
Tuesday, January 31, 2023

The green comet can be sighted any time starting today. Your energy directly impacts


The green comet can be sighted any time starting today.
Your energy directly impacts your groove.
We are in times, where we no longer have to, make sacrifices, rituals, have extreme discipline.
The most important thing is, whatever you do, enjoy it, do it with joy.
New frequencies are coming, that were never on earth.
These are cleaning, temporary lines and henceforth, karmas, contracts and programs that tied us to them.
By increasing the frequency of the heart center, this becomes the predominant channel, it is the best way for the mind to yield its power to feeling.
Everything that comes is new.
You can no longer project, or guess.
The big plumbers, aren't being informed of what's coming.
This plan is going to shock us all.
I can only tell you that the veils are running, it changes our perspective, it disables our beliefs.
When the dimensional connection opens, we can understand that everything is united and manifested with different facets of the same prism.
Welcome to the golden age!!!

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