
Wednesday, February 22, 2023

All is in Flux


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ISMAEL DOES NOT DISAPPOINT - Webinar ready for downloading


So many of you told us you were energized by Ismael Perez’s first Live Webinar appearance that we just had to bring him back.

And, with the cosmic stakes raised and the dark’s struggle against us intensifying,we think this couldn’t be a better time for his return!

In this Webinar, Ismael discusses the Earth Alliance – who they are, how they are counteracting the effects of weather engineering on our world, and what they are doing to move us toward a new world planetary structure.

He also discusses the future of governments, as well as the presence of benevolent beings on Earth and how they are protecting the ‘God Connection’ in us all.


For those of you who miss Sheldan’s updates, you will find this Webinar blazing with information, clarity of thought, and Ismael’s characteristic comforting realism. He knows, as do we all, that the Light will win this battle.

Subjects to be discussed:

• Benevolent Beings vs Dark Beings
• Weather Events and Geo-Engineering
• Earth Alliance
• Reprogramming Ourselves to Prepare for Timelines
• Coming New World Structure

To make payment and register: Click Here

Cost: $13.95 U.S.

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These two energies I’m feeling on the planet right now are just part of the human evolution

Source: Lorie Ladd

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Breaking the Habits of Duality Focused Living

Source: Nicky Hamid


For many it is hard to believe that Earth has already ascended (shifted to the 5th dimension) because nothing much has appeared to change, except more chaos and less certainty . But not only are you experiencing countless alterations in your bodily feeling, emotions, and mental processes, it is quite clear that none of the structures of the old human life have much substance.

It is just like you, as you knew yourself, and the old world of duality has “lost its grip”. Everyone is trying to cling on to what was “known” but there is no energy to support the old ways any longer.

Life as we knew it is ‘Falling apart”. Nothing works, everything that was, appears flimsy, unsubstantial, empty and ‘gutless’.

So in fact it is all changing and you are being required to take conscious charge of yourself and your life. To make a total commitment to live at another frequency of Being (the “5th dimension and higher , if you will) in order to cocreate with Nova Earth an entirely new way of living and being HUman.

You are here so you obvious chose, at a Soul level, to make the consciousness shift. And you have a choice. To do it the easy way or the hard way.

Any resistance causes you “suffering”. Letting go, waking up, watching and allowing brings peace and joy and magic.

And what do you have to do?

To simply take your place, own your place, as a Soul Being in the HUman experience of raising density, of creating in Unity with all other HUmans, the highest, fullest, and most awesome expression of HUman living based completely on unconditional lovingness.

And the only block to any of the unfoldment of this, your purpose, is the habits of thought, emotion, and action that you have clung to in your expression of being human in duality (a reality of choice through contrast).

So all of us will have old habits and beliefs arising that no longer have any basis whatsoever. Your judgements. And it is not about understanding from the mental mind any of it.

Old habits will die when you can consciously step back into your inner experience of Soul Being, your still point (the void), your HEART, (become centred and quiet and grounded, see the habit just as it is, smile and say quietly “I see you, I no longer need you for you are not who I AM, and it is all OK”.

And thus I would say that if you practise anything simply give yourself time every day to just be with yourself in a grounded manner and do nothing. Just watch. And learn to be totally committed to this until it becomes 24/7.

And when you are having a tougher moment choose this stillness, ask for a Spirit guide or us here, who are making this self same journey. to give you the support of standing with you, and just watch.

Everything, but everything, of the old has no support and is leaving. Either you say goodbye to it with love or you grieve and fight and agonise and suffer over it and it will simply rise again because you are still clinging to something which no longer has substance, no longer serves you.

And if you do not heed your own inner promptings then something in your life will be taken away so that you do wake up.


There is a Chinese saying “The best way to avoid evil is to make energetic progress in the good”.

What WE are saying here is, choose your centre regardless of the outer. Learn to be comfortable and comforted within yourself, then choose how love would see it and take your next step, trusting because you are living from a 5th dimensional sense of Being and thus everything, but everything, sits in a field of total benevolence.

Shine On

I So Love You

PS; You cannot get rid of duality reality while in HUman form.

There is always two sides to everything when we play in mental mind. The trick is not to get fixed on anything nor take ourselves too seriously.


All is in Flux

Source: Judith Kusel


All is great flux, as the old is being spun to the surface, even if deeply buried in our subconscious as well as collective subconscious.

Expect things to be hotting up – and whatever is being churned up or surfacing, or seemingly disruptive or disturbing, simply let go of what you need to let go of within yourself, including fears, and do the inner releasing and healing work. Then let go.

