amanda Ellis

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Ask for a Renewed Vision

Source: Judith Kusel


It is time to ask for a renewed vision.

Defining your great soul purpose and calling now as we now need to truly get crystal clear of what we wish to cocreate in the New Golden Age, with love for the greater good of all.

I was given such a profound vision this morning during my early morning meditation, which lifted me into a state of sheer awe and wonder and just tears of its profundity.

It is time to transcend all limitations.

To truly step fully into our mastery and start putting those building blocks into place, as we start laying down the foundations, and ground our visions firmly in the New Earth.

Fill that vision with pure love and pure intent and ask for Divine blessings.

Start sowing the seeds.

Nurture them in the loving and abundant soil of your heart.

Become pregnant with those visions and nurture them in your womb.

Love them.

Prepare to birth them, like a mother preparing for the birth of her precious child.

You are being called for much greater and more profound life and way of living which transcends all you can even imagine right now.

And so it is!

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