
Wednesday, February 8, 2023

---"AGARTHA, LIFE INSIDE THE EARTH: .... Remember, the inner Earth is not the same as the outer Earth,



Remember, the inner Earth is not the same as the outer Earth, because the inner Earth is a 5D reality, fully conscious beings live there...

The outer part of every planet is where the diversity of the most fragile, delicate, and important ecosystems are found...

Therefore, it is normal for fully conscious galactic humans to be inside the planets, because through the laws of physics of vortex relating to how all things we see were created, the stars, planets etc, are all hollow....

This inner world, this Inner Earth, will be the 5D reality, the home for humanity on Earth when we complete the transition to fully conscious beings.

It's a site of extraordinary beauty and a fitting snapshot of how Gaia will look again.

Let's take a look, the base of this when we got here approximately 900,000,000 years ago was this huge world. This is the largest continent on Earth, it's known as Lemuria.

The ancient name similar to Mu, simply means the first mother in Lemurian, in this great place is where it all began. When I was in Hawaii I could contact people but I just wasn't a great climber so I couldn't go.

There are actually people who know where some of the ancient Lemuria ruins on Mount Haleakala are, so let's face it, it's real, it's not made up.

This is an incredible story, but there's also an inside-Earth piece to this.

Being fully conscious beings, even those who were very ethereal as were the humans who originally lived in the superficial world of Lemuria, knew and fully understood that ultimately, the basis for being part of a global administration on this planet was to live within.

We will talk about the history of Agartha, why Lemuria is not there. Agartha is the last living remnant of Lemuria, which was colonized 900,000 years ago as I said.

Lemuria was colonized by the top 50 human star nations of the Galactic Federation of Light. The inner part of Lemuria is allegedly Agartha, the surface part of Lemurian, sank during an attack triggered by the Atlantis almost 25,000 years ago.

Let's continue, as I said, all planets are hollow orbs, they're not solid. This is an example of how the Earth looks from the inside and this is the area, which looks like the outside, as I said, the inside and the outside are just continuation of each other...

The difference at this time is due to the need to 3D down on the outside, because 3D vibrations are what allow us to exist....

The 5D world is different, it has another expansion, in fact when we become fully aware and the whole planet meets, this planet will actually have a much larger diameter than it has now, it will expand....

This is a view of the inside of our Earth, this is the central sun about 800 miles in diameter, the central nucleus that floats because it is the atmosphere....

The planet’s exterior atmosphere moves inward and then outward, which means there’s something special about the entrances. There are special energies that allow 5D energies to become 3D....

They also act like a wall, if the Underworlds don't want you to enter inside, it can stop you. It's what has happened a few times with our military that they have had unpleasant episodes because of what they intended to do to the Aghartians....

So remember, the interior has trees, it has lakes, it has oceans, it has continents. It basically looks like the outside, except it's much more beautiful because it retains its 5D reality....

There are small clouds around your Sun, that's why people who saw it for the first time in the 19th century called it the Smoking God....



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