Immediately connect with the Higher Soul Self and the Divine within, and regain your equilibrium. Ask for Divine and cosmic help and assistance, and it will be given.

When we think we cannot go on anymore, help always appears in some form or another, as we are being lovingly carried and supported through these immensely changing times.

The water element is making herself felt in so many ways now, as we now fully enter the Age of Aquarius. Water is flexible and fluid. Water retains memory and water is filled with sacred geometries and sacred life giving force.

Water flows, and finds new pathways, and invents new flow. It cleanses and clears, and it brings new life into form and being. Our bodies consist mainly of water. There is water on the earth and within the earth there are underground rivers, springs, and oceans as well!

When you go into outer space, there is liquid Water, and not air. One of the Astronauts nearly drowned in outer space, trying to do a spacewalk, because water got into his breathing equipment. There is a ring of water around the planet and everywhere in space.

Water is often associated with feelings, deep feelings. Thus water responds to loving energy and amplifies it. Negative enegy distorts the water patterns.

We will find we become more and more sensitive to negative energy and energy fields. Water cannot be structurized, it flows where it wills.

We too now as we become more liquid, will not be able to hold structurized life and existence any longer. We are becoming more fluid, flexible, flowing and in the process, we like the water element, as opening new pathways, new lifeforms, new beginnings as we now co-create the New Golden Age, within ourselves and outside ourselves.

We are indeed the fluid in love, with love, and through love.

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SEEING Earth Energy

Source: Pia Orleane

Today is 1 Universal energy and Seeing Earth energy before sunset and 2 Intuiting at sunset.

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We are living in a very intense period that has been accelerating since February 11, when Pluto, the planet of transformation, moved into its most extreme degree in Capricorn, giving us its maximum push towards what needs to change within us and on our planet. The Western astrological sign of Capricorn is all about structures. We are seeing the structures of our governments, medical institutions, relationships, and society in general fall apart. We are seeing the structures of our bodies change. We are seeing the very bones of the Earth experience extremely chaotic transformations as Earth seeks her new form.

From the Pleiadian-Earth energy viewpoint, we are in the field of Seeing Earth Energy that began yesterday at sunset and will last until March 6th. Seeing Energy enhances our ability to see the details of life. Often our tendency in this energy is to focus on the minutiae of what needs correction, which can lead us to making rash choices without seeing the larger picture. But Seeing Energy encourages us to use and enhance our vision so that we can see the Big Picture. We know that we have been distracted by the details of mandates and controlling regulations that have controlled our lives for the last 3 years, without seeing the Big Picture of the Agenda behind them. Now people are waking up. Now people are beginning to see the larger reality, which allows us to better understand the choices we need to make individually and collectively to take back our lives and our planet. We are reminded and encouraged during this period to live from Ahimsa and make choices that are for the highest good for all (Ahimsa means “Do no harm.”)

But in seeing the larger picture, we need to also see the positive that is arriving as more light is generated into the cells of our bodies from solar flares and other cosmic gifts. More light means that we are moving towards more light-filled, crystalline bodies rather than the dense physical forms that our spirits are accustomed to wearing. We need to find a new way of viewing what we are experiencing, for humanity has never been through such an intense time of physical, mental, and emotional symptoms of the process of Ascension. Aches and pains, extreme fatigue, dizziness, brain fog, insomnia, and digestive distress are some of the signals that our physical forms are incorporating more of the arriving light into our cells and adapting/adjusting to a new kind of physicality. Any birth brings pain in the process, and the new forms we are birthing are no exception.

The new Super Moon in Pisces that arrived just 2 days ago just prior to our moving into Seeing Earth Energy, preceded the energetic possibilities for new ideas and visions of the future that are coming into focus. Blessed by a New Super Moon in Pisces, we are more likely to use our intuition rather than relying upon tired, outdated systems of logic. If we tune into Seeing Energy, wonderful ideas for co-creating a better future will pour into us through our adjusted vision and way of seeing life and evolution.

This does not mean that conflict will disappear. On the contrary, dynamic tension will continue to increase as we approach the Spring Equinox and the passage of Pluto into Aquarius. With our enhanced vision, we must remember to look at all areas of conflict as a cosmic incentive for us to rebel against what is not working and step forward in unity and integrity claiming how we choose to live, mandated by our High Selves and our hearts, not by any governmental or regulatory agency.

With kindness, compassion, and love,


Get the new 2023 Pleiadian-Earth Energy Calendar online to find out each day’s energy-click here

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